b A )in.Bu'rlington.I I’ to: 1-800-GLB,~_CHA'l', www;outrigh_tvt.org. _ .A— MQNTPELIEH - American Society — Look by T Good -..i.; Feel Better Program ,4-5PM. A community ’ ' based, tree service, provides group cosmetology consults with make-up andlskin ca » ’ We are also looking for newdistribution volunteers. We currently have routes open in Bennington, Brattleboro, and Keene in New Hampshire. Distribution routes take an hour or less each month to complete. This is a great way to help keep ' Out In The Mountains out in the community. If you would like to be distribution volunteer please con- tact us via email at circu|ation@mountainprideme- dia.org or call us at 802-434- 6486. We welcome our newest distribution route volunteers in Middlebury and Springfield. Mountain Pride Media is pleased to announce the addition of a new member, Wayne Hobbs of Stowe, to our Board of Directors. We are still looking for other community members who are interested in joining our Board. If you are‘ interested in learning more please contact Roland Palmer at rfpvt@togeth- er.net. We also send special ' thanks out to Dustin Trotter who has been a regular at our monthly ‘creating Civil my * Lesbian, Bisexual, ;Transgender Meeting. 7-8PM.f At St James Church, acro ’ g enience stor_‘e}fQpen mee ng otAA,”meaning that ‘anyone-with jaVd_esire”to stop drinking can attend. : BuRi_iNoToN;-Z (Women's Group‘ C:'ancer'Soci_ety“- ‘Look ‘_ stuffings and helped with the OITM onlinearchive project. We wish Dustin the very best in his new pursuits. T Mountain Pride Media is excited to announce two upcom- ing fundraising events. _We encourage everyone to come out and join us. For more information about any of these events please contact Roland Palmer at rfpvt@together. net or- 802-383- 7679 (weekdays). - ' ' A V Sunday, November 17, 2002 Outright Vermont - Young , V _ -8PM.~All:'iesbian, bisexual, v .transgendered_women’and their women allies, ’ V ages,22, and..u,nd‘er,‘ are“ welcome’ to meet at sionals and peers: Group is ongoing‘ and tree of _ . ohar_ge..FMl; 802860 FiU12"or e-mail T . mation. from Stewart's ooh- 30-6:30PM. See (2 to 5 p.m.) - An Autumn Afternoon Tea at Moose Meadow Lodge (Duxbury, VT) featuring Vermont Liberty Tea Company teas - $30 suggested donation. V Tuesday, November 19, 2002 (5 p.m. to close) — Eat Out Evening at The Waiting Room (Burlington, VT) - call 862-3455 to make your reservation. " We also want to remind everyone to check out the Shopping Section of our web site ’ thecenter@ru'i2§org sriuonnseuev - Public’Aocess rv -‘ Noel & - Yves Show. Charter. Cable Channel 7 in St.’ , A Johnsbury: Thursdays at 12:30pm and 9pm. ' V. g Friday 6 BURLINGTON ~ Outright Vermont -‘Peer ‘ . Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7- 8:30PM. See November 01 listing for more intor- ' dance. Admission, ' ‘ the entire weekend underts free; $12 fa =.: Performing Arts League. 802-868-6713 or vpal'.tolkids @verizon.net or www.vemtontinterna- I V tionalfestivalcom * ' V ’ . P MANCHESTER,'NFi— New Hampshire.Gay_lVlen's . Chorus} lt Must Be the Holiday Season. 7:30PM. “I map I . ., ' BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Activist . - Committee. 5:30PM-6:45PM. See November 01 . listing for more information. _V ' A ESSEX JUNCTION - Vermont international Festival. At the Robert E. Miller Building, ' Champlain Valley Exposition. Route 15/Pearl Street, Essex Junction. Friday December 6 (5~ . 8pm); Saturday December 7 (10am~6pn'1_)‘. Sunday December 8’(11am - 5pm). lntematlonal market-. I place withover 40 vendors selling reasonably; ,1 _ _, priced, Unique, imported handcrafts (clothing and accessories, (home decor and gift items,~potrery,_ " wall-hangings-and rugs. holiday decorations, instruments, sculptures, carvings, jewelry): ethnic - food booths; and nonstop ; vsultl-cultural music and ' able at the door", is good for . $3 i or children 6-1 2’ years: “ass. FMI: Vermont www.mountainpridemedia.org as ‘you start your holiday shopping. . Not only can you find great MPM merchandise, including our new MPM Mugs, but you have access to the |Give Mail (with hundreds of retailers we know and love), TLA Books & \fideos, Entertainment Discount "Books, ( The Vermont Country Store, and " more. The best part is that a por- tion of every sale goes directly back to MPM to help support our organization. v