‘. i.rsa‘‘o'_r_ii§¢, o.o.‘ egls ,...»»-‘*“~«°““‘*%* \ z/uh 00+ 6‘ ( 5 " 9:0,, Wjae Bumwooo % % (r\°‘° ASSOCIATES, PC “9611 09 99 nt:orr:eys--————- 37? F blackwood.law@verizon.nel fax; 302.853.0252 Concentrating in Employment, Special Education and Civil Rights Law. Also Wills, LGBT Issues, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, other litigation and mediation. Modular Homes ofVcrmonl: Buil(ling\/ermont Dreams 186 College Slrccl Bllfllilslfiill, Vi (>540! 8<>2.951.nL:~o iixfcs@V"lmc»dul.ir.com www.V‘lxiiotlular.cosxi The future will take care of itself. But who will be taking care of me? Some 42% of Americans who reach the age of 70 are expected to utilize some form of long term care during the remainder of their “ lives, according to a study by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research’. You may need long term care or you may be the caregiver. Help protect yourself and your loved ones with long term care insurance from the company that provides a couples discountto domestic partners when both are eligible to apply. For , . to your questions about long term care insurance, drink C-1'2". Contact Long ‘term Care ‘mm’-NC! R3-'P"‘39¢“‘3‘-ll’?! Kieran McKenna, Weston VT Toll Free —- 1.877.924.6808 * Q E—mail m lugfumcamlnsutaau lbfilrhnooddaimroifc ‘ ‘PR Ncwwire. 6/ 19/ 01 "Pmducu underwriuan by Gcalcnd Electric Gnpinl Aaruruxu-. liurnpany, mdioNr.~Yutk.GF.GnpiuI1.ifz‘ C OINCIIYWL Fbliacy atria: ‘mas and 51010. co compass Organizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recentor upcoming activities and events... E-mail your submission to editor@mountainpridemediaorg Samara Foundation Awards Seven Scholarships Samara Foundation announ_ced that four $1,100 scholarships and three $200 Notable Student Awards were presented for 2002 to seven Vermont High School graduates. The Samara Scholarship was established in 2000 as an investment in the future of Vermont students who oppose dis- crimination and prejudice and who stand for the elimination of homopho- bia in our society. Look for more infor- mation in the Summer Samara Newsletter and on our web site at: www.samarafoundation.org. Samara Foundation would like to thank the members of the Samara Scholarship Advisory Committee for all their hard work and dedication: Natalie Brennan, Dummerston; Chris Chambers, Lebanon, NH; Mac Lippert, Burlington; Pam Macy, Lyndonville; Roland Palmer, Hinesburg; Tom Robinson, Colchester; B.J. Rogers, Burlington, Susan Sussman (Chair) Middlesex r and; David Wales, lsle La Motte. The Vermont Unity Project (a collaboration between The Vermont Community Foundation and Samara Foundation of Vermont) is in the final stages of developing a statewide needs assessment of Vermont's LGBT communities to determine what com- munity members consider to be their most important needs. The survey will be available beginning at Pride on June 15th and on the Samara Foundation web site. Please help shape the future of Vermont's LGBT community by filling out a survey! Mountain Pride Media Gets by with a Little Help from its Friends ' Each month, Mountain Pride Media (MPM) acknowledges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains out into the community. Thanks to Tania, Jim, Roland, Euan, Pete, Matthew, Judy, Michael, Stephen, Dustin, Dan, James, Marsha, Aldora, Daryl, Fran, Todd, Denny, Susan and Elizabeth. We would also like to acknowledge an anonymous donation of a box of packing tape, which will definitely be put to use. The June "Stuffing" (July Issue) will be on Thursday, June 27th starting at 5:30 .KnOWYour fightég Learn Your Rights . . . Legal Information Hotline Gay & Lebian Advcxale_s&_ Dd_endas(Gl..AD) isNe~ Engaidslading legal rigiisorlgilzaion dedia-1le_d 10 endmgcisqlmmazon bamzlon sexual crieitalion, HIV satusand gswds dmllly and expressw- iaw at the Pride celebration on June 15th in downtown Burlington. The Task Force is planning to launch a float and march in the Pride parade and to serve wedding cake at its tent in Burlington's Waterfront Park. p.m. at our office, above The Daily Bread, in Richmond, Vermont. Please Feel free to stop by, say hello and help out. Mountain Pride Media has produced its 2001 Annual report. You can find a copy of the report at "We plan to do a lot of www.mountainpridemedia.org. We mar ing and munching on Pride thank the Hinesburg Branch of the Day!" said VFTMTF Pride Coordinator Merchant's Bank, Branch Manager Keith Rlbnick. "No other states have Gladys Douse, and the Merchant's anything even close to our Civil Union Bank Foundation for their generous law. We have a lot to be proud of here sponsorship of this year's annual in Vermont, so why not celebrate it on report. Thanks also to Paw Print, Pride Day?" Ashgale Publishing & i|overmont.com The theme of the VFTMTF for their help with this project. float and booth will be We Cut the We are grateful to The Cake! WEDDING cake, that is. The Haymarket People's Fund for their Task Force float in the Pride parade generous grant in support of our Non- will feature a huge wedding cake, and Profit Media Access Program. Please it will be flanked by supporters of stay tuned for exciting information Vermont's landmark law. about this new program in the coming “Our creative volunteers are months. stepping forward to bring together a truly memorable float," Ribnick said. After the parade, the Task Force will welcome visitors to a large tent at the afternoon Pride celebration. People who have celebrated civil unions or weddings or wish to celebrate pas- -sage of the law will be invited to cut the cake. ’ , Besides the typical ingredi- ents, the cake will contain several special beans. Anyone finding a bean in their slice will win a prize donated by local and regional businesses. Prizes range from complimentary din- ners for two at wonderful restaurants to complimentary weekend getaway packages at fabulous resorts. Al the tent visitors will also be able to see the VFTMTF traveling display booth, gather information about the Task Force, stock up on new bumper stickers and buttons, and even make a donation. Volunteers will be on-hand to staff the booth, serve the cake and answer questions. “We hope you'll join us to help us celebrate Pride Day and the second anniversary of the Civil Union law! Please march with us and stop by our booth to have some wedding cake, too!" Ribnick added. For more information please contact Keith Ribnick, VFTMTF Pride Event Coordinator, at 802-828-91301 We would also like to send out a special thank you to James Garris' father and Michael Hampton for helping us dispose of numerous items (including a very old A/C unit and a runaway "|ofa" seal) during our recent "Spring Cleaning" day. Mountain Pride Media is celebrating Pride in style! Please stop by and see us in the Burlington water- front on June 15th. You can meet board and staff members as well as volunteers or even walk with us in the parade. You can buy OlTMt-shirts, MPM hats, and subscribe to Vermont's one and only Out In The Mountains. We are also excited to be co-sponsors of the Lost Nation Theater's presentation of Emily Mann's award winning play, Execution of Justice June 20th through July 7th. We will be hosting a special benefit performance of the show on Sunday June 23rd at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person for this show and the proceeds will benefit MPM. Seating for this special performance is limited so reserve your tickets today by con- tacting Roland Palmer at 802-383- 7679 (days), 802-482-2550 (eves.), or rfpvl@together.net. Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force: WE CUT THE CAKE! The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force (VFTMTF) will recognize the second anniversary of the Civil Union ‘'9' Tell Someone Your Story. . . Fix The Problem . 800-455-GLAD www.glad.org u: ....a._. _. ._ .....