Bkewoafl, 1: wmtep ‘R: TELI. You ONE MORE *nM€ ‘ma.-r I'M REALLY So HE LEAN! _ on You A 031,}! 0.01:. ms‘: NOTTHE MOST RSSPONSIBLC Peasant nu ‘VH6 NOR..LO- BUT’ HE'S SORRY H7 3.‘. CAM? AC1-05$ AS BLDV-ING M" Some rlMes.§ 9aVitV ‘ by Robert Kirby A . . . . ‘ V \ °"’- R0831 K*&8~r OH Gov, I Neva? '% ' ‘ —‘° y\N6\.L«;YoU Know MY eczema: 13 WSITING: Hans Faom New Yokx, mom-? He 1<.a~t>A HAS mxs KNNZK Fora Fmiomc, rkouane, No Mrmreat WI-€016 H615, so once Asa»; :13; €v€:~J GAVE’ n‘ A 3 HA SE¢oND "I'HouG-HT, HA . VI-eA.s£—! \ Goob op‘ 3.1. To ‘me Rescue... , R€ALLY?80fi-I OF You’? c.oo.l,! QF 05 ARE GAY I‘. ALWAYS won-— So we HAD ~mA~r.“ oeeeo NHM :1‘ N COMMON ~,,‘, wood) 86 Like ‘re RtGHT o1=F THE _;- HAv£ ABRDTW >. $2, 801’ WHAT’J _ I Dum~Jo...‘3: Guess.“ Sam ?é¢m/‘am eafe/aezwraa ¢% Proceeds to go to Mountain Pride Media There will also be a 50/50 raffle and Christmas Basket drawing For More Information, contact: autumnmoonsinger@ade|phia.net (Autumn) foxxycub@adelphia.net (Cubby) baronyofallvermont@yahoo.com (Barony of all Vermont) or Roland Palmer (rfpvt@together.net or 802-383-7679 days) non -meat, IS Ann Rem. C-.-oov . , JUICY STUFF You'v£’ !$N'fr :1’ ? 0; ' GOTTOTELL Me‘: . V” V ,{_‘-‘E’, , “ V ‘ P . :1 :5’ ' ‘ . . — » ?1'."!‘H:rJF- ' wwmae yA Join TMRH, Baron ll Cubby Foxx, and Baroness Ill Autumn Moonsinger—de la Mer and the Barony of All Vermont for their annual "Holiday Ba||" December 15th, 2002 at Cactus Jack’s in White River Junction, VT Cover is $10.00 @ the door - Doors open @ 7:00 PM - Show starts @ 8:00 PM — A