A R.U.1.2. ~ Women's Drop-In Meet newvpeople. chat, watch friendships, conspire to take: turn it alt into womyn‘s land ~ .. N MONTPELIER’¥7CentralVermont Pride Dance V Party. 8pm. A Holly Gotlghtiy Production at North : Montpelier Dance Halt,-, N. Montpelier. Featuring Drag K gs & Queens.’$5. For oontactltmyiat my . .: p'port,Gr0up.5:30- - t‘?tl">e"Etutland Regional Medical ' I ‘ Cen{er_;eVerVy_ovurthWednesdayof the month. FM, ALBANY. NY - World Fellowshio€.3eriter - GLBTQ V _Weekend Presentetions, ‘diecussions, theater, ‘ .rlla‘>