ur Gidane Counselor For Life Hey, Mr. Frank! l’ve been with my girlfriend for about six months and she is truly the best thing that ever happened to me. We have a great friendship and a, lot of the same interests. I have been in a lot of bad relationships so I know how good i have it this time. There is one probtem, though. and i’m afraid it may become a bigger deat the longer we are together. g I don’t have much of a sex drive. I'm older than my girlfriend by about fli- teen years and, while I’m no old lady, l am old enough to know that my girlfriend and t are in different places in our iife, sexually. She says she’s fine with the amount of sex we have and that she likes being with me and cuddling. She tells me that i am putting words in her mouth and assuming she has the feelings I think she should have and not understanding that she is content. . l think she should feel free to have sex outside of our relationship. 2 would compietely support that because I don't want her to begin to resent me for , not meeting her sexual needs. i wouldn’t want to know about her other sexuai activities because that would be hard to handle but i think that as long as she is discreet that she should go out and do it. What do you think’? I’m eager to hear your thoughts. Signed. Marybeth Mr. Les B. Frank offers guid Send your questions and requests for guidance to HeyIVIrFrank@aol.com. © 2002 Dear Marybeth, You’re not only eager to hear my thoughts. you seem eager to push your ~ girlfriend into contact with more eager beavers. You extol» the virtues of your relationship, then, tum around and practi- cally call your lover a liar. if she says that she‘s ha.0D_V and content the way things are. why don‘? you believe her? Not every younger person wants or needs to be having nonstop sex. I suggest that you I i stop putting words in her mouth. stop try? ing to convince her to put her mouth on other women and start enjoying your rela~ " tionship. I « avg tit Hey. Mr. Frank! 3 — l"mla sophomore in college and We developed a crush on my firstgay friend. We met right beforet started school here. and hung out and just kind of had fun. .One.riight, in the midst of some mild sub- stance abuse, he leanedover and told ’ me that smoking pot always makes him ‘ horny. Then. he told me he always thought i was cute and that he had a crush on me. lysorta freaked, because i just thought of him in a friendly context and wash’: terribly attracted to him. ' I spent this past summer in . France and tett really out off from most of my friends w him included, more or less. He was he st oneoi mytriends‘ I saw, the day 1 got back, but my feelings for him V _ ‘didn’t fully developuntii about a month later. In the interim, g hoo ed u Wt another guy. . Now,‘ l‘m_t:nding itjditficuy to ’ repress my feelings for himfBut there are multiple reasons t’m_ not realty -going to the jugular on this issue. l~Tirst’,___he tends to ' get into really serious relation ' tha ' are oftendestined for l ‘ Secondly, I'm. a virg . . him deeply and am attra afraid of gettinginto at big, long;term' la tionship with him and it possibly ieadin to him being the onlyguy l sleep with. guess t want to play around a little ~« not a _V lot. Fm not really destined for stutdorn Sincerety, Moony, Dear}!/ioony, V. I To some folks, you may sound like a‘ young, gay soap opera character but A_ you ‘re facing more than just wistful yea rn- ings and melodrama. You’re in a new 2 world where the old rules don’t seem to apply and, to compficate matters, you’re trapped in a prison of presumption. In other words. it’s hell being twenty because its hard to see things clearly when your head is up your ass. ance counseling to people of all ages. Some letters larlegeditedg fo et Small Dog Electronics be your gulde it tough he Digital Universe! 43: r gs} it 1673 Main Street. Waitsfleld. \lei'mont il5ti73 Phone: 802-496-7171 E-Mziilz sdles@si11alldog.coin dreamed-of suitors before V formally introduced. And. even -if yo M y P . . sh estined fordes ruction;_or a life hay! . explored orrlya sole hole juszjbecause .yOLl’l/9 jumped to conclusions before you’ve fumped him, Y ‘ieh_"gth,___s‘pgellling. or gramrnar; ll At Sma11dog.com, you will find the full line of Apple products in both new and factory refurbished models. We carry a complete selection of printers, displays, software and much more! We also have more Apple Product Professionals than any other dealer in Vermont! We are uniquely qualified to provide the professional advice you’re looking for. Visit us on the web at: http://www.smal1dog.com Small 009 Electronics 5Illii||llll[I.Elllll 6 Apple Specialist