22 source HIVIAIDS SERVICES AIDS HOTLINES Vermont 800-882-2437 New Hampshire 800-752-2437 New York 800-541-2437 Maine B00-851-2437 Massachusetts 617-522-4090 National 800-342-2437 National TTY 800-243-7889 Teen Hotline 800-234-TEEN AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) POB 608 St. Johnsbury 05819 748-1149 AIDS Community Resource Network (ACoRN) 85 Mechanic Street, Suite 240, . Lebannon NH 03766 800-816-2220 295-8777 Email: acorn @va||ey.net AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region 800-639-7903 AIDS Project of Southern Vermont Brattleboro POB 1486 67 Main St 05302 254-8263 254-4444 Email: baap@sover.net Bennington P.O. Box 4264 359 Main St., 05201 447-8007 Bennington Area AIDS Project POB 1066 Bennington VT 05201 800-845-2437 442-4481 Comprehensive Care Clinics Hotline: 800-763-2460 ' Brattleboro VT: 257-8860 Burlington VT: 656-4594 Rutland VT: 747-1831 St. Johnsbury VT: 748-7361 IMANI Health institute For people of all colors. 294 N. Winooski Ave POB 5003 Burlington VT 05402 864-2631 Fax: 864-2632 Email: imani@together.net National Assoc. for People with AIDS 202-898-0414 .- NHNT HIV information Network www.dartmoulh .ed u/~hivnet/ Vermont CARES Anonymous HIV Counseling and Testing, services and prevention for peo- ple living with and at risk for HIV www.vtcares.com Oral HIV Testing. 800-649-2437 Burlington POB 5248, 05402 800-649-2437 Montpelier PO Box 275, 05601 229-4560 Rutland PO Box 6033, 05601 775-5884 St. Johnsbury 1235 Hospital Dr., 05819 748-9061 Vermont Deaf AIDS Project Brattleboro VT 05302 800-257-1123 TTY: 800-253-0195 FAX: 257-2013 Vermont Dept. of Health AIDS Program 108 Cherry St. Burlington 05402 863-7245 Vermont HIVIAIDS Education Network POB 1784 Burlington VT 05402 Jonathon Radigan 862-1668 Vermont People With AIDS Coalition PCB 11 Montpelier VT 05601 777-0235 229- 5754 Email: vtpwac@sover.net Web: www.vlpwac.org Washington County AIDS Network Allison, 229-4560 LEGAL American civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 110 E. State St. Montpelier VT 05602 223- 6304 Email: acluvt@aol.com Web: members.aol.com/acluvt/home.html Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) Legal information Hotline & Lawyer Referal Service available 1:30 - 4:30 Mon - Fri in English 8. Spanish Email: g|adiaw@g|ad.org Web: www.gIad.org Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN). Free legal aid for military service- members harmed by Don't Ask, Don't Tell. POB 65301, Washington, DC 20035. 202-328-3244. www.sldn.org Vermont Human Rights commission 135 State St. Montpelier VT 05633-6301 828- 2480 800-416-2010 (both voice/1 TY) Vermont Office of the Attorney General Kate Hayes Assistant Attorney General for Civl Rights 109 State Street Montpelier VT 05609-1001 828-3189 828-3665 (TTY) 828- 3187 (FAX) Email: khayes@atg.state.vt.us Web: www.state.vt.us/atg/civil%20rights.htm MEDIA Guys Like Us Newsletter c/o Brian Dougherty NH AIDS Foundation 1087 Elm St. #501 POB 59 Manchester NH 03105 800-639-1122 briannhaf@aol.com Hear Us OUT POB 285 Brattleboro VT 05302 257-0332 H.O.T Flashes Newsletter of BAAP Men's HIV Outreach Team POB 1486 Brattleboro VT 05302 254-8263 Email: men@sover.net Mountain Pride Media, Inc. Publisher of Out in The Mountains POB 1078 Richmond VT 05477 Email: mpm@mountainpridemedia.org Web: www.mountainpridemedia.org The Noel and Yves Show, Public Access TV Show c/o Iris Productions Unltd., inc. 19 Steeple Place. St. Johnsbury VT 05819. noe|andyves@charter.net Pink Pages GLBT Yellow Pages for New England 66 Charles Street #283 Boston MA 02114 617- 423-1515 Email: kpmedia@aol.com Web: _wvvw.linkpink.com The Prism Newsletter POB 807 Potsdam NY 13676 315-265-3605 Web: www.northnet.org/prismg Reaching Out (Youth Zine) POB 5235, Burlington VT 05401. 865-9677 or -1-800-GLB-CHAT. info@outrightvt.org Vermont Rainbow Connection TV program c/o lavender visions-productions, inc. POB 307 Saint Albans VT 05478 Email: |avender@together.net Gay Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St. Pittsford VT 05763-9317 Bob, 483-6739 Men Alive! foxnrose@pshift.com 865-2247 ‘ The Men's Group, tri-state Bennington, area, GBTQ men, Social, Education, and Fun. For info, Charlie at 802-447-8007 or cfrnartin@sover.net Minotaurs Brotherhood Leather & Levi's Club POB 2141 Concord NH 03302-2141 603-753-9059 Email: MinotaurBC@aol.com Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124 Keene NH 03431 603-357-5544 Email: MonadGay@aol.com Web: www.monadnockgaymen.com One in Ten Project Discussion/social group Claremont NH Brian, 800-639-7903 The Men's Program Social &' Educational events for Gay and Bisexual Men Glenn 254-8263 men@sover.net MULTICULTURAL Kwanzaa POB 583 Burlington VT 05402-0583 Sister to Sister Hermana y I-iermana ALANA Community Organization 8 Williston St. Brattleboro VT 05301 254-2972 Email: acs@together.net, www.alanacommunity.org Women of Color Alliance POB 1534 Burlington VT 05402 660-0606 PHILANTH ROPIES Samara Foundation of VT Bill Lippert, Executive Director PO Box 1263 90 Main St Burlington VT 05402 860-6236 FAX: 860-6315 Email: info@samarafcunda- tion.org Web: www.samarafoundation.org POLITICAL Equality Vermont (formerly VCLGR) POB 1125 Montpelier VT 05602 888-825-4989 Virginia Renfrew, 496-4333 Keith Goslant, 454-8552 www.equa|ityvt.org Gay info Line of NH 26 South Main St Box 181 Concord NH 03301 603-224-1686 Email: gayinfonh @aol.com HlV+ Public Policy Project, Inc. POB 5811 Burlington VT 05402 800-649-2437 (day) 655-8255 (evenings) Fax: 864-7730 Email: HlVp3@ade|phia.net Log Cabin Republicans James Campbell, Grass Roots Field Director 888-846-2930, jcampbe|l@|cr.org, www.|cr.org Nashua Pride 423-3 Amherst St., Ste 113 Nashua NH 03063 Gil, 603-881-9522 OneINH Freedom to Marry Coalition POB 3605 Concord NH 03302 603-224-1686 Email: ONEofNH @aol.com Peace and Justice Center 21 Church St. Burlington VT 05401 863-8326 Pride Vermont Committee POB 1433 Burlington VT 05402 864-3455 Vermonters for Civil Unions Legislative Defense Fund POB 1038 Middlebury VT 05753 899-2930 Web: www.vtmarriageaction.org Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force POB 1312 Middlebury VT 05753 388-2633 Email: coord @vtfreetomarry.org Web: www.vtfreetomarry.org Vermont Grassroots Party. lnfo@vtgrass- rootsparty.org. www.vtgrassrootsparty.org PROFESSIONAL CVOEO-MicroBusiness Development Program Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle Counties 800-287-7971 860-1417 Web: www.vtmicrobusiness.org EAGLE (IBM employees) George Belansek, 802-769-6407. georgeb@us.ibm.com and James Garris, 802- 769-1547. j7garris@us.ibm.com Web: pdcarey.pok.ibm.com/EAGLE/eagie.html Gay at Lesbian Employees at Middlebury Carrie Rampp 443-2451 E-mail: rampp@mid- dlebury.edu www.middiebury.edu/~gleam National Lesbian 8: Gay Journalists Association New England Chapter Barbara Dozetos, 4641 River Road, New Haven VT 05472 388-2735 Web: wvvw.n|gja.org Email:Barbara@aboveio|d.com Vermont-NEA GLB Educators and Their Allies Bill Cavanaugh POB 156 West Pawlet VT 05775 645-9630 Women's Small Business Prograrnl Vermont Women's Business Center Trinity College 208 Colchester Ave. Burlington VT 05401 877-770-VWBC 864-7338 RECREATION Burlington FiU12 Community Center PO Box 5883 Burlington VT 05402-5883 860- RU12 (7812) Email: thecenter@ru12.org Web: www.ru1 2.org Champlain Valley Frontrunners (Running Club) Frank Haddleton, 434-6062 David Steinberg, 518-563-4307 Email: d_m_steinberg@yahoo.com, . www.frontrunners.org Chiltern Mountain Club Hiking, biking, kayaking, skiing, camping, white water rafting. Bob Bland, 888-831-3100 Cindy Clemence, 429-2308 Email: bIand@sover.net Web: www.chiltern.org/chiltern Green Mountain Freedom Band c/o Peter Thomas POB 1024 St. Albans VT 05478 878-1123 Email: greenmountainfree- domband@yahoo.com Lavender Visions Productions, inc. PO Box 307 St. Albans VT 05478 849-2739 Web: www.together.net/~lavendar Lesbian Book Group Meets monthly in Putney, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month. Novels, memoirs, poet— ’ ry, and non-fiction books by women authors. Tatiana 802-387-2781 , tatianas @ sover.net -Out North Ski Club Email: outnorthskiclub@hotmai|.com Poetry Workshops David Weinstock 388-7523 The Samadhi Singers Community based GLBT chorus. Rehearsals every Sunday in Burlington. Call 658-5313 for more information, All voices welcome. TOWANDA VT-NY-NH ' g outdoor club for women Terry or Sally 878- DYKE (3953) Email: Towanda@together.net Theatre on a Shoestring POB 1012 Burlington VT 05402 888-212-5884 Email: info@theatreshoe.com Web: www.the- atreshoe.com Vermont Gay Men's Chorus POB 123, Mclndoe Falls, VT 05050, 802-633-2389, robnyves @ hotmail .com SOCIAL Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (ALMA) PO Box 1845 Keene NH 03431 Email: almakeene@yahoo.com Barony of All Vermont POB 1351 Nonrvich VT 05055 Email: barony- ofa|Ivermont@yahoo.com Gay Lesbian and Transgender Social Group Drug and alcohol free Saturdays 8pm - Midnight BJ, 603-272-5815 Out in the Valley White River Junction VT, Hanover & Lebanon NH Daniel Guertin Email: I webmaster@outintheval|ey.org Web: www.out- inthevalley.org Schmoozetests. 4 Seasonal events (Nov 02, Feb 03, Apr 03, June 03) for Men Who Love Men. Meet others from Springfield to Brattleboro... and beyond! FMI: Allan Amaboldi at (413) 352-9887 x 10 or aarnaboldi@mensresourcecenter.org Vermont Gay Social Alternatives POB 237 Burlington VT 05402-0237 865-3669 Email: vtvgsa@hotmail.com Web: www.VGSA.com continued on page 28