--¢ p O . :7: Q Your G Hey, Mr. Frank! I My girlfriend has a habit that is nastyand, when she does it in public, it totally embarrasses me. i swear to God. l am actually blushing as i type this letter to you. What she does is she rubs herself all the time. it’s kind of like the female equiv- alent of the athletes who look like th_ey’_re always adjusting and kind of playing with themselves, - At first. I thought she had an itching problem that she needed like a yeast infection cream for sol asked if she was ok down there and she said she was fine and kept rubbing all around. it’s not _ like Im a prude. I am absolutely fine with 1 sex and the sex we have is really good but I can’t get past the rubbing and finger- ing around her vagina when we're out at the movies or in a restaurant. l have tried to talk to her about it but she doesn’t think it’s aproblem and doesn’t really seem to be conscious that she’s doing it. All i can say is it damn i sure annoys and ernbarrasses me. Signed, Elise ' Dear Elise. Your girlfriends rubbing clearly rubs you __ I the wrong way. I can’t say that I blame you. though it doesn’t sound like she’s doing it intentionally. Habits like that often spring from the simplest origins. Baseball" , players adjust their protective gear when it shifts or scratch an itchy spot where a jookstraps movement has chafed the skin. The more frequently those scratches V _ V dog sit for him and his wife, whenith ’ wanton a trip with his witessiste ” and adjustments are made. the more quickly they become part of the regular drill. Perhaps, a while ago, your girlfriend had an allergic reacriortto some chemil ‘ ._ cats in laundry detergent or were thong V underwear and she developed some ‘ physical quirks, after dealing with the A problem fora‘ while. Over time, the impe- tus for the behavior may be gone but the 2 habit is still there. “ ‘ A ‘ ~ lfwasiinvolt/ed with a guy a while back, who used to play pocket pool V constantly. He figured that, as long as he" “ W350’? exposing himself, he was oomg . i pletelyywlthin _the bounds of propriety. An . he enjoyed thes ' no desire _to'stop u_lationpa'n_d had ’ Your girlfriend eopte of all ages i to vHeyMrFrank@ao uia ounselor For Hey, Mr. Frank! l’m not usually a drama queen but have ' V major drama going on, now. For the past _ two months, I have been having a rela— tionship with an older man. Here’s where M . = it gets dramatic: The man is one of my dad's best friends. And he’s married. We didn’t plan for it to happen at all. i know people say that all the tirne, _ P but it’s really the truth. i was supposed to . . her family. He endedup breaking hi playing too_tball~wtth my at their friends and oouldn’t. n the p; , f He asked it {would still come pvetiland A f! dog sit; because he oouldn’t‘getIaroun very well“ and coutdrft walk the dog beln onorutches. »_.;:,~ 3 ‘* , V ‘ So, ll came over three time ‘day and waikedthe dog and hung at with him for a while gand we talked bouv ; eave his wife and live together with me, Even though 1 love him and want to be agcoupleifm afraid of what ' pen when everybody finds f tter a, m.©2_oo2 l__hap-. “ At Smalldog.com, you will find the full line of Apple products in both new and factory refurbished models. We carry a complete selection of printers, displays, software and much more! We also have more Apple Product Professionals than any other dealer in Vermont! We are . uniquely qualified to provide the professional advice you’re looking for. Visit us on the web at: http://www.smalldog.com slnalltluunm C Apple Specialist 1673 Main Street, Waitsfield, Vermont 05673 Phone: 802-496-7171 E—Mail: sales@smalldog.com r "et Small Dog Electronics be your gut” the Digital Universe!