FEATURING... DJ I_ITTI_E MARTIN AND SPECIAL A l>EF2FOF2MANCES ', Q0 I PMDE PARADE 12 N N THROUGHOUT THE: ; :;:.I>ooI2$ OPEN 3I>M ‘ * N'GHT‘ 7 i_:TENT I>AI2Tv A 6PM DANCE PARTY IoI>M 135 PEARL. ST. BURLINGTON. VT 05401 863.2343 135!"->EARL.COM University of Vermont I Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, 1'ransgender, Questioning and Ally Services V UVM LGBTI Alumni Organization V ACCESS V ALANA Student Center V ALANA Studies V Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy Center V Career Services V Center for Holocaust Studies V Center for Cultural Pluralism V Dean’s Office, College of Business Administration V Dean’s Office, College of Education V Dean’s Office, College of Engineering and Mathematics V Department of Communication Sciences VI Department of Economics V « Department of Geography V Department of Geology V Department of Integrated Professional Studies V Department of Psychology V Department COME <:EI_EBI2ATE,wITH u$I of Romance LanguagesDepartment of Sociology V Livingl Learning Center A V Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs V Student Life V The Print and Mail Center V Residential Life V The UVM Theatre V Vermont Conference on the Primary Prevention V Women's Studies Program V I Professor Shirley Gedeon V Professor David Neiweem V Professor Esther Rothblum V