Back Left temple to jaw. Broused [sic] both eys [sic] Attorney General’s Office and State Police Attached to the list in George Smith’s file is a letter from Steven Pitonyak, identified as a “Civil Rights Investigator” on letterhead from the Office of -the Attorney General and dated October 25, four days after the assault. Pitonyak thanked “Mr. Smith” for talking with him about the experience at the Longhorn Trout and enclosed a brochure on hate crimes produced by the Attorney General’s Civil Rights Unit. Pitonyak said he would speak to Ron Goff (the local police chief) and request copies of any repoI'ts. A month later, Investigator Pitonyak wrote to George Smith again, enclosing a copy of the affi- davit filed with the Franklin County State’s Attorney by Senior State Trooper Craig Gardner of the St. Albans barracks. In the affidavit, Trooper Gardner (at the time a four-year vet- eran) relates his interview with George on the night of the assault, including a breathalyzer test showing George’s blood alcohol content to be at .108 percent. above the legal limit rri the bar. The trooper reports that George said he was talking to one man in particular at the end of the evening, but that “he was not ‘hitting on the man and was not trying to bring him home to have sex.”‘ The rest of the reported interview with George Smith matches in most details the way George related the incident to me — except that no men- tion is made of the sexual assault. A few days later. Gardner had interviewed the owner of the bar. Dennis Deuso. who was present that night. According to the affidavit, Deuso agreed to be interviewed but rcftised to give a written and sworn statement. Deuso said that George (whom he called “Steven”) often came into the bar and “stares at men.” Deuso suggested that George had “nudged" ;t‘man sitting near him. who then‘ moved to the other end of- the bar. Later, near closing, Deuso said he heard a disturbance by the door and thought perhaps Adam Fortier had “taken a poke” at George Smith, but says Smith was not injured or bleeding, and that he helped separate the two. = Montgomery Police Chief - Ron Goff participated in Trooper Gardner’s interview with Adam Fortier, the man George identifies as his primary attacker. Fortier’s first question to the trooper was whether he was under arrest, his second whether he should have a lawyer. In Gardner’s affidavit, Fortier accused George of “hitting on him all evening,” “making suggestive and rude sexual comments to him,” offer- ing him a place to stay since Fortier was too drunk to drive, and then grabbing his buttocks. Fortier admitted grabbing George and shoving him into the door, which was locked, but denied kicking or punching him. He also refused to give the trooper a sworn ' s..:l2ut.Qs.9Ige *ila<.1_.x%si!1