“I0 H08!" IIIIMIIIIIIIIIS SOIBIIII ["0 III Elllflll EIBBII BI BIIG l|l'lIBl' . See Me brink! one in Hie .: ’ Ate V00 00”?“ "°W? - Uh Mb one 0’ “Me " ' near Venus! ham Jupf+er' _ ‘ . a . eadgfon ltge 6a‘c°nv $"’UdV p5“9W‘- . , 0 NV edroom. _ .. . ( . Wow I d?dn'+ (mow we . ~~ '1 ' ”'* ”V¢ -9°* V ~ can szee Jupfier. So toot. And if: reallv ccem - - , one alga» Wt verv — . . ~ I wonder... he Jupfier w ‘ ‘ ‘ '33‘ 4’ ‘ 1' ' wuza gay guy, Whadva ' ' Hsink he'd (oak (Ike? Oh no uex-Ho abou+ 2+. One o more 0 year otdg nnuv ripped, wlmevhaired . \‘&a..~.~ . teuher dads. . ,........._._... »- ...._.._........._ W: atwavs amazed I I ‘*~ Me Mu one of our tense: . ' 5‘ ”'_°'°" M"“ S“ I’ “”_f’,'”-£' is powerfut enough +o perceive «her “"‘ . A V " workdsa Wcnow‘: I Mean we act out» OH Sm.” MARS! ‘ '1-\c+uaNv me and Pkzsro. we can szuupnaaz ;. = Dom mm abou-t . _ "'ofi,'"°'€.°,f 9 ms an «Ice we can mm «Hue Moon... :1 \ Mm. Do NOT THINK ; . 3 3333,13“ or SIELL Snafu’: rings’. Bu+ we . ABOUT MAR . _ : ‘ Bum, jufl open our exfs. and were Q 7 ‘ Umber-v vhev are. ( 1-hose . 1 u ., wortdsm ' _ You sound take vou been , . . . Wh . / You jay? ‘ ’ ' ’ . ~. Oh. Yeah HA segg,»-.e .. » ~ ..':: :1“. $.‘:’.'i§7“¢§¢,- o .~ \.__ iumfs. _, ‘ ' ._ Y'know2M,..»r ' ' ' ‘ .e. E cm. Last time, we left the hero *0 Which the 997919-‘Wd 9"! On ' 53- 3. ‘ wow, Hcv I um of our story stammering... “I8 0919!’ End Of "I9 "b°'°P“¢ * ‘ 3 diam reauze how cable responded: (Me W: gcfliny 449;, gab, V ' . I ' Bu’: HEY mm " No! ‘course I've ‘ , ‘ A 983" 5° . never aciuatlv been “ {W Hm GREAT and Nowmho I e ‘“' "'¢'°- ’ "'¢"" "Vt - o»'$J«'§".1‘v5"" ‘ ' - w i thouua "EA ‘MOW: can *0 EYHM/a . . , — Lik on i on M"‘- - - ‘ Are vou OK! uqpn 1 ng - V V _ , Au of a rudder» -- _. t _ ‘ you round 1 ' lime fumwu WMKFS Hui whirring 5 round! ...... .. . ____v‘ “ V" Oh.’ OH wow! Hfao¢oUMooo - You d7dn'+ call 90 say you'd be PETER LISTEN; I MM yo now, us», 9 ¢ ca’: realty . needs a mc«...mt coil in _..‘ Me MOIDTDS9 was reu- V M: ok N k roon, (nor... ‘ \ ‘ ‘ -- ¢§§,« V II'lc_II'IOl'@o!lIIIIl'IlI.cIn Full color ll IIIJIIIOIIILGII #34 by Robert Kirby _. ‘rev, Hes-mo YEAH, xlvs -we», I'M No} A - HE'S My nwomrc -ms 5mFF NEVER. . tsuoomyr oil AMv< ‘THIE DUDE caveat - ggmxr GoT- mce, 529.965 -gyms‘ mi THU’ Room... _[S~' 1175 THE 083 5015 TH:ms€w€5‘rHAT 90 'mI.S7t_> M€«.»sF11§zy I »k€M.\;*r VHAW Somc . so&'l'vovF.‘...\rao _ ' mow. b).rf(»2fian(- gm: America Needs a Direction‘