HA Iypical of “Ex-Gay” Groups I read with interest about Andre’s efforts at start- ing a chapter of Homosexuals Anonymous in this area. I think it should be noted that the founder of Homosexuals Anonymous, Colin Cook, was asked to leave his “ex-gay” ministry for having sex with men seeking counseling from him. As far as I know. he is still claiming he is “ex-gay” and engaged in ministry. However, that is typical of“ex-gay” ministries. Many of their leaders may act straight but inside they are still gay. They live lives based on denial. That’s why these ministries speak of "struggling” with homosexuality. It is not surpris- ing that_a few get caught, like John Paulk of Exodus lntemational, in gay bars and cruising areas. “Ex-gay" ministries claim many “victo- ries" over homosexuality, but there are no real sta- tistics to back those claims. According to one “ex- gay“ leader (who is straight by the way), they don’t have the time to crunch any numbers. On the other hand. there are plenty of ex-ex-gays whose lives were traumatized by these ministries and [who] have since spoken out against them. includ- ing many founders and leaders of“ex-gay" min- istries. The two founders of Exodus lntemational, Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper, wound up falling in love and leaving the organization, pro- claiming that they never once saw an “ex-gay.” Frank Shears was a viciously anti-gay crusader in Vancouver, BC and former director of Exodus lntemational who was sick of struggling and came out as a gay man just before he died ofAIDS. Rev. Craig Buxton. a Methodist minister, headed a chapter of Homosexuals Anonymous before he accepted the fact that he was gay. It is little won- der that many of the current leaders of “ex-gay” ministries are straight. V Much of this information I gathered from Evangelicals Concerned. an organization founded by Dr. Ralph Blair who has spent nearly 25 years exposing “ex-gay” claims. They can be reached at wvvw.ecinc.org. There is also a web site called ExGay Nomad which also has information regarding these ministries (members.aol.com/ exgaynomad/index.htm). The tragedy about Andre is that he and others like them are so filled with self-loathing and homophobia that they must get involved with organizations that confimi those negative feelings. Only when they learn to love and accept them- selves can they truly be the person God or some such higher power wants them to be. Michelle “Mikki” Thomas. Burlington While not all “ex-gay" groups are organized on the I2-step model, it should be noted that none of the I2-step groups keeps statistics on those who attend its meetings. Other behavioral modification programs do keep statistics. — EB Shumlin Has Best chance The upcoming race for Lieutenant Governor pres- ents a difficult choice for our community. Both Anthony Pollina and Peter Shumlin would support our issues. For me, the more pressing question is who has the best shot of actually getting into office. . Assume for a moment that the Republicans maintaintheir majority of House seats. If Shumlin and Pollina split the liberal vote, neither one will get the 50% needed to -win out- right. Come January, the decision is made by the legislature. I can’t imagine them voting (in secret, let’s remember!) for either Shumlin or Polina. That very likely scenario would put Republican Brian Dubie in the leadership role ofthe Senate. Last session it was the Democratic Senate that put a stop to legislation repealing civil unions, restricting access to abortion and many efforts to water down environmental laws. Next session may well see the start the process to add a "defense" of marriage provision to our constitu- tion. Who wants Republican Dubie (who supports DOMA) in charge of that debate? I spent a lot oftime in the State House during'the civil unions debates. It was the Democrats who stood up for us and suffered losses as a result in the 2000 elections. Some of my Progressive friends say there’s no difference between Democrats & Republicans. If you believe that, especially with GLBT issues, you must have had your head in the sand these past few years! Need some proof, imagine for a moment, Governor Dwyer. Please, vote and vote wisely. Chuck Kletecka Waterbury Center Pollina Has Real Compassion I had the opportunity to work with both Anthony Pollina and Peter Shumlin this past year. It was during the hearings for the medical marijuana bill. It did not take me long to see which one plays the game of politics and which one truly cares about seriously ill Vermonters. ' In June, I recognized 20 years of HIV infection as a result of a blood transfusion. I have been treated for HIV with drugs since 1988. I have also experienced severe side effects from most of these drugs. Mostly, I suffer from nausea and vomiting and severe rashes. I am very fortunate to have survived this disease for this long, and I pray I will contin- ue living in relative good health for many more years. However, the use of marijuana, for medical purposes, is one of the reasons I am doing as well as I am today. It allows me to ease my nausea and vomiting, allowing me to eat well and retain what I ingest. When all my attention is not consumed by the nausea, I am able to be a better mother, wife, sister, daughter, business owner, and citizen of Vennont. Peter Shumlin misled us to believe that he supported the medical marijuana bill that came to the Senate after it passed the House. On February 15, 2002, he stated in the Rutland Herald that he thought it was “a thoughtful bill.” However, Peter Shumlin, while holding a high position in the Senate, essentially ensured that this bill died. When a group of consumers got together to hold a press conference about the lack of under- standing around this issue in the legislature. Peter Shumlin scheduled his own press conference 30 minutes before ours to “outdo” us in opposition to the House bill. He tried to push a version of the bill (he temied it a “compromise”, but it was real- ly a political move) which would have resulted in forcing seriously ill patients to deal with drug dealers — a position that was totally unacceptable to consumers. is this the way he intends to operate as Lieutenant Govemor — trying to outmuscle and outwit vulnerable Vermonters’? After the show he put on last legislative session. it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. It takes true leadership to make difficult decisions. Allowing patients to improve their qual- ity oflife through the medicinal use of marijuana. when a doctor and patient together determine whether the benefits outweigh the risks, would be a true act of leadership. Bowing to political party pressures (when the majority of Vermonters under- stand and support the need for medical marijuana) is an act of cowardice, not leadership. I had extensive conversations with Anthony Pollina over this issue and he truly gets it — he understands the needs of seriously ill Vermonters and he has a compassion and empathy that is truly lacking in Peter Shumlin. I know in my heart that Anthony Pollina has the courage and the integrity to listen to Vermonters — to really listen. Anthony was right there with us in supporting this bill - beside us, working with us. I believe that is where he will be as Lieutenant Governor. Katherine Perera Hancock Racine Partisan Urges LGBTQs to Vote . Thank you for interviewing the men who want to be Vennont’s next Govemor. If we needed any further evidence of how important it is to vote in November, those interviews surely provided it. Clearly, our rights and our futures are at stake as much in this election as they were in 2000. The harsh rhetoric from that election may have been toned down but the underlying homophobia remains. We need to participate in this election as if our lives depend on it. We need to register and letters to vote. We need to volunteer our time and our money to support candidates who are committed to working with us. We need to elect people who value human rights. The choice for Governor could be no , clearer. Doug Racine is intelligent, experienced, thoughtful and compassionate. Doug has consis- tently been a clear and effective ally for LGBT Vermonters. He has worked with members of our community at every step along the way in our efforts to establish our equal rights. He has heard our issues and concerns and shared his insights and his inlluence. He has not shied away from our struggles, he has championed them. Doug Raeine‘s OITM interview shows his understanding ofinany of the issues that we face and his willingness to clearly and publicly state his commitment to our cause. In the last year he has spent many hours meeting illld working with groups from within our community on impor- tant issues. He has listened to LGBT youth describe the daily challenges they face and to I'llV+ Vermonters outline their physical, economic and social struggles. He clearly wants to work with us as partners on a wide range of important issues for Vermont. I urge all LGBT Vermonters and our allies to register and to vote. Our rights and futures depend on the outcome ofNovember’s elections. We need to elect Doug Racine Governor and we need to send people to the Vermont House and Senate who will work with him and us to build a better future for all Vermonters. Tim Palmer Williston Tim Palmer is the Chittemlen County coordinator for the Racine for Governor campaign. No Needles in Our Back Yard I am sure many of your readers understand what is meant by “hindsight is 20/20" but for those who do not, let me explain. What is meant by this adage is that though you cannot see into the future, what is in the past is very clear, like perfect vision, hence 20/20. This saying should hold true when it comes to a sure way of preventing blood- borne pathogens from spreading in our population. Twenty plus years ago a virus was entering our society with very little acknowledge- ment from government officials. The virus was called the “Gay Related Infectious Disease” or GRID. It was years before scientists finally agreed to call it the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV. It took many thousands of lives before peo- ple understood that it was a disease that could infect any human being, no matter what their sex- ual persuasion was 11 is we“ > continued on page listed in a box with Christopher Corrections: Granoff’s Greenlanders comic last Lgoking over the photos of the andidates for the three political races featured in last month's issue, I felt just a bit uneasy, and finally I realized what was missing: there's not one woman among them. Why not? Of course, I'd prefer it not be just anyone with either a double- X chromosome or a ‘female gender identity presentation.’ I can think of a few female faces I’d just as soon not see in a statewide candidates’ line-up this year. But you'd think that the Progressives or the Democrats at least could find a strong woman candidate to field in one of the top spots. And who do the Republicans have to replace the totally class act that Barbara editor's notebook Snelling brought to the Golden Dome? Which is not to ignore Auditor Liz Ready or Secretary of State Deb Markowitz, both running for re-election. lt’s just that this particular collection of photos was all suits and ties, jackets and guys. A little more gender diversity would be a ‘good thing.’ And no, although I’ve used a favorite phrase of the tyrant- tycoon of home fashions, I wouldn’t want to see Martha Stewart's face in the line-up either. f course, there are plenty of other therapists who are gay- friendly and have experience in helping men heal from childhood sexual abuse in Vermont than we Kaufman’s review of Men Leaping Upon Mountains. As often happens at deadline time, I called someone I know, whose contacts happened to be in northwestern Vermont. Christopher Kaufman has helped us correct that imbalance to a degree with the following list (as of press time. we were awaiting call- backs from therapists in the Northeast Kingdom and in the Upper Valley). Southeastern Vermont: Michael Gigante — 254-8032; Maryann Parrott — 258-3069; Esha Dakavana - 254-6860; Diane Leardi — 254-7345. West-Central Vermont: Kathy Judge — 775-4500; Catherine Thomas — 775-6400. V We let slip by the misspelling of anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly’s name in Crow's Caws last month. Not on purpose, honest. V Nor was it intentional that we incorrectly listed the phone number for the anti-gay Homosexuals Anonymous at the end of that news article. The correct number is 862- 7545. V I also managed to misspell Leah Wittenberg’s last name in the Contributor's list last issue. Sorry Leah. » V And in case any other English major with an “l’m-eruditer-than- you” complex wondered, “to the manner born” is the correct spelling for the phrase used in Stuart month. The phrase comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet and refers to customs (manners), not riches (manors): Act I, Scene IV: Someone asks about a flourish of trumpets, ‘‘Is it a custom?” Hamlet says: “Ay, marry, is’t:/ But to my mind, though I am native here/And to the manner born, it is a cus- tom/More honor’d in the breach than the observance." Granoff not only had it right, but provided the documentation. V