classifieds E-mail your classified ad to; send it to POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477; or fax it to 802-434-7046. Sorry! We cannot take classified ads over the phone! Announcements V Please Join TMRH, Baron ll Cubby Foxx, and Baroness Ill Autumn Moonsinger—de la Mer and the Barony of All Vermont for their annual "Holiday Ba||" - December 15th, 2002 at Cactus Jacks in White River Jct., VT - Cover is $10.00 @ the door - Doors open- @ 7:00 PM - Show starts @ 8:00 PM - Proceeds to go to Mountain Pride Media. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and Christmas Basket’ drawing. Please join TMRH as they celebrate the Holidays with the Barony of All Vermont in true Regal Fashion. FMI contact: (Autumn), ( C u b b y ) , baronyofa| (Barony of all Vermont) or Roland Palmer ( or 802-383-7679 days) V-— CA$H fer your elothesl=Ca||-~ Greener Pastures @ 1-888-282- 2667 for all the details. (10/03) Employment - tsetse . §@$§§§fi§‘t$ V Vermont CARES: Full time Program Specialist (Burlington- based). Seeking individual to work within a team setting and to pro- vide support and service coordina- tion to H|V+ individuals. Candidates must have life experi- ence and/or working knowledge of HlV/AIDS and work from a non- judgmental, harm reduction model. Knowledge of mental health, hous- ing and substance use issues essential; familiarity with area resources and systems ideal. Must have strong computer skills. Reliable transportation needed. Salary range: $25,000- $27,000; excellent benefits. Send cover let- ter and resume by December 9 to ,Martha Tormey, Program Director, Vermont CARES, and PO Box 5248, Burlington, VT 05402 (12/02) V Singer, songwriter & female illusionist seeks musical accom- panist for a variety of performance venues. Must be able to sight read, transpose and play by ear. Piano/keyboard experience is a must, guitar and synthesizer a plus! Songwriting collaboration possible. If interested, contact Iris Productions 802-748-1024 or _ email (12/02) V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is looking for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly news- paper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpride- Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid. Contact us today for more informa- tion. 802-434-5237 or ads@moun- Employment - tfetssntees Wesiticns V Know HTML? Have access to Dreamweaver? Mountain Pride Media's Technology Committee is looking for community volunteers to help with various projects relat- ed to our web site www.mountain- If you are interest- ed please contact us at V OITM needs you! Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out in The Mountains, depends on com- munity members to help keep our paper out in the community by asking you to volunteer about an hour a month as a distribution vol- unteer. It's easy and helps to keep the cost of producing and distribut- ing our paper down. FMI contact circulation@mountainprideme- or 802-434-6486. V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individ- uals who are |ooki_ng to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a differ- ence! FMI: mpm@mountainpride- or check our Volunteer Page at www.mountainprideme- V Fame (not fortune) Awaits ! Out in the Mountains is in search‘ of writers to voice the concerns and issues of our community. We especially need people to inter- view others on a topic, to cover news stories, and a special person to compile news clips relevant to our community from around the nation and the world. All interested glbtq persons are invited to con- tact Euan Bear at ‘editor@moun- We are a 501©3 organization. There are no funds to pay content contributors (maybe someday). V Come join MPM board members, staff, and other volun- teers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stuffing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Always on the last Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or fewer) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with payment if applica- ble, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-profits and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. Thursday of the month, you can help get the paper ready for mail- ing out to our community while vis- iting with old friends or making new ones! The stuffing starts at 5:30 and lasts until we are finished (usually 3 hours). We provide pizza so please join us! Check out A the MPM Community Calendar on for exact dates. FMI 8. Directions: cir- cu| or 802-434-6486. Groups V Lesbians of the North. Franklin/Grand Isle County les- bians, let's get together. I'd like to meet as a group bi-weekly or monthly to do things like hiking, skiing, picnicing, movies, dances or just hanging out. I'm tired of feeling so isolated and I hope you are too. If interested email me at: (12/02) Personals V SWGF, very young 50, average, height , weight. Very.ver- satile , whether it be kitchen or workshop. Good sense of humor, intelligent, lots of common sense. Financially, emotionally, mentally stable. In search of attractive woman w/ similar qualities to be my partner in life, or just good friends . Email, write or call., write: mary, 2611 Hampshire Hollow Road, Poultney, VT 05764 or call 802-287-4338. (12/02) V GWM /Young 40 / 6' / 165 |bs./ Brown hair and eyes. Looking for a sincere and honest person to spend time with. Maybe leading to more. I live in the Littleton area but work in the Hanover NH. area. If interested please‘ write to: Occupant, P.O.‘Box 452, Littleton, NH. 03561-0452. (01/03) V Gwm seeking Gwm for roommate in Cleanlvater FL, area for two bedroom apartment with own bath. Term negotiable. You may reach me at 727-726-3093, or (02/03) V GWM,_ 38, HIV- negative, looking for life-mate and friends. Telephone (802) 326-4972, or write George, PO Box 27, Montgomery Center, Vermont, 05471. Anyone interested in form- ing a north-central Vermont social group for gay and bisexual men, please contact me. (12/02) Real Estate Sm‘ Rest V Secluded Winter Retreat. Log cabin in the foothills of Came|‘s Hump. Remote. Skiing. Snowshoeing. Perfect getaway. Woodstove. Gaslights. Gas cook-_ ing stove. Bedding, dishes, etc. $40/night (2 nights minimum) Call Crow at (802) 660-9706. (12/02) V St Albans. Accommodations available in historic Victorian home, recently restored to former beauty. Rooms available daily, weekly and monthly. Peaceful, tranquil setting. Please call 802- 527-5116. (12/02) V Caribbean Villa "Tan Ry Doon" Located on the small Island of Montserrat. Private oceanfront. Breathtaking views of coastline, mountains, lush tropical gardens. Spectacular sunsets. 2 BR/2BA, pool maid, fully equiped. (802)442-9236. jimnnorm@adel- (03/03) Roommates wanted V Seeking womyn landmates. Are you looking for a stimulating growth environment ? Do you clean up after yourself, both phys- ically and metaphorically ? Do you long for country living with other womyn ? Do you have a desire to learn compassionate communica- tion ? Do you enjoy meeting and greeting people ? Do you have an awareness of your connectedness to all beings ? Do you have skills to share ? Are you self-reliant? We're looking for you ! HOWL, a land trust established for the pur- pose of maintaining space for womyn for camping, events etc, seeks resident care keepers of any age or race to help create a healthy sustainable intentional community. FMI: HOWL, P0 53, Huntington, VT 05462 or call 802 434 3953 or e-mail wehow| (12/02) V Quiet professional man has 2 private rooms and bath to offer same upstairs in clean So Burl sin- gle ‘home. Share kitchen. W/D, parking, and utilities (except phone) incl.. 430./mo.. Avail Jan 1, 03. Call Bill at 863-1216. (12/02) community center [a place to be.] contact us now to... G reserve space for your activity or group at R.U.1.2? Headquarters. 6 become a member and support your local lgbtqia community center. 6 get involved — we have lots of fu_n volunteer opportunities available right now! thecenter@ru1 802.860.RU12