ChampIainVaIIey Agency on ‘Aging _ Helping People Age with Independence and Dignity I ‘erving people 60 and over in Addison, Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Cozm CVAA welcomes calls from seniors, ._ family members_, Fzealtiz professionals, or anyone concerned about or sem'or,. ‘We will:_ ' A I We Ofier the 4 following services ~ Answer questions; - Refer you to an agency W}1ichca.n h€1Pi0r: ‘ » I Caregiver Support A - Connect you with a case manager who can provide you with more Case M“}‘agem‘3“‘_ in~depth assistance. Healthy Aging Programs ‘ Meals "on Wheels Nutrition Counseling V Senior Health Insurance Program Senior Hel-pLine I . Senior Community Meals Senior Companion Transportation Volunteer Opportunities » or Visit I Senior HelpLine p p 1-800-642-5119 865-0360 ((x)rroice/TTY) A Champlain Valley Agency on Aging (2: nonprofit United Way Agency) @ Qfiiggs; Chace Mill, Third Floor, 1 Mill Street,Bur1ingt0'n., VT 05401 ‘Maiiir-zg Address: PO. Box 158, Winooski, VT 05404-0158 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AN AUTUMN AFTERNOON TEA TO BENEFIT MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA SUNDAY, NOVEMBER I7, 2002 2:00 PM UNTIL 5:00 PM MOOSE MEADOW LODGE I DUXBURY, VT. TREATS, TEAS a MUSIC Sponsored by _ M0ose’Meadow Lodge » Willie Docto 8 Greg Tiulsoh ‘ " andthe D .- Vermont Liberty T ea Company‘ John McConneII Suggested; Donation $30, I RSVP by November 8 I 802-241.-5378 _ When you purchase on Enfertoinmenf*" book, you're ‘ a grow‘ cause of fhe some time. Support A Great Cause. ;’I§‘I"{§a A ‘a'5.“”33""W»I. ' %>:*1gm‘ ‘Ea. "R9 £- 4-; . .‘.‘1‘"Ii Get Oreot Savings. helping a great cause and giving yourself cw valuable giff-—haIf-off and two-for-one savings of! over fown! Want #0 Ivove a nice med} ouf or see 0 good movie? How obouf 50% off your dry cieoning and discounts on video rerifols? You can gef all these savings and supporf Everyone wins! Get your book today! 3 Confocf: Roland at rrpvt@‘to_c} or 802-383-7679 Or buy of enferfoinmentcom and enter occoum‘ #: 726285