AIDS Walk Vermont %O You’ve listened to the news! You’ve read the stories! You know it’s not over! S September 26, 2002 5 pm Registration 6pm Walk r . Register online at: Take the Next Step! AIDS Walk Vermont or call 800-649-AIDS Kindly Sponsored in Part By: The mission of Vermont CARES is to improve the quality of life, create compassionate communities and prevent the spread of HlV by working vviht people _ ;§f;j;:::;$=i*- W ‘ gomnjm me \ F I LE N 95 affected by HIV/AlDS as catalysts for social and individual change » ‘‘ Monies raised help support the programs of VT CARES in ten of the fourteen fiz counties in Vermont ._ \ w\/rev » . V ‘§i~ I? INDEPENDENCE INTGRITY EPRNC “Ed is a leader and champion for our civil rights. He has been an independent reformer and is not afraid to stand up to powerful interests on behalf of all Vermonters. We need his activism and leadership as State Treasurer.” — Rep. Bill Lippert, Hinesburg FLANAGAN 53”“ STATE TREASURER . Paid for by ‘Flanagan for Vémi’on_t S _ 0 Defending Our Civil Rights 0 Creating Jobs S as _ ’ _ “Ed’s record speaks for itself. He fought for O |mprQV|ng Educaflgn women’s access toliealth care and has proven - _ time again that he’ll work hard for Vermont ‘ O consumers and taxpayers. He'll represent t _ . _ - Vermont well on Wall Street.” 0 Ensuring our Retirement Savings —Rep. Ann Seibert, Norwich PO Box 209, Burlington, VT 05402 0 802-951-9500 0