VERMO TERS FOR ENDORSEMENTS AUniTOR OF ACCOUNTS TREASURER A ‘SECRETARY OF STATE Deborah Markowitz Peter S GOVERNOR Racine Elizabeth Ready CHITTENDEN COUNTY SENATE All Towns exce it Colchester (6 seats) Jim Condos, James _ Munt, Diane Snelling and Hinda Mil er (vote for all 6) C Olcliester only (1 seat) Richard “Dick” Mazza SENATE (2 seats) (vote for both) Claire Ayer & Gerry Gossens Addison — I (2 seats) Middlebiiry (vote for bot.h) Steven Maier and Betty Nuovo Addison - 4 (2 seats) Bristol. Lincoln. Monkton, and Starksboro vote for both) Mike Fisher an Dave Sharpe 5, Addison — 2'(1 seat) Cornwall, Goshen, Hancock, '- Leiester. Ripton and Salisbury Willem Jewctt OUSE Chittenden |- I ]§_l“sIeat) Most of Hinesburg i . Addison - 5 (1 seat) Bridport. New Haven and Weybridge Chris Goodrich son-I (2 seats) Braintree. Brookfield, Granville and Rand ph lo (vote for both) Chittenden 3-4 2 seats)BurIington - Old North End vid Zuckerman (vote for both) Patsy French and Mike Fiorfl C hittenden 3- 7 (1 seat) South Burlington None Addison ~ 3 (2 seats) Addison. Ferrisbiirgh, Panioii. Vergennes and Waltham Liz Markowslti only (don‘t use second vote) Chittenden 3-10 (1 seat South Burlinvton (vote for either) Helen Head or Jeffrey ascoe Cliittenden 5-2 (1 seat) St. George. Addison-Rutland—l (1 seat) Benson. Orwell. Shelbume — East Side Joan Lenes l' .' d Wh‘ ‘ i N Shore mm an ‘ITS one Cliittenden 6-3 (1 seat) Westford, Town of Essex Martha Heath Chittenden 8 (2 seats) Jericho. Underhill. Bolton Margaret Hummel an Gaye Symingmn (vote for both) Washington-Chittenden 1 (2 seats) Waterbury, Buel’s Gore and Huntinlgton (vote for both) Robert Dostis and Va Chittenden 2 (2 seats) Williston (vote for 2) Jim McCullough, Mary Peterson orBrent Sloan Chittenden 3- 2 (1 seat) Burlington — New North End Mark Larson SENATE (2 seats) (vote for both) Judy Murphy & Richard Sears US Bennington I (fisfiat) Pownal and Woodford i 3 (I) (1 seat) Glastenbury and haftsbury Alice Miller Windham—Bennington— I (1 seat) Readsboro, Searsburg. Stamford, Dover, Somerset and W3TdSb0T0 30“? BOIOEWBI Chittenden 3-5 (2 seats) Burlington - South End Johanna Leddy Donovan and Bill Keogh (vote for both) Chittenden 3-8 (I seat) South Burlington Ann Pugh Chittenden - 4 (1 seat) Richmond Virginia Clarke Bennington -2-1 (2 seats) Bennington None Bennington - 4 (I. seat) Manchester Judy Livingston Benninvton - Rutland I (1 seat) Dorset, Landgrove T97“ D3“b.V 3-‘Id MOW“ Tab“ Non‘? Chittenden 6-1 (2 seats) Town of Essex Debbie Evans and Sue Farrar (vote forboth) Chittenden 7-1 (2 seats) Colchester (vote for both) Malcolm Severance and Mira Shea Bennington 2-2 (2 seats) Bennington None ton - 5 (1 seat) Arlington, Sandgate, erland. and part of Rupert None Chittenden 9 (2 seats) most of Milton Reginald Goclin and Les Henry(vote for both) Chittenden 1-2 (1 seat) Charlotte, Part of Hinesburg (vote for either One) Ed Amidon or Scott Orr on-Windsor 1 (1 seat) Jamaica 1: Windham-Bennin trattoii. Weston and Winhall CALEDONIA COUNT SENATE (2 seats) None Chittenden 3-3 (2 seats Burlington — Old North End Steve Hingten and Chittenden 3 -6 (2 seats) Winooski, Burlington George Cross only (don’t use second vote) Chittenden 3-9 (1 seat) South Burlington Albert "Sonny" Andette V Chitlenden 5-1 (I seat) Shelburne - West Side Alice Winn Chittenden 6-2 (2 seats) Village of Essex Junction Caledonia - I “(I seat) Bamet, Ryegate and at Caledonia - 2 V61 ksleat) Eardwifk, Stannard and ‘ a en oger ox Caledonia - 3 (2 seats) St. Johnsbury None Caledonia - 4 (2 seats) Burke. Lyndon and Sutton None seat) Averill, Avery’s ast Haven, Ferdinand. k. Norton, Warner’s Warren’s Gore and Westmore Peter Sprague Essex —Ca.ledonia-Orleans Gore. Brighton. Canaan, Grand Isle-Chittenden -I -1 (2 seats)AIburg, Grand North Hero, South Hem, Milton d Ira 'I\'ombley (vote for both) Isle, Isle La Motte, Mitzi Johnson an Caledonia - Washin on - I (I seal)DanvilIe, Peacham and Cabot onathan David Kaplan Essex-Caledonia 1 (1 seat) Bloomfield, Brunswick. Concord, Granby, Guildhall. Kirby. Lunenburg. Maidstone and Victory None AMOILLE COUNTY SENATE All Towns exce t Eden & Wolcott (1 Seat) Susan Bart ett* or Cathy Voyer** (vote for either - see explanation below) Orleans-Caledonia I. (2 seats) Alban . Barton, * Susan Bartlett was a stron Craftsbury, Glover. Greensboro, She ield and Wheelock (vote for both) Robert Kinsey and John Rodgers Orange-Caledonia I (1 seat) Groton Newbury and To sh J Y FRANKLIN COUNTY civi unions an marriage. _I-l_o’wever, in 2001 she also voted for H.404. a diyisive "DOMA" bill that would have, for the fourth time. defined marria e in Vermont as between a man and a woman— t is time in using even arsher language than before. We remain extremely pointed by then~_Rep_resentative Voyer‘s vote on bil_l. This _IOll’ll£ endorsement acknowl- . _ _ le in the crafting and initial passage of e civil union law. Eden and Wolcott only (2 seats) None All except Richford & Montgomery(2 Seats) bo "Don" Collins and Sara Branon Kittell Richford and Montgomery only (2 seats) None _ HOUs Franklin 1 (2(seats) Fairfax and Georgia v r George Bilodeau and M Franklin 4 (1 seat) Bakersfield and Enosburg None th) archeta Townshend , HOUSE Lamoille 1 (1 seat) Stowe Richard Marron (2 seats) Fairfield, Fletcher and Lamoille 2 (I sleat) H de lfark and Wolcott t. Albans Town None Franklin 5 (2 seats) Sheldon and Swanton None Lamoille 3 ( 1 seat) Eden and Johnson Floyd Nease Lamoille 4 (1 seat) Belvidere, Cambridge, and bo Timothy Burgess and Kathleen Keenan \;(/ate,-Vgiie None Lamoille-Washington I (2 seats) Elmore. Morristown. Woodbur ' and Worcester Shap Smith and Barb arr (vote for both) eats) Berkshire, Franklin, Highgatc Richford (vote for both) Albert Perry and Richard Noel Jeb Spaulding ieddy, Ginny Lyons Janet lppert . .. _ .» ... .. Chittenden 3- I (2 seats) on - New Nonh End (‘vote for both) d and Jennifer Wa lace Brodeur SENATE Vincent ohn Tracy (vote for both) G-Ore, Bri Warre Peter Hunt and Tim Jerman (vote for both) Mark MacDonald Chittenden 7-'2 ('2 Seats) C0lCh€SV»eT Bradford, Fairlee, Newbury, Oran e, Topsham, and Maureen Dakin and Andy Macleay (vote for both) West Fairlee (2 seats) HOUSE 0 civil union supporter and Newport Town inda artin Westfield and CiviLUNiONs ‘ _ SENATE All exceptAlburg (1 Seat) Richard "Dick" Mazza Alburg (2 seats) (vote for both) Donald " Don " Collins and Sara Branon Kittell HOUSE Grand Isle—Chittendeii —l-l (2 seats) Albiirg. Grand Isle, Isle La Motte. Nonh Hero, South Hero. Milton Mitzi Johnson and Ira Trombley (vote for both) Washington I (1 seat) Fayston, Waitsfield 8.: Washington 3-2 (1 seat) Barre City Harry Monti Washington-Chittenden 1 (2 seats) Waterbury. All Towns except Brandon (3 Seats) . . (vote for all tltre ” Barbara Carris, Randy Kniffin Robert Dostis and Val Vincent (vote 6) & John Ruggiero , V: Washington 2 (2 seats) Moretown, Northfield and Brandon only (2 seats) (vote for both) Claire Ayer and Gerry Gossens HOUSE Rutland 3 (1 seat) Shrewsburv, Tinmouth and Wzillingford Gail Fallar Rutland 5-2 (I seat) Rutland City Cheryl Mazzariello Hooker Rutland-Windsor I ( I seat) Brid ewater. Chittenden, I Killington and Mcndon - Washington 3-3 (I seat) Barre City and Berlin Caledonia - Washington — 1 (.1 seat) Danville. Pcacliam and Cabot Jonathan David Kaplan 1 Windsor-Rutland 1 (1 seat) Mount Holly. Ludlow and V Plymouth Alice Nitka - Rutland I-2 (2 seats) Clarendon, Proctor, West Rutland, and Ira (don’t use second vote) J . Robert Sebasky only Windsor-Rutland 2 ( 1 seat) Pittsfield, Bethel, Rochester, and Stockbridge Carroll Ketchum Rutland 5-1 1; 1 seat) Rutland City Herb Ogden SW9 SW“ and Barb "W (W9 ii" I301“) The following districts we have no endorsements: Rutland 1-I Poultney & Ira: Rutland 6 Pittsford & Sudbury: Rutland 4 Rutland Town’. Rutland 5-3 Rutland City: Rutland 7 Brandon: Rutland 54 Rutland City: Addison-Rutland 1; Benson, Orwell, Shoreham. and Whiting; Rutland 2 Castleton. Fair Haven, Hubbardton, & West Haven; Rutland 8 Middletown Springs. Pawlet, Wells & Rupert. Bennington - Rutland 1 Dorset. Landgrovc. Peru. Danby & Mount Tabor All None ESSEX COUNTY SENATE (ESSEX—ORLEANS ) (2 seats) None HOUSE Essex-Caledonia I (1 seat) Bloomfield, Brunswick. Concord, Granby, Guildhall, Kir Maidstone and Victory All except Wilmington (2 Seats) (vote for both) Essex—Ca1edonia-Orleans (1. seat) Averill, Avery’s gluon, Canaan, East Haven, Ferdinand, Lemington, ewis, Newark, Norton. Wartier’s Giant, n’s Gore and Westmore Peter Sprague Jamaica. Londonderry, Stratton, Weston &Winhal ORANGE COUNTY SENATE All except Bradford. Fairlee. Newbury. Orange, Topsham, and West FairIee(l Seat) Orange I (2 seats) Chelsea. Corinth, Orange, Vershire, Washinoton and Williamstown (vote for both) s. Wells Smith and Bob Bland Windsor-Orange 2 (2 seats) Norwich, Sharon, Strafford, and Thetford (vote for bo h) Ann Seibert and Jim Maslaiid Orange 2 (1 seat) Bradford, Fairlee and West Fairlee Wayne Kenyon Windsor-Orange 1 (1 seat) Ro alton and Tunbridge Rosemary"Rozo ' Orange-Addison-1 (2 seats Braintree, Brookfield, Granville and (vote fo Patsy French an Orange-Caledonia I (I seat) Groton, Newbury and Topshani J. Yorke Peeler ORLEANS ’ SENATE (ESSEX-ORLEANS ) None HOUSE Orleans 1 (2 seats) Brownington, Charleston, Derby, Holland and Morgan (vote for both) Barbara Postman and Gilbert Power r bo ) d Mike Fiorillo Orleans 2 (2 seats) Coven , lrasburg, New on City Orleans-Caledonia 1 (2 seats) Alban , Barton, Craftsbury, Glover, Greensboro. She ield and Wheelock (vote for both) Robert Kinsey and John Rodgers Orleans-Franklin I '1 seat) Jay. LOwell,TrOy. Windsor-Rutland 1 (1 seat Chittenden. Killington and Mendon Essex-Ca.Iedonia—0rIeans ( I seat) Averill, Avery’s Windsor 2 (1 seat) Cavendish and Weathersfieldt ‘ . Gore. BI'I°l1lOl’1, Canaan. East Haven. Ferdinand. E Lemingion. ewis. Newark. Norton, Warner's Grant, Warren’s Gore and We Ore Peter Sprague ’ * Factors used in determining endorsements: TU LOYAL’l‘Y:i in Oliice in 2001, and did s/he oppose H.502 and H.404’? from a stronger. prod vil union candidal 2) ELECTABILITY: Is the candid 3 would draw votes away . couples? 4) HOW DOES THE CANDIDATE C0 Was the candidate in otlice in 2000. and did s/he support civil unions‘? (Strongest factor) Was the caiididate ‘ _ ate a strong contender for the seat in question, or is likely that a vote for the candidate e‘? 3) S1 RENGTH OF CONVICTION: How committed is the candidate to genuine equzilitv for same-sex MPARE TO OTHER CONTENDERS RUNNING FOR THE SAME SEAT? SENATE (3 Seats) (vote for all three) Ann Cummin s. Kim Chenev and Charles (" harlie") Phillips HOUSE Warren Kinny Coniiell Washington 5 (2 seats) Moiitpelier Francis Brooks and Warren Kitzmiller (vote for both) Duxbiiry. Buel’s Gore and Hiiiitingtonl h or )()t ) Roxbury Maxine Grad Steve Green ’asliington 6 (1 seat) Calais. Marshfield and Plainfield Donny Osman Wahington 3-1 (1 seat) Barre City Alex Mcllenry Washington 4 (2 seats) Barre Town Charles "Chip" Castle only (don‘t use second vote) Washington 7 (I seat) East Montpelier and Middlesex Tony Klein Lamoille-Washington I (2 seats) Elmore, Morristown, Woodbury and Worcester WINDHAM COUNTY SENATE Rod Gander and Jeannette White Wilmington only (2 seats) (vote for both) Richard Sears and Judy Murphy HOUSE Windham I (l seat)Guilford and Vernon - Robert Stack Windham 3-2 (1 seat) Brattleboro Darryl Pillsbury Windham 5 (2 seats) (vote for both) Dummerston. Putney and Westminster David Deen and Steve Darrow Windham—Bennington—VWndsor I (1 seat) None Windham 2 (1 seal) Halifax, Whitingham and Wilmington Bob Rusten Windham 3-3 (1 seat) Brattleboro Sara Edwards or Don Webster (vote for either one) Windham 6 (1 seat) Marlboro, Newfaiie & Townshend Richard Marek Windham 3-1 (1 seat) Brattleboro Virginia "Gini" Milkey Windham 4 (2 seats) Athens, Brookline. Grafton. A Rockingham, Windham, Westminster Michael Obuchowski and Carolyn Partridge ‘ L (vote for both) Windham—Bennington- I (1 seat Readsboro, Searsburg, Stamford, Dover, omerset & Wardsboro Betty Bolognani WINDSOR COUNTY SENATE (3 seats) (vote for all three)/ekh John Campbell, Matt Dunne, and Peter HOUSE Windsor 1-1 (1 seat) Andover, Baltimore, Chester, and Springfield Randy Guy Windsor 3 (1 seat) Windsor Donna Sweaney Windsor 6-1 (1 seat) Barnard, Pomfret and Hartford Michael Reese Vlfindsor-Orange 2 (2 seats) Norwich. Sharon, Sn-afford. and Tlietford (vote for both) Ann Scibert and Jim Masland Windham-Bennington-Windsor 1 ( 1 seat) Jamaica. Londonderry. Stratton, Weston and Winhall None Windsor 1-2 (2 seats) Sprin ield (vote for both) Alice Emmons and ‘lint Martin Windsor 4 (1 seat) Haitland and West Windsor Mary 0’Brien Windsor 6-2 (2 seats) Hartford Lynn Bohi and Plymouth Alice Nitka Rutland—Windsor 1 (1 seat) Brid ewater, rnest Shand Windsor 5 (1 seat) Reading and Woodstock Jack Anderson Windsor-Orange I (I scat) Ro alton & Tunbridgf Rosemary "Rozo" IV cLaughlin Windsor-Rutland 2 (1 seal‘) Pittslield. Bethel. . Rochester, and Stockbridge Carroll Ketchum .,.t, , ) Mount Holly. Ludlow. arry Chen