Reimers Missisquoi Valley Union HS RR2, Box 268, Swanton VT 05488; 2gir| 868-7311 x109 * Paula Bowen Montpelier High School Maureen Dwyer ' Mount Anthony Union HS - Students for Diversity Bennington * 447-7511 x279 Lisa Moore Putney School GBSA Elm Lea Farm, Putney VT 05346 Rose Johnson * 387-2044 Rose_Johnson@pegasusput- . Rutland High School 22 Straton Rd., Rutland VT 05701 773-1955 * Karen McGurl South Burlington Hs 550 Dorset St., 8. Burlington VT 05403-6296 * Karen Grace Spaulding Union Hs Ayers St., Barre * Judith Lindner St. Johnsbury High School Andra Hibbert U-32 High School RD2 , Montpelier VT 05602 229-0321 * Ellen Cooke Gay/Lesbian Education And Resource Network POB 113, Norwich VT 05055 296-3858 or 649-5297 North Country GLBTS Alliance l_ittleton NH LB 800-444-0418 X419 xcountry.a| Outright Vermont Serving youth 22 and under 182 St. Paul Street Burlington VT 05402 865-9677 or 800-GLB-CHAT info@ Woodstock Area Gay/Straight Youth Alliance FM|:Outright Vermont at 800-GLB-CHAT editor's notebook cont’d from p. 5 to get members of our community — of any age — to commit to carry out organizational tasks. Keeping the community going isn't all par- ties (although we have those too: fundraising parties of various stripes, the Founder’s Day thank you party, the a||-day-presence- at-Pride-party, theatre parties, OITM newspaper stuffing parties every month). It's work and meet- ings and phone calls and reading or writing reports and grant appli- cations. It's paying attention to the details that make the organi- zation successful enough to fulfill its mission. It may not be as much fun as marching in the Pride Parade, but without that commitment, there would be no Pride Parade. “You have an issue and a very valid one. I say why not do more than write a letter to the editor — write an article for the paper!” Richard continued. “OITM does not choose to be ‘strictly youth oriented.’ It appears this way because seniors aren't step- ping up and letting their voice be heard." . Richard closed with a call to action: “Come join me ‘to fight the good fight’ and make the senior voice a voice of positive action and energy in our commu- nity!” On one hand, both the _ “concerned gay senior’ and Richard Slappey — and 70-some- thing Board member Alverta Perkins in numerous conversa- tions — have a valid point about our entire society’s youth orienta- tion. As a nearly-50 woman, I'm not quite invisible yet, but I — and my 50- and 60- and 70-some- thing sisters — seem to be steadi- ly fading away in print and broad- cast media. Unless, of course, we're using adult diapers (euphemistically known as “incon- tinence products,” think “Depends"); taking drugs to lower . our cholesterol — reduce how often we have to pee — decrease our menopausal hot flashes - heal our acid reflux-damaged throats; buying long-term care insurance; or dealing with our dentures. But I must dispute the characterization of OITM as “youth oriented." Since I became editor each issue has contained one or more articles about or by someone over 60. Our health issue (May) alone included an article by an 80-year-old doctor, a piece on motherhood by a 70- something retired health profes- sional, and an article on an issue of concern to all of us, but partic- ularly to elders — living wills and durable powers of attorney for health care. The voice missing here is not that of elders, but that of youth, and to address that lack I have extended an open invitation to the LGBTQIA youth at Outright Vermont to write for the paper each month. So far l’ve had no takers, but I'm still hoping. My goal is to provide a welcoming space in print and on the web site for the members of our diverse communities — from teens to gen-Xers, to baby boomers, to elders; from any and all races and ethnic backgrounds — to write engagingly about what- ever it is that interests or con- cerns you and has a connection to our communities. Corrections: We missed a photo credit for the photograph of author Lesléa Newman in last month's issue. The photographer is Mary Vazquez. . pg Ai'i'fN:tL:§A ~- Insect. Repellent. lOO% GUARANTEED 100% EFFECTIVE Order Online (5 crib 5/ea‘/x We otter a fine selection ot wedciing anci civil union invitations anci social announcements. Our lznowietigeaiaie anti triemiiy statt is reaciy to assist you Wittl eve aspect ot your Wegiiing ensemble. Scriistales talae you trom engagement announcements to ttianlz you notes no (ietaii letl: unattencleti. 96 C/Jurc/J (Shae! ‘Bur/lnglorz, ‘-Uemronl @309) 663-9004 — ‘Fax (602) 668-9006 e—mar'/ .scrl7b/sal@ ao/. com 2 rlocal testing sites & info call: 300-832-AIDS Vermont De artment of Health -4 ?’" ALL mslllllll? arr Bestsellers cash or (mitt tot your paperbacks 872-7800 - ESSEX SHOPPING (TR. fiocly Painting Henna Tattoos For more into: 802-4-79~7925 Events Activities Advocacy Education Networking Buyer's CO-Op Vermont People With AIDS Coalition PO. 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