issues. They have supported the activities and seek to become mem- bers of both the Burlington Anti-War and the Burlington Anti-Racism coalitions. Promoting awareness of queer issues in these movements helps to ensure a bright future for all Vennonters. Finally, mark your calen- dars now for the R.U.1.2? Annual Dinner and Silent Auction, coming up fast on April 19th. This year marks the 20th year that Alison Bechdel, author of “Dykes to Watch Out For," has been publishing queer cartoons. In an exciting develop- ment, we look fowvard to welcoming Alison as this year's R.U.1.2? Annual Dinner keynote speaker. At the dinner, she will look back on her career and the changes in society that her drawings have chronicled. The event will also feature the tri- umphant return to Vermont of a cer- tain soul-pop drag queen and her brand new plastic family Stay‘ tuned for more info. . « So stop and say hello to the gang at their Headquarters in the Vlfing Building at 1 Steele Street in Burlington. There are a variety of opportunities to help by volunteering on one of the program or event committees. Or drop them a note at They appreci- ate all of your feedback. Womynetplay Play Games and More Womynetplay, a program sponsored by the R.U.1.2? Community Center, strives to create social network opportunities for queer womyn. We meet every other Sunday during the women's social group at R.U.1.2? to plan upcoming events, hang out and socialize. From discussions generatedat the Women's Social, Womynetplay organizes and plans activities|ude on a monthly calendar. Our scheduled activities have included meeting to: attend UVM Women's Basketball games, ice skating, snow boarding, bowling, discussion groups, dinners, First Friday’s Womyn‘s dance, and R.U.1.2?-sponsored events such as Gayme Night, Book Club, Movie Night, the.Coffeehouse and the Women's Social. Womynetplay seeks to build a community of queer womyn by connecting womyn with each other, to Vermont resources and the R.U.1.2? Community Center. We invite women to attend our events, bring their thoughts and ideas to planning Womynetplay activities and to enjoy the Vermont queer community. For more information about Womynetplay contact commamisy compass R.U.1.2? at (802) 660-7812. Safespace I-las Outreach Materials Safespace currently offers services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen- der, queer, and questioning sur- vivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and hate crimes. A vast majority of violence that occurs against and within the LGBTQQ communities is never reported and the survivors remain unsupported. — We now offer brochures, posters, and wallet size outreach cards free of charge that promote our programs and services. Please 1 contact us to find out how to make our outreach materials available at an agency or business you fre- quent. ’ We are available to pres- ent a variety of trainings and work- shops that address violence in the lives LGBTQQ people in your com- munity free of charge. To order out- reach materials please call Mike Bensel at 802-863-0003 or email Winter Schmoozefest Want to get rid of the winter blues? Need a place to meet and interact with a diverse group of gay/bisexu- al/questioning/queer men in an ele- gant atmosphere that is free of alco- hol, smoke, and loud music? Up for some delicious food, interesting art, and delightful musical entertain- ment? Well, you can have it all and more at the “Winter Schmoozefest” co-sponsored by the Men’s Resource Center (MRC) of Western Massachusetts and Tapestry Health Systems. This will be the second of four seasonal Schmoozefest events that draw men from a wide geo- graphical area. Some men come on their own, some come with their sig- nificant others, and some come with their cluster of friends to make con- nection with other GBQ guys for socializing and just plain good times. Our Autumn Schmoozefest drew 86 men from six states! Our Winter Schmoozefest will have catered hors—d'oeuvres and desserts, a cappuccino bar, and a display of art by several area GBQ artists. During a part of this event there will also be a live musi- cal performance. This is a great opportunity to meet a lot of men with common interests and to per- haps make new friends or meet men to date. it's also a great way to find out about other venues for meeting like-minded individuals and about events and organizations that draw GLBTQ people. Advance tickets are $10 and can be purchased at: T.H.E. Men’s Program in Brattleboro, VT; World Eye Bookshop in Greenfield, MA; Beyond Words Bookshop and The GLBT Community Center, both in Northampton; MA; Tapestry Health Systems in Springfield, MA; and the Men's Resource Center in Amherst, MA. Tickets can also be purchased at the door for $12; there will be reduced fee tickets at the door as well. If you are an artist, who would like to have your art on display at the gathering, call Carl Erikson at the MRC (413-253-9887 x13) for information. While the art will not be'on sale there, it is a 2 great way to have people become familiar with local artists and to get contact information for viewing or purchasing art atother times. For any other information about the event, call Allan Arnaboldi, at the number above '(x10) or email him at The Stonewall Center, the LBGT Graduate Student‘ Organization, and the MRC will also be co-sponsoring a performance of the Kinsey Sicks, America‘s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet, at 7 pm the same evening at Bowker Auditorium, Stockbridge Hall, at UMass, in Amherst. For more information about that event call (413) 545-4824. Why not have a pleasure-filled day by attending both events? We hope to see you at the Garden House. MPM: Old Archives, New Raffle This issue of Out In The Mountains marks the start of our 17th year in publication. In 2001 we launched our OITM Online Archive project. The goal of this project is to build a complete online archive of all issues of OITM. A core group of volunteers has been busily working to make this dream a reality. To date the “Archive Team” has retyped 51 issues of O/TM and 32 have been posted to the archive on our web site. We continue to look for'funding for this project as we still have about 6 years (volumes) to go. If you are interested in becoming part of the Archive Team contact us at During the reorganization of the office hardcopy archive at the O/TM office, we discovered that we are missing some issues. if you have a copy of any of the following issues that you could donate to O/TM to complete our office archive we would be very grateful. The missing issues are May 1988, January 1989, February 1989 and October 1996. issues can be mailed to OITM — Attn: Archive Project — POB 1078 — Richmond, VT 05477. Looking to make some extra money to pay off those holi- .day bills? Consider becoming an advertising rep for Out in The Mountains. Just give us a call at 802-434-5237 or email us at . Each month, Mountain Pride Media acknowledges the indi- viduals who help get O_ut In The Mountains out into the community by coming to our monthly stuffing night. This month we send out our thanks to Roland, Tania, Euan, James, Michael, Stephen, Paul, “ Marsha, Daryl,‘ Riok."ba‘n, and Susan. Our February “Stuffing” night will be on Thursday, February 27th at our offices in Richmond (above The Daily Bread) starting at around 5 p.m. Please feel free to join us. We currently have two routes that are in need of new distri- bution volunteers: St. Albans and Plattsburgh, NY. We are also look- ing for couriers to deliver papers throughout the state to our distribu- tion volunteers. For more informa- tion please contact us at circula- tion@mountainpn' or call us at 802-434-6486. ‘ Have you entered Mountain Pride Media's 2003 Think Spring Raffle yet? Look for our ad and entry form in this issue of O/TM or download one from our web site. Tickets are just $25 or five for $100; only 300 will be sold. The prize drawings will be held on the first day of spring, March 21st. Get your tickets today; like the snow, they won't last much longer. Pride VT Dinner-Plus It's the heart of winter and the Pride Vermont Committee is eagerly look- ing ahead to the warmer months and the month of June. The 21st Annual Vermont Pride Parade and Festival in downtown Burlington and the Waterfront is set to take place on Saturday, June 14th amidst a month of celebrations and educa- tional events. This month Pride Vennont ' will be hosting a fundraiser in Burlington to benefit the 30 Days of Pride events held around the state and the Waterfront Festival in June. _ On Friday, February 21st‘ join therjride Vennont Board and commu ty members for an evening of finecuisine and dancing. The evening will kick off at 6 pm at Parima Thai Restaurant, 185 Pearl Street, Burlington with dinner being served at 7 pm. The evening will also include a silent auction with many great gift packages available for bidding. After dinner and the auction, everyone is invited to move down the street to 135 Pearl for a _ lovely night of dancing with dj Craig Mitchell. Tickets for this fundraiser will be $20 and include the dinner and entry later to the club. For more information on purchasing tickets, please contact Brian Cina at (802) 859-9238 or log_onto wvvw.pridever- through the internet, OutRight Keepin’ On 2003 has kicked off in a serious way. So many new faces here & & just so much fun to be had! .BE-if.‘ 1. sure to check out our always fabu- lous website for the latest 8. great- est info on us: or give us a ring at the office: 802-865- 9677. We hold true to our commit- ment to educate Vermont on queer youth issues while supporting & out- reaching to youth around the state. Our staff is available for workshops & trainings on a variety of topics relating to issues facing queer youth in Vermont. For more information ‘contact BJ Rogers at Outright, (802) 865-9677. We also have the Cliff Rivers Memorial library available for additional information for youth & their allies located here at our office at 187 St. Paul St. All events at Outright are FREE & Confidential for youth ages 22 and under. Lights. Curtain, Theatre on a Shoestring Auditions! Theatre on a Shoestring, a local non—profit theatre company, will hold auditions for Same Time, Another Year and Crazy and a Half Wednesday - Friday, February 26- 28 from 7-9PM in the Merlin Suite at the University Inn and Suites in South Burlington. We are looking for a large range of actors in age and experience. Productions are set for late May and early June. For details on characters and audition times, check out TOAS’ website at Download an audition form online and bring it with you completed with a photo to the auditions to save time, if possi- ble. If you would like more informa- tion, contact TOAS toll free at 888- 212-5884 (*3, if no answer). V