OurMission»-»- The Samara Foundation ,.—.\'/eirmont is a charitable foundation " hose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. .. .Cdntact Usi :90 main street ' ;p;o.box12i53 ' __ rburlington, vevrment ,;05‘402-I263 . , ‘up; 8.0-2~85Q.~ll5236 f. 802-860-63lS_ , .. info@sa.marafoung.,ationi;org wyvw.samarafou d.atio,ri;dirg‘i‘ what aze 1/ou Qoizzg ,/[law yeazs cine? 2002 NEW YEAR'S EVE~NT hosted by Vermont Gay Social Alternatives and The House of Lelaay DECEMBER 31, 2002 ST. JOHN'S CLUB 9 CENTRAL AVE, BURLINGTON 7:00pm - Social Hour 8:00pm - Buffet Dinner 9:00pm - Performance by the House of Lelolay Dancing the rest of the evening with DJ. Eve Fireworks at Midnight Member tickets $30 Non~Member tickets $35 until December 15, 2002 _ $35/$40 after 1211 5/02 SEND YOUR CHECK made out to \/GSA‘) to ' PO BOX 37, Buriington, VT 05402-0237 PLEASE INCLUDE fie SASS TO SAVE VGSA MONEY FOR 0§:fHER EVENTS & MEMBERSHIP INFO LOG ON TO www.vgsa.eom Jericho: “I left with the name Kristen, a daughter and a sister (as far’ as the obvious signs went), and came back with a beard and a deep voice." Photo by Dean Kotula from _t_l_'i_e Phallus Palace. that’s not cohesive and falls into mine. So, at age 42 I want to know raucous, endless laughter. I want to wear a smile so generous it engulfs my head, and to live in moonlit madness, pumping some pungent pussy in the back of the _ proverbial Chevy.” Some of these words are sweet, some telling about the power of transition, of coming into boy- source book on FTM identity, recently moved to Vermont from _ ‘° ‘M’ 5f“ °°’“"_“’"""‘ hood and manhood as a 42-year-old although it bills itself as such, but Michigan and is author of Exile George Brewersp‘"av£z£'vg:’:;t::g:::;°""t’3ennifer Ponder transsexual. Of those that are Just rather as one transman’s window and Pride: Disability, Queemess, and CR5 ;§GLr&;, (302) 383,100‘, Mm &R§IA1i.':r'os;i me plainly sexist, I want to say to into a very particular kind of FTM Liberation (South End Press). hngimmbswgfeli . E jemmmmfihu u "mm Kotula, “How dare you? It is so unacceptable to reduce sex with a woman to ‘pumping some pungent pussy.”’ And I want to say to non- trans readers, “Don’t let this strengthen your possible belief that all FTMS turn into big, old sexists.” Some are, and many arcn’t. In the end, I’d ask you to read The Phallus Palace not as a experience. Be prepared for a book many discrete pieces. But by all means look at the portraits, read the statements about the various mean- ings of transition, and recognize and accept this specific _way of being a man. V . Rabble-rouser and poet Eli Clare Because our team is dedicated to providing the best possible service to 3!! people, we are proud of our ties