Montpelier . 11 East St., 05602 800-639-1522 voice & TTY 229-0501 * 229-0503 fax Bennington 2 532 Main St., 05201 888-2661 574 447-0574 or 442-1876 voice 442-1878 TTY * 442-4052 fax " Brattleboro . 167 Main St., Ste. 207, 05301 888-266-1573 254-6851 voice & TTY 254-8867 Tl'Y ‘ 258-2651 fax Vermont Dept. of Health, Office of Minority Health Serving theALANA, GLBT: Refugee and Immigrant popula- tions of VT 108 Cherry St., PCB 70 Burlington VT 05402 " 863-7273 Vermont Women's Health Center 336 North Ave., Burlington VT 05401 * 863-1386 HIVIAIDS SERVICES Hotltnes Vermont 800-882-2437 NH 800-752-2437 NY State 800-541-2437 MA 617-522-4090 HE 800-851-2437 National 800-342-2437 ltationaI.TI'Y 800-243-7889 Teen I-Ioltine 800-234—TEEN AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) POB 608, St. Johnsbury VT 05819 * 748-1149 AIDS. Community Resource Network (ACORN) River Mill Commercial Center 85 Mechanic St., Ste. 240 Lebanon NH 03766 5.13-448-8887 * Fat: 603-448-8885 3 AIDSServicesforthe Ilonadnock Region 800-639-7903 AIDS Project of Southem Vermont Brattleboro POB 1486, 67 Main St., 4th floor, 05302 254-8263 or 254-4444 Bennington 108 Union St. #3, VT 05201 Alice Mazur 447-8007 Bennington Area AIDS Project POB 1066, Bennington 05201 442-4481 or (800) 845-2437 Comprehensive Care Clinics Hotline: (800) 763-2460 Brattleboro: 257-8860 Burlington: 847-4594 Rufland: 747-1 831 st. Johnsbury: 751-7603 FranklinIGrand Isle AIDS Task Force Kara at 800-649-2437 National Association for People with AIDS (202) 898-0414 NHIVT HIV Information Network on WWW Vermont CARES Contact office in your area for HlV+ support group information. Anonymous HIV Counseling and Testing Sites. Oral HIV testing. * 800-649-2437 Burlington POB 5248, 05402 863-2437 or 800-649-2437 Montpelier 39 Barre St., 05602 229-4560 Rutland ‘ PO Box 6033, 05601 775-5884 St. Johnsbury PO Box 503, 0581 748-9061 Vermont Deaf AIDS Project POB 172, Brattleboro VT 05302 800-257-1123 * fax 257-2013 ('lTY) 800-253-0195 Vermont Department of Health AIDS Program 108 Cheny St. 863-7245 POB 70, Burlington 05402 Vermont HIVIAIDS Education Network ‘ POB 1784, Burlington VT 05402 862-1668 * Jonathon Radigan Vermont People With AIDS , Coalition POB 11 , Montpelier VT 05601 229-5754 or 777-0235 Washington County AIDS Network Allison at 229-4560 LEGAL American Civil Liberties Union 110 E. State St, Montpelier 05602 223-6304 * acluvt@ao|.com|.com/acluvt/l1ome.html Office of the Attorney General Kate Hayes Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights 109 State Street Montpelier VT 05609-1001 828-31 89 828-3665 (TTY) 828-31 87 (FAX) .htm Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) Legal Infonnation, Hotline & Lawyer Referral Service available 1:30-4:30 Mon-Fri in English & Spanish 800-455-GLAD TTY 617-426-61 56 www.g| * glad| 294 Washington St. Ste. 740, Boston MA 02108’ 627-426-1 350 Vermont Human Rights Commission 135 State St‘. Montpelier VT 05633-6301 828-2480 or 800-41 6-201 0 (voice/TTY) _ Bennington Pride Project 447-8007 Berkshire Bears wood/2081 Gay & Bisexual Men's Group Bennington County and area Justin 447-8007 Gay Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St., Pittsford VT ' 05763-9317 * Bob, 483-6739 Men Alive! POB 423, Burlington VT 05402 865-2247 Minotaurs Brotherhood Club Leather & Levi's Club POB 2141, Concord, NH 03302- 2141 603-753-9059 Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124, Keene NH 03431 603-357-5544 MonadGay@ao|.com One in Ten Project Discussion/social group Claremont NH Brian 800-639-7903 The Men’s program Social & educational events for gay and bisexual men Glenn 254-8263 MuI.1'IcuL'ruRAL Kwanzaa POB 583 * Burlington 05402 Sister to SisterlHermana y Herman ALANA Community Organization 47 Williston S., Brattleboro 05301 254-2972 * Women of Color Alliance POB 1534 * Burlington VT 05402 660-0606 PI-IILANTHROPIES Samara Foundation of VT: Bill Lippert, Executive Director POB 1263, 90 Main St., Burlingon VT 05402 860-6236 * 860-6315 fax POLITICAL Gay Info Line of NH 26 South Main St, Box 18 * Concord NH 03301 ' 603-224-1 686 gayinfonh@ao|.com I-l|V+ Public Policy Project, nc. . POB 5811 Burlington 05402 800-649-2437 (day) 657-3803 (evening) Fax 864-7730 HlVp3vt@ade| Log Cabin Republicans James Campbell, Grass Roots Field Director 888-840-2930 Nashua Pride 423-3 Amherst St., Ste. 113 Nashua NH 03063 Gil 603-881-9522 - Freedom to Marry Coalition (ONE/NH) POB 3605, Concord NH 03302 603-224-1686 ONEofl\ Peace and Justice Center 21 Church St., Burlington VT 05401 863-8326 Pride Vermont Committee POB 1433, Burlington Vi’ 05402- 5113 *‘864-3455 _ ‘ _ Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights A POB 1125, Montpelier VT 05602 - Wginia Renfrew, 496-4333 Keith Goslant, 454-8552 Vermonters for Civil Unions Legislative Defense Fund POB 1038 Middlebury, VT 05753 899-2930 Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force POB 1312, Middlebury VT 05753 388-2633 RECREATION Burlington R.U.12? Community Center POB 5883 * Burlington VT 05402-5883 860-RU12 (-7812) Champlain Valley Frontrunners Frank Haddleton 434-6062 David Steinberg 518-563-4307 Chiltern Mountain Club Hiking, biking, kayaking, skiing, camping, white water rafting. Bob Bland, 888-831-3100 Cindy Clemence 429-2308 Green Mountain Freedom Band Mail: clo Peter Thomas ‘ POB 1024, St. Albans, VT 05478 Telephone: 878-1123 e-mail: greenmountainfreedom- Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307, St. Albans VT 05478 849-2739|avender Out North Ski Club POB 687, Londonderry VT 05148 Poetry Workshops David Weinstock * 388-7523 The Samadhi Singers: A Sacred Music Chorale Burlington * 864-5327 TOWANDA VT-NY—NH outdoor club for women Terry or Sally: 878-DYKE(3953) Theatre on a Shoestring POB 1012 * Burlington VT 05402 888-212-5884 Vermont Gay Men's Chorus 800-750-8434 * fax: 633-2389 Visible in Vermont Arts (VIVA) POB 812 * Burlington VT 05402 865-0385 WomenILesbian Book Group Putney FMI: Tatiana, 387-2781 SUPPORT Gay & Bisexual Men's Support Group . Keene NH Shawn, 800-639-7903 Coming Out & Questioning Support Group for Igbtq Adults For adults age 23 and up 2nd & 4th Thursdays * 6:30 pm at Peace & Justice Center 21 Church St, Burlington FMI 860-7812 1 Friends in Adoption 44 South St..* POB 128, Middletown Springs VT 05757 235-2373 P-FLAG Southwest VT 442-5557 _ Meets 2nd Sunday of the month ‘ at 2200; First Congregational- Church, Vlfilliamstown, MA P-FLAG NH, North Country 800-570-2524 (in NH) or 603- 536-5522 3rd Mondays, 7 PM Lancaster Congregational UCC Church, Lancaster, NH VT Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays NE Regional Director Peggy Gage * 12 Lincoln St., Exeter NH 03833 * 603-772-2113 * Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner * 23 Birchwood, Burlington VT 05401 * 863-4285 Steve & Geneva Burroughs 878-2838 Southwest VT Area 442-5557 Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at 2 pm at First Congregational Church, Williamstown, MA Straight Spouses of GLBT Partners Keene NH * FMI Jane Harris 41 3-625-6033 Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents Meeting info: 658-6045 TRANSGENDER Genders R Us Social group for transgender folks POB 5248 * Burlington VT 05402 * FMI 800-649-2437 or 863-2437 International Foundation for Gender Education PO Box 540229 * Waltham MA 02454-0229 781 -899-221 2 * Fax: 781 -899- 5703 Transgender Radical Action, Networking & Support POB 5687, Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 * transvt2 @ ao|.com WOMEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area (ALMA) POB 1845 * Keene NH 03431 Amelia Earhart underground flying society POB 746, Lebanon NH 03766 Burlington Women's Council POB 058; Burlington VT 05402 CRONES (For women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Rd., Milton VT 05468 DYKE TALK Women's discus- sion group Wendy * 877-3653 Fried Green Tomatoes VT Women's Social Group POB 150, Elmore VT 05657 888-51 96 Golden Threads Lesbian Contact Publication POB 1688, Demorest GA 30535- 1688 * 706-776-3959 * Mary C. Davidson * goldentred@ao|.com Huntington Open Women's Land 434-3953 MOB New England BDSM and kinky social organiza- tion for women who play with women BostonMob@ao|.com www.mobneweng| 617-598-1061 X1209 Sex, Lies, & Language Womens writing group focussing on topix of sexuality, sensuality, and the erotic. No writing exper1'- ' ence necessary - Putney VT * 387-5452 Umbrella Women's Center 1107 Main St., Ste. 102 St. Johnsbury 05819 * 748-8645 Woman Centered 5 School Ave., Montpelier VT 05602 229-6202 A .womanctr@ Women's Information Service 79 Hanover St., Lebanon NH 03766 603-448-5922 24 Hr. Hotline: 603-448-5525 Women of the Woods 101 Harris Hill, Worcester VT 05682 229-0109 leapnmom You1'H Central Vermont OUTRIGHT 800-GLB-CHAT or 452-2428 Creating Change St Johnsbury VT Lore Caldwell * 748-8645 Gay Straight Alliances in Vermont High Schools: Bellows Free Academy South Main St., St. Albans VT 05488 527-7576 * Gail Grismore on/gsa/bfa/home Brattleboro UHS - Prism Fairground Rd., Brattleboro , 05301 , 257-0356 - Tracy Binet 257-0361 - Andrea Carlson ' Cabot School POB 98, Cabot VT 05647 563-2289 - Charlie Wanzer Champlain Valley Union Hs 3 Box 160, Hinesburg VT 05461 482-7182 - M Howard Manchester ugh School Student Contact: Byron Brown Middlebury Junior UHS Charles Ave., Middlebury VT 05753 * Howard Giles Middlebury UHS - GAIGHT Charles St., Middlebury 05753; 382-1117 * 382-1115 Susan Webb & Rebecca _- _.__._———/ -‘ ---