ayity “I0 I35!" UBIIIIIIIIIIIS SIIGIII Ilia GIG I'll! Bl'B0l' Your R y “ s r " - - wa»+°«‘%~e" hv woaww c<;;;_;gg»3;- w:’J?.§’¢.;': ’3‘£.‘.">’;*.":’ '+";?L"§.‘:3,’:‘.’=‘»’ ,",,;M, ‘W A weekend: know: % "°* ‘' wedding- so Mefhjny +00 coMp(:ca+ed.. I Mean,‘ you live an A-lrlama. La und rateria Yeh. W 600 Miles ’ . "‘. w u V ,0. 3.. "'"" ""‘"""”°‘°‘"’ "€::.::‘zu::':::§: ewe?-»’« so!-‘flier. chance +0 mee+ we fO(kfo Leas/In’ on a mfdrme mm... agreed: Hm 10+“, You shoutd _ We-'6 hgve » ' More hme M <.3°M.m’ M . a Imam-re mu -ta Georyfa. ,Myva?+. My Mow: y '*°:,2zz*:..‘.***°* So is a goodassistant. Unfortunately the chintzy ‘ UN bureaucracy has only provided a V ‘sandy and 3 unqualified I ";“::..' y intern... ‘ V V. gdbd flying carpet is zcnsidered A s Aufia! when traveling to Iraq on a ' ‘ uperjsa;cra.t mission to ‘ ' ' . unlnd ‘h90‘4fl'§ ' you be wearing your Imam fez! You Hon.’ lmeu-M can you grab my _ handbag-’ . yeah veal: grab your own Rankin’ hondbaa (adv... . ,wAg:|, the last time flIV3t.dumg:§g:¢ 3- ln3p9G*'°”5' 5”‘ '3‘: ‘W99’ ‘".""" 5“‘¥“d that they were going to save the work! , _,,,,,,, M, °'“'-‘ 5 9-‘ """“_“‘*' , (and get back to thair holiday shopping); +em,;,,_, ;., E5 was tonttract Saddam's attention... QIVEIC W6Ck ‘ . :, C.’ % _ -- 2.- .,,_ \ I _‘ “ . " -’ dgv-an 7.2:. ‘ infer»; 4 V . flngr 3,‘.'§.‘£‘.... ..'::-1.‘,°:.::¢ ' % °* . ‘ . dim? waited . cw twee noises. Va ezo. diinxa n Fride’ Media Fog 1078, Richmond, VT 05477 I111 Hhis fornidr s‘u‘bsc‘ri_l.)e online: V I www.m‘ounta|npridemedia.orgJ