. _ ‘x’. xx, ing like it.” My friend was raving about a product called “pocket t’s amazing,” Paul ~ gushed. “There’s noth- * penis” that -he’d been turned on to ‘ by a casual-sex buddy. The sensa- i tion‘ generated by the masturba- tion sleeve was so glorious that ' Paul, who’s usually quite shy, felt [compelled to effuse about the » ’ wienerwonder not just with ' friends but to perfect strangers, as well. ' ‘ I passed along Paul’s wrupenile pleasure report ‘to another friend. Brett responded apprecia- tively and also told me about a -gadget that he’d been using with marvelous results. It attaches to the underside of the penis, between the head and shaft, and sends mild electrical pulses to the I sensitive area. It had been cus- i...,:;;.lE,a_r.:h __of us fiwould share jfifgetails about a §§.,.:[§C§flt boyfriend Est?! ghad special sexual ;.,,,,_taler1_t that could , appreciated _.l)y,someone else. tom-made by one of Brett’s ex- boyfriends and given to him as parting gift when their relation- ship ended. Brett reminded me "of « the time I took him to a gathering at my friend Todd’s apartment. Todd was my window into the world of leather and kink and my mentor on many occasions when situations arose and I needed his guidance. Every six weeks or so, Todd would invite a group ofus to his place for how-to demon- strations and a forum for - «~06; Teri a Fri nd exchanging tips, ideas and, often, the names of former tricks and boyfriends who were particularly skilled at certain things. Several times a year, Todd would invite friends of his who owned or managed stores that specialized in adult toys to come to the parties. You really haven’t lived ’til you’ve been in a - room full of gay men brandishing dildos and discussing the relative merits of the various sizes and shapes. We often named the dil- dos, based on their resemblance to former sex partners. Todd would ask the toy merchants to show how their wares were worn and used. Considering how complicated some of the genital harnesses and other accessories could be, the lessons were informative as well as entertaining._To many of us, buying sex toys in a setting like Todd’s parties was more appeal- ing than going into a seedy shop to make a similar purchase. As much as I enjoyed the how-to, where-to and when-to lessons and demonstrations, it was the anecdotal information shared by the other men that.pro— vided the most fun. It was at one of Todd’s parties that I learned about how the application of a handful of ice to one’s testicles — right at the moment of ejaculation —— can provide a remarkably high- flying release. Anther guy was an expert on what fruit sauces, whipped cream and chocolate made the best combination for eating off someone else’s body. My friend, Joey, had a list of the Manhattan department stores with the most active restrooms for workday and weekend quickies. He’d done exhaustive research and showed us a notebook filled with locations, times and even drawings of the restroom layouts. Of course, we had that dual- edged moment of erotic fascina- tion with his information and unnerved concern that our friend had too much time on his hands and was spending too much time on his knees. Todd always initiated the boyfriend- and trick-recycling part of the parties. Each of us I would share details about a recent boyfriend or trick with whom we were no longer involved but who had a redeeming quality (usually a special sexual talent) that could be appreciated by someone else. I remember telling the guys about a guy I dated for a while who was really into licking in and around my ears. That activity has always made me involuntarily shake my head like a cocker spaniel and, so, the obsessive ear- licker was of no long-terrn inter- est to me. Another guy at that party absolutely loved having his ears worked that way and I gave him the licker’s phone number and my blessing. I got hooked up with a guy I dated for three weeks by another one of Todd’s party-goers who didn’t like his nipples worked. His castoff was very into nipples and I reaped the rewards. I didn’t bargain for him being into nipples to the exclusion of other erogenous zones but the upshot, no pun intended, was that we both enjoyed the three weeks we were dating and both moved on to other relationships amica- bly. With our toys and expe- riences, we should all be more like the old Breck shampoo com- mercial. Tell two friends and they’ll tell two friends and so on and so on. Share the tips and share the fun. It’s amazing. There’s nothing like it. v D. Scott-Bush is work appears in publications throughout the coun- try. E-mail maybe directed to NakedCuri0sity@a0I. com. ©2002 “The Best Restaurant in Town! ” John Powers, The Boston Globe ' ‘ .*orh.‘m:iinp%anion.atid‘Ihavehad That may prove to'be.&_1“ ” ' _ ag"ai_'n_,; off-again‘-contacts with the ‘:l?a§1i.499'=f°?»¥h¢ 4P=*“..‘.9 Yea“- ' Personally/,.—I al__sp believe that ETs exist — the universe is far too vast for we Earthlings to be alone. But I’m not convinced of the Raelian belief that we Earthlings were created by ETs in alien laboratories. The very notion begs the question, “If ETs created us, then who created the ETs?” V Skeeter Sanders is, a frequent contributor to Out in the Mountains who lives in St. Albans. Hrs ‘t:o.i~ii,~Jr§:<:rICti1‘-Itivfin.-:1 V j -CANADIA:Nq._l3QRDER* I- Yezmjo 3'05 4 22: VV “' VV. 1'8 21 Janet Langdon, M. Div‘. MCPsyA Psychoanalysis Pastoral Counseling Individualséi Couples Jungian orientation NOW IN NORTHAMPTON 9 Center C_fo_iirft, 413-534-2442 and still-on River: Road, Putney, vr 05346 802-387-5547 j|ies|@sover.net