cal january 2003 To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to, or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglcaIendar_index.htm ‘\\\\\\\\.\\\\ On November 10, the Men’s Resource Center (MRC) of Western Massachusetts and Tapestry Health Systems co-sponsored the first of four events called Autumn Schmoozefest. Eighty-six gay, bisexual, and questioning men from six states — MA, VT, NH, NY, CT. and FL— gathered in the elegant Garden House at Look Park in Northamipton, MA, to enjoy catered hors dbeuvres and desserts, punch, and cappuccino, to appreci- ate a variety of art by GBQ men from the Pioneer Valley, and to schmooze about every- thing under the sun. Our next event will be at the same location on Sunday, February 9, from 3-530 pm. Tickets are $10 in advance and $i2 at the door, reduced-fee tickets will also be available at the door. Join us at the V\finter Schmoozefest for delicious catered treats. scintillating art, music, and an opportunity to interact with lots of interesting GBQ men. If you can't participate this time, you’ll have two more chances on April 13th and June 1st. Anyone wishing infonnation about the next event and any GBQ artists who are interested in displaying their art at the gathering should contact Allan Amaboldi at the MRC by calling i4‘l3i 253-9887 or emailing aamabo|di@men- sresoiurcecenterorg. Samara Readies for New Grants Samara Folundation is plieased to announce its anniuaili grantmaking cycle. Samara's 2003 grant appiimtions start with a Letter of Intent due on March 3, 2003. Full grant appli- cations are requested only after letters of intent have been reviewed. For complete grant application information, application fonns online, and a list of previous grants awarded by Samara, go to www.samarafoun— or call Ted at 860-6236. Grant Information Sessions Start your year off by attending a free session offering basic infonnation on writing letters of intent and full proposals for Samara Foundation and other funders. Grant Information Sessions will occur on January 15 in Brattleboro from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at a location to be announced, and January 16, 2003 in Burlington from 6:30pm - 8:30pm, at the Samara Foundation office located at 90 Main Street in Burlington. Attendance at this session is offered to potential grantees but not required. Pre—registration is appreciated. Contact at Samara for more infonnation or to register. Samara Scholarships Samara Scholarships for Year 2003 will be processed through the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). Samara Scholarships are listed in VSAC's Scholarships (for the College Year 2003- 2004). For a copy call 1-800-642- 3‘l77.lnformation about applying is also included at www.samarafounda- > > tionorg, along with a link to VSAC‘s website. wwwtvsacorg. Applications must be postmarked by April 1st.