A A _ M «f ___i ,_4_.,_ v4—.——.—————+—--—\/ For n see" _ a‘R‘A’TT_:‘ Bond l3_eronyofAllVennom- ' "inve . FIMRH Baroness Ill Auturn icipants 271 1 . Good ' Feel to enjoy the "small indulgences” that will my, peace, and sens_ua|ity,back into our ys. Bring a friend and loin us today as — 7'euthor Collins shares with you some of her - unmierom - Ruiz” ~ Women's Social. 4pm- ,, .. V. » 9 1* = 7pm. R;_l_).1'.2? Community Center presents 1 ‘BUB N ON ~‘American Cancer Society Look] I. A 'aoni.iNeToNV - Amos walla" Vermont - Vermont CARES‘. ‘Call 800—649:2437'oi’ register online at: wiMI_v,vtcares.org/aidswalk.htrn Take the Next Step! Wallt, starts at 6pm at the Unitarian Church at the t\cip-of Church Street. Registration begins at 5pm. ' BURLINGTON - Fl.U_.1.2? : Questioning and Coming Out Support Group. 6:30pm. Group for lesbian, gay, bi. trans, and questioning adults 23 , and up! At -Ft.U.1.2’? Headquarters at 1 Steele. 551., i Suite 113 on Burtington's Waterfront bikepath. The group is open, ongoing, free-of-charge and co- facilitated by supportive health professionals and peers. FMI: 860-RU12 or thecenter@ru12.org , RICHMOND - Out in the Mountains - Monthly Stuffing. 5:30pm-8:30pm. Come join MPM board members, staff, and other volunteers at the month- ly Out .lnThe Mountains Stuffing at the QITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. HeIp‘get the paper‘ ready for mailing out to our community while visiting with old friends or making new ones! The stuffing starts “at 5:30pm and: lasts until we are lin- ishéd (usually 3 hours). Weprovide pizza so. . it us! ‘FMIV & Direotions: 802‘-.434~,6486 or '_wA Hl,Nefo~,’“bo -VmNatioi1al Lesbian Health , The Mautner Project forfLesbians with host the National Lesbian Health ‘ _ Conference 2002:Hea|ing Works, from September j tq'A28:_in' Washington, D.O."FMl or to register, - contact the Mautner Project at 202-332-5536, or l:rtj‘autrter@rrtat1tnerproject.org- ., is