compass Organizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. E-mail your submission to Mountain Pride Media Gives Thanks Each month, Mountain Pride Media (MPM) acknowledges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains (OITM) out into the community by attending the monthly "stuffing.” Thanks to Tania, Roland, Euan, Pete, Matthew, Judy, Stephen, Dustin, Dan, James, Marsha, Aldora, Daryl, Todd, Denny, Susan, Elizabeth, Stina, Cristin, Melody, Lisa, Corinne, Davis (& friend), and Esther. We also want- ed to congratulate Elizabeth and Stina on their Civil Union and thank Lisa for helping organize a reception for them both at the monthly “stuffing.” The July "stuffing" (August Issue) will be on Thursday, July 25th starting at 5:30 p.m. at our office, above The Daily Bread, in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by, say hello and help out. Mountain Pride Media would like to thank everyone who vis- ited our booth and marched with us at the Pride Celebration on June 15th. We also wanted to thank everyone who came to our special benefit per- formance of Emily Mann's “Execution of Justice" at Lost Nation Theater on June 23rd. If you missed the benefit but want to see‘the' show, contact'Lost Nation Theater for tickets at 802-229- 0492. The show runs through July 7th. We would like to thank Kim, Kathleen, Elizabeth, and Amanda at Lost Nation for all their help with making this ben- efit a successful reality. Mountain Pride Media would like to thank the Ben & Jerry's Community Action Team for their gen- erous grant in support of the Out In The Mountains Online Archive Project. if you missed the article about this project in the June Issue you should check it out on our web site at We also extend our thanks to the Samara Foundation of Vermont for their gener- ous grant supporting Mountain Pride Media's various programs and servic- es. Mountain Pride Media would like to recognize the amazing contributions and dedication of two Board members who completed their terms in June. Carrie Rampp has been on the Board since June 1999 and served as Technology Committee Chair, Vice President and President. Jim Petrie has been on the Board since December 1998 and has served as Treasurer, Finance/Personnel Committee Chair, Ad Sales Manager and Rep, and Database Manager. We A wish them both the very best as they move onto other things and thank , (hem for all their work in "making MPM what it is today. We also want to thank Isabel Smidy for serving as a Board member and her continued work on the Finance/Personnel Committee. 5iI_feSpace Works on Hate cflmes, Too. “"5 Spring Safespace staff, board, and volunteers have been working hard to make our community a safer Place for LGBTQQ people. In the first 5months of existence Safespace has 5eiVed 10 survivors of physical, sexu- 3' °f emotional violence in our Direct Services Program, and over 400 in our Education/Outreach program. In addition Safespace has become a member organization of the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, started a support line for survivors, L conducted their first successful fundraiser, and recruited an eight- member Board of Directors. ' Safespace was formed as a community response to a lack of serv- ices for LGBTQQ survivors of domes- tic and sexual violence. The founders of SafeSpace also wanted to remain open to serving LGBTQQ survivors of bias-motivated crimes and hate vio- lence. In Vermont, the highest per- centage of reported hate crimes in the year 2000 were motivated by sexual orientation bias. Because of underre- porting and a lack support services many victims of hate violence remain unserved. In response to these statis- tics Safespace is strategizing ways to conduct more outreach and provide support for hate crimes survivors in addition to victims of relationship vio- lence. Currently Safespace is a resource for the community regarding LGBTQQ physical, sexual and emo- tional violence. This is accomplished through the Education and Outreach Program and the SafeSpace Support Line. Their educators are available to conduct free educational presenta- tions for anyone interested. Through the support line the Safespace advo- cates provide information, support, referrals and advocacy to LGBTQQ survivors. The Support Line is open Monday through Friday between 10AM and 6PM. Anyone needing sup- port or wanting to book a presentation should call Kara DeLeonardis, ’ SafeSpace Executive Director, Mike Bensel or Martha Dyson, Advocates, @ 863-0003 (Vfl'TY), 866-869-7341 (toll-free), e-mail |, fax 863- 0004, P.O. Box 158, Burlington, VT 05402. Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights Needs Info for Resource Guide VCLGR, in association with LEAD international and the Vermont Human Rights Commission, is compiling a comprehensive and up—to-date 2002 ' Statewide Diversity Resource Guide. In addition to the hard copy that will be available free of charge, we will publish this guide on the web. The idea for this guide came from meeting with school officials, students, and parents. We recognized that no simi- lar guide currently exists. This guide will provide connections and resources to local communities. The resource guide will include information about organiza- tions that address diversity issues, as well as individual diversity trainers. We are nearing the final deadline for submissions. If you, your organization, or someone you know would like to be included in the guide, please contact us by mail or e-mail with the following information: the name of the organiza- tion; contact person; address; phone number and fax number; e-mail and website addresses; a brief paragraph (no more than 100 words) stating the mission of the organization; and if you have a written non-discrimination poli- cy, please include it. If you do not, please describe your non-discrimina- tion practices. Send to: VCLGR, PO Box 1125, Montpelier, VT'05601 or email to V i We are. Proud of our people, personal ‘service and loan products. And proud to be doing business in Vermont. Give us a call and let us get started making your home 412 Keiiy Stand Road 0 East Arlington 0 Vermont 0 05252 S’1iihinctT