community compass Spring Raffle with loads of fabulous prizes. Look for our ad and entry fonn in this issue of OITM or down- load one from our web site. fickets for a chance at major travel and . aocommodationsprizes are just $25 each or five for $100 and only 300 will be sold (so far. the minimum value prize is $50!). The prize draw- ings will be held on the first day of spring, March_ 21st. VCLGR Is Now Equality VT Thanks to our “What's in a Name" Campaign, the Vermont Coalition ‘for Lesbian and Gay Rights has adopted a new name: "Equality Our new name reflects the more inclusive nature and mission of our organization — commitment to social justice and equality for the glbtqa community. Thanks to all who sub- mitted name suggestions. We appreciate your participation! Equality VT’is pleased to announce that we now have our website up and running! It's located at vvww.equa| You can also e-mail Equality VT at info@equali- tyvtorg. The website was designed with the help of Mountain Pride Media. Thanks to our membership, we have raised enough money so that we are online. You will be able to view the latest news, links. and events that are of interest to our community. This site is still under construction, but should be fully operational soon. If your organiza- tion would like to be on our Links page. please contact us. If you have a commitment to our issues and would like to become more involved, without a major time commitment, why not become a board member of Equality VT?.Like our new name, we are striving to have a more inclusive board. Please mark your calen- dar for this year's \fisibility Day — Friday, January 31, 2003. This is our annual day at the Vermont State House where queer organizations spend the day at the State House. We will introduce ourselves to legis- lators and educate legislators about our issues. We will set up an infor- mation table in the “cardroom" on the second floor, so bring informa- tion about your organization. If you plan to attend, please contact Virginia Renfrew at 802-496-4333 or email us at Outright Has a Library As always Outright has been busy as bees keeping youth active with events, programs & support groups.For details on January events check us out online at: or give us a ring at-the office: 865-9677. We hold true to our com- mitment to educate Vermont on queer youth issues while supporting & outreaching to youth around the state. Our staff is available for work- shops & trainings on a variety of topics relating to issues facing queer youth in Vennont. For more information contact BJ Rogers at Outright, (802) 865-9677.We also have the Cliff Rivers Memorial library available for additional infor- . mation for youth & their allies locat- ed here at our office at 187 St. Paul Street. All events at Outright are FREE 8. confidential for youth ages 22 and under. V