S C m Cl l’ Cl i leencicziieh <25 verment is pleased to announce our Year 2002 Grants AIDS Project of Southern Vermont - $3,000 Brattleboro, Vermont ‘Faerie Camp Destiny - $1,500 Grafton, Vermont » Gay Lesbian Education and Resource Network - $1,500 W 1.» . : Norwich, Vermont Mountain Pride Medialcut In The Mountains - $6,000 Richmond, Vermont National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association - $1,000 Middlebury, Vermont National Organization For Women: Vermont - $1,500 Bennington, Vermont Outright Vermont- $7,000 Burlington, Vermont Parks Place Community Resource Center - $1,000 Bellows Falls, Vermont Pride Vermont - $3,500 Burlington, Vermont Safespace - $3,000 Burlington, Vermont R.U.1.2? Community Center I Vermont Diversity Health A Project - $1,000 0 Burlington, Vermont Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force - $5,000 Middlebury, Vermont ‘ Ab’ .. The 2002 Samara Foundation grants are made possible through the generous support of our individual and corporate contributors and from the generous bequests of our Founding Benefactors: « Robert Mundstock (1947 — 1992) Douglas C. Howe (1949 — 1996) The Douglas C. Howe and Frank E. Shivers Trust Our Missio. The Samara Foundation of Vermont is_ foundation whose mission is to support. V Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and tran communities today and build an endowme for tomorrow. ._:"-i. our Guidance Conselor for Life Crushed By A Crush ;.__freaked}___,because Ijttst ttidught _ ‘mtractecl. ta hen. » ‘ x lntl1ep_a__ste0Llpl 3 ancimow.‘ l’u1_fir;dEngi difficul ei; into .a§iy__se ‘Sic. what do i do? ’ ~— More thana C_t‘L{Sh i Dwarf l’l--{()re, ’ ' _wlz0 act without I/'11.}?/(iI'2g, you ‘re tlzirzking and not ‘A _ Yell fzer l7()wy()1{_feeI. Yaz1’ra c1lrec1c1_y])rtg' g A V relationsizip with this wanzat-2. That 3 like the i2emin>$ (If sir»: f/'1(.‘I'I‘.]i\-’£;’.S‘i l-viii: dreamed»0f's11i{()r.s‘ befiirre {lie}! (1 I _ I _ M . Take Zialvysteps. lvclby She {ft}-zerels aelmz-zc fb some M to detzelop but c‘Io1‘~'z ’t comleml-2 y0z.:r'.s'e{f‘I() C! .s‘erim1.s‘ rclatirlnstz‘ lest cfjbi.‘ .destr-z1crIit)I1__jz1.s‘t_ " be-fccmse yazl 've_;'z:mpea‘ to c:onc[usi0ns bcgfbr ’ 0 Hey. Mr. Frankl My partner and I have been together over 2 years. Fm In 1 y low 30_’s at his tow 403. All is good except for the sex. He’s very iniiibited. " to get on top of him and rubup and down. , , ’ A __ l really‘ want him‘ to top me but he never wants to. §'ak't _ be that he’s really thick and the condom is tlncomfortably tight. A B 3 6 {tie desirabie sexiif __ g _ ‘i suggest Viagra and 1fso,_h.Q I fem? ’ e Seeking input 0 0 Dear Seeking input, of tlzings. It could be medical. sycf '1'ir1[7()r'mntfE)r him and never has i')een§i . . . . . Has he alwczysy/itvored the same litzzited Iglfirenzx ofacili es? Same gcty mc’i? p1‘cffé:/*_fi‘<)(lL1ge (Ute rz1b17I'I1gy(;z.1 c1<3.s'r.'1~'ibe) to on}! Or zsmal .' xiibllt, c yrtil Cleurfl 1" indicate, _1,»0z.r’r*e seeking input n0tjz.tst_fi‘ie:iun. ' . ' A ‘ . lbs, (here are c'0r1d0nz.s‘ that are n1czdc_ft2r exlra~large 126 3:3‘ Jbzi ran en‘?! order tfzet72fi'0I1z the eomfbrt 0f_v0ur /zome. Most otzliize sellers of xszzpplies irate £1 wide i;'u1fiely rgfil-'21hi>e1-'3, ilicfztding lli1()SL"ft‘)If I’mn2etlzecmpricIcsi.;A12dy ‘ can do stretching exercises cmd adapryogzr szrclcirzg style 10 work al'‘()lli1d‘/1I'.S‘:H1_7I' , urst. D0 _m11r'p.:Ir[ [0 do Iris part. ’ ” '0 A V B In terms oftize core issue, tizozlglr, the two of'yo2ta1‘e eiz/1ergoing‘to Izave ‘find some 1'1-'()I‘kc£HdiI22idc1l(3gl‘(1l!I‘ld or camicler uptionsfar liaving yc211rse.tzic2l needs met in other 1-mys with other people. “Art opétt‘re!erti0l1sl2z:z> can be more of L’! I’cmd0ru 3' but than £1 }7LII1cIt.'£?(I with some couples, so be .sure yrlzr appmcich this can{fi.ll/y. ‘ ,, "i , ’ , A ' A 1 s '7 V Ami rezizember, go0c1sex'i.s' ea.s'2'er Iofiml than a good I'elL:li(2n§'lzip. If you ‘ye got the latter; the two ofyou ccmfix t_1ze_for2rzez: Mr. Les B. Frank offers guidance counseling to people of all ages. Some letters are edited for length, spelling or grammar and all become the property of Les 8. Frank. Some letters are edited for length, spelling or grammar. Send your ques- tions and requests for guidance to HeMrFrankaol.com.