,-_.._._... 7* ._ __ _“_T4___” _, gcide_r=s‘.s;5;5ir’ig7F§ .u'es;' ” M presems;”_rheALear K5r_éNe. NH 5;"MmaanV¢ya<"Mén's Hesouree cent.=;r'75* _ . - Drop~!,n Support Group for Men. 7-9PM. See . Sunday __10/6 for more info. - WHITE FNVEH JCT - vAmelia‘s - Last Sunday . _ _, Supper.Tnmevand1ocation TBA, FMI: Barb at 802~ ' A 2965893, or stayIongtaIkmuch@hotmai1.uom.. - WHITE mven JCT - Barony of All Vermoht - V A Adams Eamily Meetsfihe‘ Mufister Family. V Z V “‘ b HaIJov_v,ee,n’Sh_Qw. 8P__M. Dqwageraaron ,1, Kristoft .V Raimando Regves Sousa & Ivana play weteomef‘ you! Come join us,-Aanvd the barony of all vemwontsat» 'Cactus.:Jack's‘for a gooIish’gdod time! Doors ope 'at,7PM:a'nds w__ ,