The Samara Foundat n . ‘Vermont is a charitabie foundation W ose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, iesbian, bisexuai, and transgendered communities today and buiid an endowment for tomorrow. lliitlii ‘lite Mlllllfigzlg Y 0 u ! Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In The Mountains, depends on community members to help keep our paper ‘ out in the community. Can you volunteer about an hour a . month as a distribution volunteer? it's easy, fun. and helps to keep the cost of producing and distributing our paper down. Right now we need help with the following distribution routes: Bennlngton. VT - 155 copies - 11 stops Brattleboro, VT - 370 copies - 12 stops Keene,‘NH - 70 copies - 5 stops Mlddlebury Route - 240 papers - 14 stops Springfield, VT - 50 copies - 3 stops oitm @ or call 802.434.6486 W liréiiaiso seeking ild writers & photographers. Call our recruiting office if you think you’ve got the goods! RVMK North Professionals (802) 655-3333 EXT. 17 (800) 639-4520 EXT. 17 Because our team is dedicated to providing the best possible service to alt people, we are proud of our ties to the GL5? community. Specializing in Addison County George Brewer Jennifer Ponder fzEAi.'rOfv'., (302) 333-1 gag REALTOR, CR5, GRI, CRB, AER WWW’ MPM 8: OITM volunteer Q E iermpander@hutmai|.curn 5='v'v~'»‘- ‘ ‘ m..~.»@ Your Guidance Counselor for Life Hanging Too Low Hey, Mr. Frank, ‘*5 _ l have gotten,aider,_ my ball A, _ have :bee_g3 hanging even lower ’m not and it’s like'"having a big, heavy to minimize the hanging walk. if you’re fashion iconscl _ V When you’re nakad,';your_‘sac will swing foo uncomfortable or‘embarrassing§__for yo ' actually need to use your equipment. ‘ _ Most importantly; you shouldraalize that somaguy mi.ich”lovver‘than others and that often gets more ‘pro‘n_ou"_ _ g , older. There’s'no reason to get testy about it. And no reason 2‘ “a ,doctor*‘fo slice your sac and lift your disconcerting dangiers. " his woman lvef een dating anirisleeping wit couv be... __e " girlfriend who.,duniped me abouirfiileiyears. 39%.‘.-S metirri , that i forget who t’rn ‘with. I called the new girl the old girtfrie and that was a total disaster asiyouycan imagine) 5 Deja vu Dear Ms. Only you can know for sure whether or not your newt omanis just'a‘7psyo’hic sta‘nd—iri for you to work out some unresolved issues. In anyvcas you 3 ‘ should figure it out pretty damn quickly because using-the ne _ way isn’t fair to her and it’s not health y for you. " Regardless of how similar‘ they may look on the outside, they are two different people who have had ' different life experiences. You need to get closure“ on your Oi/t/_I_7,0f' with the actual girlfriend who dumped you instead of dragging this ‘unsuspecting new woman into your psycho drama. ‘ _ .. V ; ‘ * ©2002 Mr. Les B. Frank offers guidance counseling to people of all ages. Some letters are edited for length, spelling or grammar and all become the property of Les B. Frank. Some letters are edited for length, spelling or grammar. Send your questions and requests for guidance to