V compass Organizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. E-mail your submission to editor@mountainpridemedia.org Mountain Pride Media: Join Up, Join In! The Board of Directors and Staff of Mountain Pride Media wish to extend our deep and heartfelt sympathy to Euan Bear, editor of Out In The Mountains, whose stepfather recently passed away. Each month, Mountain Pride Media (MPM) acknowl- edges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains (O/TM) out into the community by attend- ing the monthly “stuffing." Thanks to Tania, Roland, Dustin, Judy, Daryl, Elizabeth, Stina, Marsha, Aldora, Dan, Bill, Stephen, David, James, Michael, and Fran. The October “stuffing" (November lssue) will be on Thursday, the 31st (yes that's Halloween) start- ing at 5:00 p.m. at our office, above The Daily Bread, in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by, say hello and help out — in costume or not — before you head off to those parties! We are also looking for new distribution volunteers. We currently have routes open in Bennington, Middlebury, Brattleboro, and Springfield (VT) as well as Keene in New Hampshire. Distribution routes take an hour or less per month to complete. This is a great way to help keep Out In The Mountains out in the community. If you are interested in becoming a distribu- tion volunteer please contact us at circu|ation@mountainprideme- dia.org or call 802-434-6486. Mountain Pride Media would like to send special thanks out to the following volunteers who have been an amazing help to our organization and wish them the very best in their new pur- suits: Vicky (Middlebury Distribution volunteer), Moon (Brattleboro Distribution Volunteer), Beth (Keene, NH Distribution Volunteer), Rich & B.J. (White River Junction/ Lebanon Distribution Volunteer), Heather (Bennington Distribution Volunteer), Elizabeth (OITM Online Archive Project Manager, MPM Technology Committee Member, and OITM stuffing regu- lar), and Stina (stuffing regular). Mountain Pride Media also wishes Justin Barton—Cap|in a fond farewell. Justin served on the Board of Directors for a year, as an officer of the Board as Secretary, and as the chair of MPM's Outreach Committee. Thank you Justin, for all you've done. Mountain Pride Media is seeking Board and Committee Members and Ad Sales represen- tatives. if you have skills that would be beneficial to Mountain Pride Media and Out In The Mountains, or if you just want to get more involved, please contact us at mpm@mountainprideme- dia.org. We would love to meet with you. Outright Vermont: Come Out, Come Out! The Outright October calendar: celebrating queer history, coming out week, and Halloween candy! All queer and questioning youth, 22 and under, are encouraged to attend all of our free and confi- dential groups and events. Breaking it down for you: Womyn's Group is now ONLY on the FIRST Monday of every month and Trans Group meets ONLY on the last Monday. 6:30-8pm for both. On 10/2 drop-in gets you ready for National Coming Out Week. We're going to create a mural of your coming out stories with the pictures you draw. National Coming Out Week: this week is huge! To cele- brate and educate, we are show- ing afternoon movies on Tuesday 10/8, (a movie to remember Matthew Shepherd & all queer victims of crimes) and Thursday 10/10 (a more |ight—hearted film about a cheerleader and an unlikely turn of events). Check out Drop in on Wednesday for an all ages Ice “Scream" Social. Young and old are invited to tell it like it was when they came out and enjoy free ice cream sundaes! The fol- lowing Wednesday is HIV preven- tion with Dan (you won't want to miss this), the Haunted Forest on 10/23 (rsvp by 10/9), and Bowling on 10/30. Youth Activist Meetings meet Friday nights at 5:30, before the fabulous Friday Night Groups that start at 7 p.m. For Brattleboro folks, the outpost meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at the Boys and Girls Club (17 Flat Street) at 6 p.m. The event that you won't want to miss: Masqueerade Ball Halloween Dance on Oct. 26th. Bring all your tricks and treats and boo-gie on down. The freak- ish-ness starts at 7 p.m. and goes till 11 p.m. at 242 Main (the club at Memorial Auditorium). Theatre on a Shoestring: come Make a Musical! Theatre on a Shoestring" has extended the deadline for its search for a pianist/musical direc- tor for the spring production of Godspell to November 1. Auditions will take place in January with productions late April/early May. Requirements are proficiency in piano, available two-three nights a week for up to 8 weeks, laid back, and have a sense of humor. See our ad in this issue of OITM for more infor- mation. Anyone interested should send a resume, headshot (if avail- able), and references to Godspell, clo TOAS, POB 1012, Burlington, VT 05402-1012. TOAS is also searching for volunteers to help behind the scenes as board members, proj- ect members, and more. To see the positions to be filled, go to wvvw.theatreshoe.com. R.U.1.2? Notes on second Queer Summit ' On Saturday August 24, the sec- ond Queer Community Summit was held in the Community Room at the Fletcher Free Library. Groups represented included: VCLGR, Samara Foundation, Vermont Freedom To Marry Task Force, Vermonters For Civil Unions, VCU Legal Defense Fund, Mountain Pride Media, Free To Explore, Pride VT, Barony of All VT, SafeSpace, Aplomb Consulting, First Unitarian Universalist Society, VT Diversity Health Project, R.U.1.2? Community Center, Both Sides Now, Faerie Camp Destiny, Green Mountain Freedom Band, VT HIV Community Planning Group, Chronic Conditions Information Network, VT People With Aids Network, HlV/AIDS Services Advisory Council, H|V+ Public Policy Project, Christ Church Presbyterian, and Huntington Open Women's Land. It was exciting to see so many new faces and such a diverse crowd! We began the morning discussing upcoming elections. Primarily we focused on the importance of educating our peers and all of our constituents about the basics of the election and how to get out the vote. This encompassed not only letting people know there IS an election this year, but also, for those groups which can be politically active, educating people about the candidates and who to vote for. In the afternoon, we shifted gears and continued some discussion topics taken from our last Summit meeting. The four topics were: 1) Board and Volunteer Recruitment/Retention; 2) Anti-Oppression/Working to end oppression in our own groups; 3) Fundraising Efforts; and 4) Outreach for Rural Organizing. Although there is far too much to report here in this article, it is important to note that almost every topic brought up three key ingredients to success: communication, collaboration and education. Everything we do as a community would greatly benefit if we paid heed to these three gold- en rules. From educating our con- stituents about an election, to communicating among organiza- tions about major fundraising efforts, to collaborating on BoardNolunteer recruitment and training — everything would be made easier if we worked togeth- er. On that note, we hope to see YOU at the next Queer Community Summit! For more information on the Summits, please contact R.U.1.2? Community Center at 802-860- RU12 or.thecenter@ru12.org. VGSA New Year’s Preview Since the ringing in of 1994, for all but one year Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) has hosted a gala New Year's Eve party. We started out at the Sheraton where almost 300 peo- ple gathered for an evening of great food. good fellowship, enter- tainment, and a fantastic night of dancing. In later years we cele- brated at the Inn at Essex, then back to the Sheraton, and for the past few years have made the Radisson our New Year's hang- out. Always wanting and will- ing to try something new, this year VGSA, along with The House of LeMay, will be ringing in 2003 at the St. John's Club in Burlington. Details are being finalized but look for the evening to start around 7pm with cocktails, followed by dinner at 8, a short show around 9 and then dancing the night away and watching the fireworks at midnight. The number of tickets available will be limited to 90. Tickets will go on sale next month with VGSA members getting first crack at them for the ear|y—bird price of only $25 per person. You'll want to get them ASAP, as the price will go up in December. Ticket order forms and more infor- mation will be included in the November newsletter or can be obtained on-line at wvvw.vgsa.com. House of LeMay Peeps Leaf The House of LeMay will be pre- senting “The Leaf Peeping, Cider Sipping Revue" - a celebration of surviving another tourist season - on Friday, October 25 and Sunday, October 27 at the St. John's Club in Burlington. The show will include a tribute to Howard Dean (how can we miss him if he won't go away?), the political situation in Beaver Pond, Vermont, as well as a Halloween scene - “Nightmare on Beaver Pond" (or, the Hair Bitch Project). On Friday, October 25, the doors open at 8pm for a social hour with the show starting at 9pm. There will be post-show party following. Tickets are $10. On Sunday, October 27, doors open at 5pm. a buffet dinner will be served at 6pm and the show at 7pm. Tickets for the Sunday show are $20 and advance reservations are requested (sislemay@togeth- er.net). , “Another Beaver Pond Christmas" will be presented on Saturday & Sunday, November 30 and December 1, also at the St. John's Club. v BE A HERO! Put your time and energy to work and help make a difference in our community! Consider joining Mountain Pride Media's Board of Directors or one of its Committees. INTERESTED1’? Contact Roland Palmer at rfpvt@together.net C 5 = I: E .2? CD C) E C’) E § E lli5,iiI?ii' \'H\‘.\l( )NTEK$ 2010 To learn more about: o HIV testing - Benefits of knowing your HIV status - Treatment, support and counseling options (rill Vermont AIDS Hotline _ l-800-882-AIDS