3 ’s ‘E .. _._, ...y. +- »- ~» -4- '..: -,»_r,..,_._. -~..» ~..- 2, ,»~ A» ~--' ~—-‘*1 ~._ ' ..A.,,. _....~.» - This Christmas will be the second one since George Smith reported being assaulted in a bar just down the street from his Montgomery lt’s later in the evening and now there are 26 people there. and some ofthe earlier folks had left. This guy [whom he names] came over to me with a brass palm piece and hit me in the back of the head four times. His hand was cut. I saw the brass thing andthe cut. I was groggy and in and out of conscious- ness from then on. “The owner of the bar was holding me down. Someone boxed my ears. I was fighting back and smashed some of the people in the mouth. I smashed Adam in the fore- head. I was on my back with my arms held down and I was being raped anally. I thought it was a dream - the doctor I saw said that was part of the date-rape thing.” “I woke up again and dif- ferent people were punching me. Some of the people I didn't even continued from page 1 know. All I could think of was ‘Why are they doing this to me, what a hor- rible dream this is!’ It all went pretty smooth, and that tells me that they’ve done it before. I’m not the first and I won’t be the last if they‘re allowed to stay open. “The door to the bar was locked. Eventually I was able to break free and got out. The lights had been on, and when I got away, they were off, so I know a lot of time had gone by. [The man he had identified had earlier] told me he was homo- phobic. He [had] even offered to buy me a drink if I’d get away from the pool table. “I came home, and I could- n’t go to sleep. I kept having flash- backs. I called my mother, I called 91 l, I called the state police, who called an ambulance. The ambulance attendant said that if I went with them it.would cost me $600. I didn’t trust anyone that night, so I didn’t go. “At first I didn’t tell any- one about the sexual assault part because I didn’t believe they’d care. I did tell NUSI [the Northwest Unit on Special Investigations] several months later. “I hope the bartender loses his right to serve alcohol in the state of Vermont. “I‘ve talked to so many attorneys and as soon as I tell them I was raped they tell me they’re not interested or they have a conflict of interest. Every time I talk about it I feel like it’s happening again. I have to do the right thing and the right thing is to tell what really happened. “Afterward, I pretty much locked myself into my apartment and painted everything I had to deal with my feelings. After the assault I want- ed to kill myself. It’s too much on top of being disabled, you know what I mean? And I’m so tired of having to explain myself for things that hetero- sexuals take for granted. ‘You went to a neighborhood‘ bar — are you nuts‘?”’ A The paintings he refers to are plain wooden panel-back kitchen chairs. One is painted black and blue. Piles of Documents - No Results George Smith hunts in his tiny clut- tered apartment for a folder of assault-related documents, “helped” by two frisky half-grown kittens. The first document is a sheet of notes dated October 22 and taken by Doctor Robert Zelazo of the Richford Health Center detailing George's injuries: Cut in center of nose Defensive wounds on right hand 5 Center home. On left hand 6 Left forarm [sic] 6 defensive wounds. brousings [bruising] Right forarm [sic] defensive? Right upper arm boot mark Left upper arm R eye L eye blood vessle [sic] broke Right foot Calf 2 Thy [sic] 3 Buttox [sic] 1 Left foot Calf Thy [sic] Buttox [sic]Bruise leftside Back Chest Leftside bruise by heart Abdomen bruise Right side ribs Left side ribs Right neck Left [ditto] Front [ditto] ____ _.._,.