The Samara Scholarship was established in 2000 as an investment in the future of Vennont students who oppose discrimination and prejudice and who stand for the elimination of of homophobia in our society.Visit wvvw.samarafounda- to read-about the out- standing Vermont high school stu- dents who have been past‘ Samara Scholarship recipients. Help Save OITM! Mountain Pride Media would like to thank everyone who responded so generously to our year-end appeal. Although the final numbers were not in at press time. we know that we will end the year with a substantial loss. As we look to 2003, the MPM Board of Directors will be imple- menting some significant cost cut- ting measures (such as limiting the size of the paper to 32 pages instead of our usual 36) while con- tinuing to look for ways to increase advertising and subscription rev- enue which directly support Out In The Mountains. Your direct involve- _ ment as a donor and/or a volunteer does make a difference. We encourage you to contact us if you are interested in getting more involved in 2003. MPM is excited to wel- come our newest member of the Board of Directors, Fran Moravcsik of South Burlington. Fran has previ- ously been serving on our Outreach Committee and is a regular volun- teer at our monthly "stuffings.” We also welcome several new commit- tee members including Brenda, Deb, Peter, Daryl, Jack, and Rick. Mountain Pride Media has 6 com- mittees made of community and board members. Community mem- ber participation is key to the suc- oess of MPM and a great way to get involved. You can read more about our committees on our web site ( by clicking on the “About MPM" link. "UnVive_rsalis Society V QtlL_lCl(.' Interweave Friday 03 listing for more information. ~“»"ndav19 _ ASPEN, 00 ,~ 26th Annual Aspen Gay & VLeslbian »' as from Stewart's- 'ng ofAA,_.meanir'1g ~ Ski Week, January 19—26th..Tl'ie Aspen Gay & V , Lesbian Community Fund (AGLCF); is happy to announce that Judy Shepard (rnother. of Mathew; Shepard) and Esera Tavai Tuaolo (former NFL . - 1 player). will attend the 26th Annual Aspen Gay 8: ' Lesbian Sklweek, the world’spremier ski party for charity (January 19-26, 2003). F_Ml: vvww.g'a‘yrski-, weekcom VWHITE RIVER JCT Q Barony of All Ve'rr3ont/ q A T. V V. VR.LVJ.1.2'? Benefit - Drag Bingo. 7PM. Esquir ‘ vigati VAdolescence: Flon’ on owers, aVuthorVand (M A '.‘d.“‘eL.Balf9"|Y °5.A.l,l.‘V9‘ Drag Bingo" at Cactus .lac_ n is $10.00. Proceeds to Benelitfi. __ “ * _ D‘oors.opéVn at,7_pm,showbegin-.;at8'prn.P4 " ' . . "'inus'fora ieveningoff" " lFMl.vV_ V _ icsAnonymousA} uat;"T... fs9ende'r‘Meev'n ‘__from;‘s Each month, Mountain Pride Media acknowledges the indi- viduals who help get Out In The Mountains out into the community by coming tolour monthly stuffing night. This month we send out our thanks to Roland, Tania, James, Michael, Stephen, George, Yves, Rob, Fran, Heidi, David, Bill, and Dan. Also an extra special thank you to Michael and James for deliv- ering the packages to the Richmond Post Office for us. We also thank all our distribution volunteers for all their work each month in delivering the papers to our distribution points. We currently have two routes that are in need "of distribu- tion volunteers: St. Albans and Plattsburgh, NY. We bid a fond farewell to David, our previous Plattsburgh volunteer and thank him for all his help. We are also looking for couriers to deliver papers throughout the state to our distribu- tion volunteers. For more informa- tion please contact us at circula- or call 802-434-6486. The January “Stuffing” will be held on Thursday, January 30th starting at 5 p.m. at our offices above The Daily Bread in Richmond. Please feel free to stop by, say hello and help out. Mountain Pride Media is pleased to announce our Think