november 2002 To announce an event in our monthly calendar, e-mail it to caIendar@mountain or write us at: POB 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. BURLlNGTQN_ - Outright verrnont _~,Youth Activist Committee. 5:30-6:45PM Youth ages 22 and V under are invited to plan upcoming Outright events and activities. Please bring submissions for 5-the ‘zine Reaching Out. Free pizza on the first Friday of the month. Location; 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. FMI: 1- ~ 800-GLB-CHAT, ‘ ' BURLINGTON ‘- Outright Vermont ‘-'3Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group 7- -. 8:30PM Free & Confidential, open to all GLBTQ ‘ youth V22.-and under. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. FMI: 1~ ’ ."800~GLB-CHAT, www.outrigh‘M.Orgi . . V cial 4-7PlVl » VR.U.1.2? Community Center press s‘Women‘s ' Social at.R,L_J.1.2? H_eadquarter_s.,SingIes. ooupies A and friends" _l invited fc_o,corne'V _d relax,‘ have '_ ztun, socialize.’ Please show up byV_5F’M as some For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our web calendar at : www.mountainpridemedia.orglca|endar_index.htm ompass Outright Vermont Comes Out with Style Every year at the beginning of October the leaves start to change color. the air turns cooler and queer organizations dust off their pride flags from June and hang them "out” for National Coming Out Week. V\fith events already geared toward celebrating Queer history month, the staff at Outright Vermont decided upon the nifty slogan “you should get out more.” It was agreed that this catchy phrase and a flashy ad cam- paign would get the attention of youth in the Burlington area and from around the state. Womyn’s Group, a monthly occur- rence, kicked off the week with a lively dis- cussion about famous queer women of the past. The women at the meeting shared their lesbian heroines and learned a great deal about women in queer history who, r BURLINGTON -. Ft.U.1.2? - Womenstcoming Out Support Group 6:30-9PM For women 25 years and up. Co’-faciiitated by supportive health profes- sionals and peers. Group is ongoing and free of charge. FMI: T802 860 RU12 or e-mail macera- ter@ru12;org 3 ‘ ‘ ’ ST Jonnssunv - Public Access TV .. Noel & Yves Show Charter Cable Channel 7 In 81. vi Johnsbury: Thursdays at 12:30pm and 9pm. Friday B , BURLINGTON ioutrigirt Vermont - Youth Activist Committee 5:30~6:45PM. See Friday 01. listing for I ‘ » more information. " BURLINGTON ‘7 Outright Vermont} Peer forged a path before them. Tuesday fea- tured a screening of The Laramie Project in honor of the anniversary of Matthew Shepard's death on October 12. The film is based on a series of monologues collected from townspeople in Laramie, Wyoming, in the aftermath’ of Shepard's death. The viewing of the film created a very somber mood among youth, informing them about the details surrounding those who were involved with the tragic event. Social/SupportMeeting Friday Night Group 7- ' 8:30t_?M. See,Friday 01 listing for more informa- tion.*'“_ T Tnerrond :.An{eiia‘s - Book Club Meeting 7?.3o- 8:80PM Selection for this month is Beach . Combing tore Shipwrecked God by Joe-Coomer. Hearts and minds got a cheerful pick-me-up on Wednesday with the Ice Scream social at Drop In. The youth came in from the cold evening and indulged in the frozen delights of Ben and Jerry's and some good company. The cine-madness continued on Thursday with the sidesplit- ting flick, But I'm A Cheer1eader. Friday was the icing on the cake — liter- ally! Friday was National Coming Out Day and Outright celebrated