;—\®‘ /4 .n:wr-.-Lens me Sim 1340 Waking dreams Come frue since 1640 78 CHURCH ST., BURLINGTON. VT 05401 PHONE 658-0333 A Full Service Salon 150 Church Street Burlington 0 across from City Hall 864-2088 Polly Menendez M5, PT Nurturim mempeulfc Massme Pnysicamrerapy I Exercise Consultation Burlington VT —- call 859 0788 ‘lire Mountains Wants Y 0 II n . Mountain Pride Media, publisher of Out In The Mountains, depends on community members to help keep our paper out ' in the community by asking you to volunteer about an hour a month as a distribution volunteer. it's easy and helps to keep ' the cost of producing and distributing our paper down. Right now we need help with the following distribution routes: Bennlngton, VT - 155 copies - 11 drop off points Keene. NH - 70 copies - 5 drop all points Springfield, VT - 50 copies - 3 drop off points ' oitm@mountainpridemedia.org or call 802.434.6486 I We’re also seeking skilled writers & photographers. Call our recruiting office if you think you’ve got the goods! North Professionals jac/eie Mrzrinq , REALTOR . " 802-655-337 7 X23 800-639-4520 X23 e-mail ]acl