Faerie Camp Destiny POB 531 Winooski VT 05404-0531 Gabriel, 295-7105 Web: www.faeriecampdestiny.org First Unitarian Universalist Society An Official Welcoming Congregation 152 Pearl g Street Burlington VT 05401 Services Sunday 11am lntem/eave Monthly GLBT Potluck Information, 651-8836 Website: wvvw.home- town.ao|.com/welcongburluuNT.html First Universalist Parish (UU) Derby Line VT 873-3563 754-8780 First Universalist Parish of Chester Nick Boke 263-5487 First Universalist Parish of Hartland Beverly Boke 263-5487 St. Michael Episcopal Church. Sundays 8 a.m.: Holy Eucharist and sermon, 10 a.m.: An open and affirming congregation of the Episcopal Church welcoming LGBT persons. 18 Bradley Ave, Brattleboro. 802-254-6048. Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St. Montpelier VT 05602 223-7861 Unitarian Universalist Church 117 West Street Rutland VT Rev. Amy Zucker 775-0850 Unitarian Universalist Congregation I Upper Valley Nancy Crumbine POB 1110 Norwich VT 05055 649-8828, uucuv@dartmouth.edu Vermont Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl, Burlington 05401 Vermont Open circle of Wicca & Wicce POB 1345 Middlebury VT 05753-1345 388- 6457 Email: info@opencircle.faithweb.com Website: opencircle.faithweb.com Vermont Organization for Weddings of the Same Gender (VOWS) » Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Road West Glover VT 05875 525-3875 Website: STU DENT Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance (DRA) Hanover NH 03755 603-646-3636 Free To Be: GLBTA at UVM B-163 Billings, UVM Burlington VT 05405 Faculty Advisor: 656-2087 Email: free2b@zoo.uvm.edu Web: www.uvm.edu/~lbgtqa Goddard G/UB Alliance Goddard College Plainfield VT 05667 Keene State College Pride Keene State College Keene NH 03431 Email: kscpride@ hotmail.com Web: wcb.ke'ene.edu/%7Ekscpride Johnson State College GSA GLBOAA c/o Student Association Johnson, VT 05656 Email: repstadr@mail.jsc.vsc.edu Events - Activities Advocacy Education Networking Buyer's CO-Op Vermont . People With AIDS Coalition P.O. Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05601-0011 in Vermont 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754 Landmark Gay] Lesbian / Bisexual Alliance Landmark College Putney VT 05346 387-6752 Lyndon State College Gay Straight Alliance (LSC-GSA) c/o Office of Student Activities Lyndon State College Lyndonville VT 05851 626-6363 Email: LSCGSA@hotmai|.com Web: wvvw.angelfire.com/vt/lscgsa Marlboro Pride Marlboro College c/o Carolyn Conrad Box A, Marlboro College Marlboro VT 05344 Email: cconrad@marlboro.edu Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (MOQA) Drawer 8 Middlebury College Middlebury VT 05753-6033 Email: moqa@panther.middle- bury.edu Web: www.middlebury.edu/~moqa One in Ten - Castleton State College Campus Center Castleton VT 05735 President: Marshall Traverse, 468-1826 Email: onein- ten@cast|eton.edu St Mike's College ALLY Group The Student Resource Center Winooski Park Colchester VT 05446 Linda Hollingdale, 654-2546 Laura Crain, 654-2388 The Alliance at VT Law School South Royalton VT 05446 Dan Stafford, Chair Email: dstaffor@vermontlaw.edu Greg Johnson, Advisor 763-8303 x2284 Email: gjohnson@vermontlaw.edu Website: www.ver- montlaw.edu/~alliance Vermont Technical College - Lambda Randolph Center VT 05061 Mary Mulhem 728-1270 Website: www.vtc.vsc.edu/clubs/lambda SUPPORT American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), formerly GLB Veterans of America, POB 29317, Chicago, IL 60629, www.aver.us Gay & Bisexual Men's Support Group Keene NH Shawn, 800-639-7903 Coming Out & Questioning Support Group for LGBTQ Adults For adults age 23 and up, free, open and ongoing. Mixed Group: 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 6:30 pm Women's Group: 1st 8. 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 pm R.U.1.2? Headquarters Burlington VT 860-7812 Email: thecenter@ ru12.org Web: wvvw.ru12.org Friends in Adoption 44 South St. POB 1228 Middletown Springs VT 05757 235-2373 VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) NE Regional Director Peggy Gage 12 Lincoln St. Exeter,NH 03833 603- 772-2113 Email: NortheastRD@pf|ag.org Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner 23 Birchwood Lane Burlington VT 05401 863- 4285 Steve & Geneva Burroughs 878-2838 Southwest VT Area Meets 2nd Sundays, 2pm First Congregational Church UCC (side entrance) Williamstown MA 442-5557 Straight Spouses of GLB Partners Keene NH Jane Harris 413-625-6033, eharris@va|inet.co'm Vermont Lesbian and Gay Parents Meeting info: 658-6045 /4: > TRANSGENDER Gender R Us Support & social group for transgender folks POB 5248 Burlington VT 05402 800-649-2437 863-2437 International Foundation for Gender Education POB 540229 Waltham MA 02454-0229 781- 899-2212 Fax: 781-899-5703 Web: www.ifge.org : Transgender Radical Action, Networking, & Support (TRANS ) POB 5687 Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 Email: transvt2@aol.com WOMEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (ALMA) POB 6345 Keene NH 03431 603-363-4961 Amelia Earhart Underground Flying Society POB 746 Lebanon NH 03766 Email: aufs@quest-net.com Web: www.bar- ney.org/amelias/index Burlington Women's Council POB 0583 Burlington VT 05402-0583 CRONES (For Women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Road Milton VT 05468 DYKE TALK Women's Discussion Group Wendy, 877-3653 Fried Green Tomatoes Vermont Women's Social Group POB 150 Elmore VT 05657 888-5196 Golden Threads Lesbian Contact Publication P013 1688 Demorest GA 30535-1688 706-776-3959 Mary C. Davidson Email: joydg2002@yahoo.com Huntington Open Women's Land (HOWL) 434-3953 MOB New England BDSM and kinky social organization for women who play with women 617-598-1061 X1209 Email: BostonMob@aol.com Web: www.mobneweng- |and.org Sex, Lies, & Language Women's writing Group focussing on topics of sexuality, sensuality, and the erotic. No writing experience necessary. Putney VT 387-5452 Umbrella Women's Center 1107 Main St., Ste. 102 St. Johnsbury VT 05819 748-8645 Woman Centered 5 School Ave. Montpelier VT 05602 229-6202 Email: womanctr@sover.net Web: wvvw.wom- ancentered.org Women's Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. Lebanon NH 03766 603-448- 5922 24 Hour Hotline: 603-448-5525 ,5’ .,.. s§.z9>3Z?=:- Whatever you take along for pleasure, consider this: We may feel safe in Vermont, but we're not immune to AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t take a chance... take a condom Women of the Woods (WOW) 101 Harris Hill Worcester VT 05682 -229-0109 ‘- Email: |eapnmom@'aol.com Back to Top YOUTH Central Vermont OUTRIGHT 800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) Creating Change St Johnsbury VT Lore Caldwell 748-8645 Gay I straight Alliances in Vermont High Schools Bellows Free Academy South Main Street St. Albans VT 05488 Gail Grismore, 527-7576 Web: homepages.togeth- er.net/~ekeny-on/gsa/bfa/home Brattleboro U.H.S. - Prism Fairground Road Brattleboro VT 05301 Andrea Carlson, 257- 0361 Tracy Binet, 257-0356 Cabot School POB 98 Cabot VT 05647 Charlie Wanzer, 563-2289 Champlain Valley Union HS 3 Box 160 Hinesburg VT 05461 Meg Howard, 482-7182 Manchester High School Student Contact: Byron Brown Email: TofuRights@aoI.com Middlebury Junior UHS Charles Avenue Middlebury VT 05753 Howard Giles Middlebury Union HS - GAIGHT Charles Street Middlebury VT 05753 Susan Webb & Rebecca Reimers 382-1115 382-1117 Missisquoi Valley Union HS RR2, Box 268 _ Swanton VT 05488 Paula Bowen 868-7311 x109 Email: 2girls@together.net Mt. Anthony Union HS - Students For Diversity Bennington VT Lisa Moore 447-7511 x279 ‘ Putney School GBSA Elm Lea Farm Putney VT 05346 Rose Johnson 387-2044 Email: Rose_Johnson @ pegasus.putney.com Rutland High School 22 Straton Road Rutland VT 05701 Karen McGur| 773-1955 Web: www.vermontel.com/~bishop/gsa South Burlington HS 550 Dorset Street S Burlington VT 05403-6296 Karen Grace Spaulding Union HS Ayers St. Barre VT Lisa Lemieux Marty Morris Julie Wilson Email: JL|NDSHS@Spaulding.k12.vt.us .St. Johnsbury High School Andra Hibbert Email: andracorin@aol.com U-32 High School RD2 Montpelier VT 05602 Ellen Cooke 229-0321 G/Learn (Gay/Lesbian Education and Resource Network) POB 113 Nonivich VT 649-5297 296-3858 North Country GLBTS Alliance Littleton NH LB, 603-444-0418 Email: xcountry.al|en@ usa.net Outright Vermont Serving youth 22 and under POB 5235 Burlington VT 05402 865-9677 Youth Hotline: 800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) Email: info@out- rightvt.org Web: www.outrightvt.org Woodstock Area Gay/Straight Youth. Alliance FMI: Outright Vermont 800-GLB-CHAT Vermont AIDS Hotline 1.300. 882.A/D5‘ _ __ 1.800.319.3115 _, _A_ ,, ' __,__.§-. -¥———~ -—,—— »