sssgsflssefiésg gigs with a huge “We Came Out More” cake. Cake and ice cream helped to start the Friday Night Group meeting on the final day of events. The group has long been P one of the most popular and well- attended events at Outright. Thanks to all the youth who came OUT to celebrate all week long! Anyone interested in ongoing events at Outright, please call us 1-800-GLB—CHAT or check us out onlinez www.out— There are always things to do; people to hang out gees with and we are completely confi- denfial Outright Vermont is plan- ning another month of fabulous events for November! The usual suspects are Womyn's Group on the first Monday of the month and Trans group on the last Monday of the month. Both these groups are confidential and start at 6:30pm on their respective days. Friday Night Group is keeping the tradition rockin’ by meeting every Friday from 7pm-8:30pm at the Burlington offices — we are like the mail, no matter sleet, hall or mean dogs we hold our group no matter what! (That means holi- days too!) Wednesday Drop Ins this month will involve scalp treat- ment & massage, a trip to the Blue Plate Ceramic Tile folks, a movie 8. lots more! QYR, Queer Youth Radicals are active and makin’ a difference. All youth who want to make something change in this world should come and check this group out. Meetings every Friday at 5:30pm! And hot off the press! Montpelier folk and those around, mark your calen- dars for Nov. 15th. We are plan- ning a wonderful event for you folks down there. Check the web for more information! Be sure to check our website: www.out- for the latest and great- est information and impromptu events for weekends & more! 1- 800-GLB-CHAT. Be a Paper Boy or Girl for Mountain Pride Media Each month, Mountain Pride Media (MPM) acknowledges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains (OITM) out into the community by attending the monthly “stuffing." Thanks to Tania, Roland, Dan, Stephen, Euan, Pete, and Don. The November "Stuffing" (December Issue) will be on Friday, November 29th (yes, the day after Thanksgiving) starting at 12 NOON at our office, above The Daily Bread, in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by, say hello and help out.