The Samara Founda Vermont is a charitable foundation ose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. %%i;.,_ V ’l«800~325»9’.7fi6 . § ;ALv.soN Aoyemuass EROTIC ADVENTURES FOR THE SOUL "Celebrating the Body Erotic" Come alive to the power of your erotic energy. Discover deeper levels of com- munication with yourself and others. Honor yourself with the gift of touch. October 18-20 CALL (617) 524-9044 www.bodyelectric.0RG V , a.l£m// Because our team is dedicated to providang the best possible service to all people, we are proud of our ties to the GLBT community. specializing in Addison County _ George Brewer Jennifer Ponde REALTOR, (392) 333-1999 s2a.u'on, CR5, GRI, CR5, AER HPM 8: OITM volunteer langm! E jennpanderaxlcoa-nall.cnm ~ ' ’ .....~..o Mr. Les B. Frank: Your Guidance Counselor for Life Hot Sex Not Worth Risking HIV Hey, Mr. Frank, My new boyfriend is so hot you could like fry an egg on him. We have been having great*‘“ , 4 sex for like two weeks but now he’s saying that he wants to do it without a condom. I am HIV-negative and have always done safe sex. He doesn’t know whether he’s positive or negative because he says he doesn't want to get tested and have to deal with all that... ldefinltely need some guidance on lhis. “ .4 A I7 V ' '4 Brett Dear Brett, You need more than guidance. You may need a new bcyfrleri M He’s being irres c" not getting tested. I understand that fear canrcause people‘ to want to ayoldtlrno status but fear is no excuse for putting other peopleat r./‘Vs ‘ . r so great that we should put aside our own principles and al 14/ our Ages: to b risky behavior. He should get tested and you should stick to ale Hey, Mr. Frank, I am a happy and healthyisingle lesbian in my 303 I'd loy jtojghave child bu A wantior he in a relationship first, before I take the big. plunge rn wonderin‘ §r_i_it’s wi_ 1 cm u A cateihis goal to prospectivegdates? l‘rn'a¥so‘wonc_l_e_rin9.WhereE houldfmeeiw lneh=~-'wil:h ’ similar ideals? " . A. . ‘ "Shanna Dear Shanna, A A M H Telling prospective dates about your goal Will definitely thin oul the hard but, in this’ ase. 4 that can be a good thing. If yours as serious about parentlng“asyousound,‘ you donljwanl. to get involved with a woman who has no interest in having lrids. _l know some single moth choosing isn’t easy. But, if you stay the course and surrou friends and family, the path is less daunting. And, remember, . college fund for your kids. ‘ = ‘ ' " — 3\-ii)!-* Hey,Mr. Frank! Recently I started dating this great guy. 1 reallyiyi/ant myilriends . 0 meet him, the yas. majority of myfriends are straight males.‘They are all very1coo¥’with my sexuality out they ye -1 never had to deal with me having a boyfriend. l'm not sure howlhey will react. How should :1 ' “ handle the introduction? » Wanting to show and tell Hey, buddy, Try,llhis: “Guys‘,_this is my. boyfriend.” ‘ Don't make it a big deal and it’s less likelyfo be abig deal for the friends are comfortable with your sexuality but male as it should be. M ed to understand and endorse every straight relationship that comes down _ don ’t demand the same kind of acceptance and support for our oily relation ps Publi displays of affection are more of a gray area. Holding han ’ and kissing can V depending on the people were with and the situation. gGivé*j{ourself the same freedom you give your friends, when they have girlfriends a . E 4 Congratulations on the new boyfriend and glue your friends my regards. ~ ~ ~ Mr. Les B. Frank offers guidance counseling to people of all ages. Some letters are edited for length, spelling or grarnmar and all become the property of Les B. Frank. Some letters are edited for length, spelling or grammar. Send your questions and requests for guidance to He MrFrank