Organizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. E-mail your submission to ‘ North Hill Garden Benefit For AIDS Project Joe Eck and Wayne Vtfinterrowd, partners in North Hill, will open their extensive garden in Readsboro, Vermont on Wednesday, July 31 and Saturday, August 31 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to benefit the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont. __ Eck and Winterrowd, nationally recognized garden designers and horticulturists, started the garden at North Hill 1977. It now comprises about seven acres under intense culti- vation, surrounded by a larger tract of mature hardwoods of beech and maple. Though it has evolved in size and dimension throughout its life, most parts have now reached a youthful maturity. Eck and Wtnterrowd are the authors of Living Seasonally: The Kitchen Garden and Table at North Hill, A Year at North Hill, Elements of Garden Design and Annuals for the Connoisseur. Contributions to the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont are taken at the entrance to the Garden. The mis- sion of the Project is to provide services to people affected by HlV and AIDS and to prevent the spread of HIV. Our services are free to all those whose lives are affected by HIV/AIDS. Tours gen- erally take an hour. If you are interested in attending the North Hill Garden tour, please send your request in writing to the AIDS Project. It should include the fol- lowing information: 1. Choice of date: Wednesday, July 31; or Saturday, August 31; 2. Choice of time: 9 am - 3 pm (tours every 20 minutes, include first and second choice). Limit is 4 tickets per request. Please include a self- addressed stamped envelope and mail the request to: North Hill, AIDS Project, PO Box 1486, Brattleboro, VT 05302. Looking For a Few, Good‘ GLBTOS Each month, Mountain Pride Media (MPM) acknowledges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains out into the com- munity by attending the monthly. "stuffing." Thanks to Tania, Roland, Euan, Dustin, James, Michael, Judy, Alverta, Daryl, Elizabeth, and David. The August stuffing (September issue) will be on Thursday, August 29th starting at 5:30 p.m. at our office, above The Daily Bread, at 39 Bridge St. in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by, say hello and help out. Free pizza and soft drinks and good company are part of the fun! We are also looking for a few new distribution volunteers. We currently have routes open in Bennington and Springfield (VT) as well as Keene, Lebanon, and Hanover in New Hampshire. Distribution Routes take an hour or less a month to complete. This is a great way to help keep Out In The Mountains out in the commu- nity. If you are interested in becoming a distribution volunteer please contact us at circula- or call us at 802-434-6486. Mountain Pride Media held its annual Board retreat in July to connect and plan for the year ahead. You — yes, you — can make a difference by serving on our Board of Directors. The more hands, the lighter and faster the work (and more time to party!). We are actively looking for com- munity members to serve a three- year term. If you have skills that might help Mountain Pride Media keep Out In The Mountains a vital and growing voice for our commu- nities — or if you just want to get more involved — please contact We would love to meet with you. Calling All Theatre Mavens! Theatre on a Shoestring is cur- rently looking for volunteers to help carry the company into 2003 and beyond. Maximum time requirement is 5 days a month, but average requirement would be closer to 2 days a month. The positions that are soon to be available are: Vice President, Treasurer, Audition Committee, Play Reading Committee, and Fund Raising Committee. If you are interested in helping out or want more information on a spe- cific position, contact TOAS at . TOAS is also looking for a crew for its spring production of Godspell. Needed are: musical director/pianist, small band, light- ing crew, backstage crew, stage manager, publicity crew, and much more. If you are interested, please send a resume (and photo, if available) to GOD- SPELL, c/o TOAS, PO Box 1012, Burlington, VT 05402-1012. Specify on the envelope which position(s) you are applying for. Journey Esperanza Fundraiser V for Womensafe Esperanza is the Spanish word for hope, and from August 4-7 Adrienne Cohen will be providing hope to many Addison County and Rochester women. Cohen will journey from the Canadian border to the Massachusetts line riding along Route 100 and will cover approximately 250 miles. The goal is to bring awareness to the issue of violence against women and to raise money for Womensafe. Along the route Cohen will stop to provide infor- mation to local media about domestic and sexual violence and what individuals can do to stop this violence in their community. Donations for Esperanza are tax deductible and can be made by contacting WomenSafe at 388- 9180. Safespace Survey Results In! It may have rained on our parade, but that didn't dampen the spirits of SafeSpace staff, volunteers, and board members as we marched in our very first Pride Day Parade behind the SafeSpace banner. It was won- derful to be such a visible pres- ence at the festivities and have such a great opportunity to pro- vide education about LGBTQQ violence and information about our services to the wide variety of folks present. Volunteers, board members, and staff dodged rain- drops as they worked the crowd to encourage as many people as possible to complete our survey about violence in the LGBTQQ community in Vermont. When the day was over, more than 200 people had responded. 12 percent of the LGBTQQ Vermonters who com- pleted the survey reported experi- encing same-sex domestic vio- lence in the past year in Vermont. 58 percent reported experiencing anti—LGBT harassment or a bias- related incident. Out of this 58 percent, 19 percent reported experiencing an anti—LGBT hate crime (either a physical or sexual assault or property destruction). This survey will help SafeSpace educate the communi- ty and potential funders about the pervasiveness of violence com- mitted against and within the LGBTQQ community in Vermont, and about the need for SafeSpa'oe. Thank you to every- one who helped to make the sur- vey a success! If you have ques- tions about the survey or want to learn more about Safespace pro- grams and services please call Kara DeLeonardis, MSW, Safespace Executive Director, Mike Bensel or Martha Dyson, Advocates, @ 863-0003 (Vl'|'TY), 866-869-7341 (toll-free), e-mail |, fax 863- 0004, P.O. Box 158, Burlington, VT 05402. HIV Prevention Group Needs Your Voice! Do you want to get involved in the fight against HIV? Do you want to make a difference in the health of your community? The CPG is a group of concerned community members who examine Vermont's HIV pre- vention needs. They help deter- mine how prevention programs are designed and funded. The CPG meets once a month, usually in Randolph or White River Junction. There is a stipend and travel reimbursement continued on page 33 H ermont estivali oi: the /A\l”t5 A Taste of the Valley - Art in the Garden _ Art 8 Craft Workshops ' Open Studios ° Music Theater Performances - Children’; Events Culinary Arts ° Photography ' Poetry sponsored by Kehoe Signs. Sugarbush Resort & Waitsfield Telecom Ugust ‘~25 .j 1' the 5th Annual Celebration of the Arts in the Towns and Villages of the Mad River Valiey For lodging and event information, call 800.517.4247 or 802.496.7907 or go to i t illustration by Macy Mention, c 1998, Vsermam Festival of the Arts, walufiela. Vermont Mi lligim Reserved. ‘ Vemwnt festival affine Arts and toga are Trademarks of due Mad River Valley Arts Council lnr, ‘ @,PHO€NlX RISING * spirited jewelry )1’ gifts at gallery open 7 days . 34 state sfreet*mon’tpe|ier, vt 05602 802.229.0522 The future will take care of itself. But W110 be taking care of me? Some 42% of .Ame.ricztns who reach the age of 70 are expect-.e(l to utilize some tbnn of long term care during the remainder of their lives, according to a study by the Agency for I-Icalth Care Policy and Rcsetucll‘. You may need long term care or you may be the caregiver. Help protect yourself and your loved ones with long term care insur.-xncc from the company that provides at couples -<-" discount to domestic partners when both are eligible to apply. For answers to your quit-stiorts about long term can: insurance, tlxiitk G "’-“. Comaxzt long 'I‘t-.rm Care insuranceRepresentative: Kiej-an Mcxenna, Weston VT Toll Free — 1.877.924.6808 E-mail lts'.in:u£e@nd.elnhia.n:t_ Lang Tetrncarclimrrnnce Webriaggootfzbieaswilfo. ‘FR Novxwire, 6/19,70] “Prodmu umlrcrwrim.-u by ('-cncnl Electric (‘capital A u Company, and in New York. GE Capital Life Assurance (iomparxy of New York. Policy series 7035 and 51010. . A