S C! f<>s_s§:ei~;'3§'§‘ The Samara Founda _ Vermont is a charitable foundation" ose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. www.rea estateverm0nt.c 11 b \,t®\$ Qfigeg’ RBMFX North ‘Prolessitmals (802) 655-3333 EXT. 17 wvj)tw_c0ndoguy_com ' AQUAMARINE and GOLD RING Aquamarine and 18k ‘ hand granulation. by Kent Raible Church & Bank, Burlington - 660-2032 - M-Th & 5 10-6 0 Fri 10-8 0 Sun 12-5 11 I wanted was to get out of the house and away from my com- puter for a little while. I was going to sip my cranberry juice and soda, watch the two guys playing darts and, then, be on my way. Instead, the man who planted his ass to my left decided that I . was going to be the one to hear his life story. I attract the woebe- gone. And, before I could say, “Whoa, be gone,” my next- stool neighbor began pouring out his heart to me. He complained about his kids and called his wife a bitch. When he put his hand on my thigh to emphasize a point, I figured he was the standard- issue closeted married guy Making Fo Lost Time “They can kiss my ass,” he grumbled. A- couple days later, I had a conversation with an acquaintance who mentioned that he was involved with a man who had been married and had teenage children. “He moved out of his house on a Wednesday and we met that Friday night,” Terrence related. “He moved in with me the next aftemoon.” I All was not instant bliss, though, for Terrence and his new man. Within three days of their hasty cohabita- tion, the hound on the rebound was already out on the prowl. “He told me about it,” Terrence reported. “So it’s dif- ferent from when he screwed around during his marriage and reestablish a connection to his grown children. During his promiscuous phase, immedi- ately after his divorce, he’d distanced himself from his family. At the time, he thought it was better to keep his then- teenage kids as far away as possible from their horny dad’s steady stream of sex partners. What Ed regretted was that he hadn’t explained the situation to them a little better. He had just pulled away with- out telling them why. He’d begun to correct the damage that the estrangement had caused his children and they seemed receptive to his efforts. My friend, John, took an even healthier approach to his late-in-life coming out. He was honest with his wife and son. They participated in coun- seling and turned what could have been an embittering expe- rience into a workable transi- tion. There have been chal- lenges, through the years, but John maintains a good friend- ship with his ex-wife and close j ties to his son. l It might have been . l‘ easier to be selfish. It might j 1 I don't envy anyone who’s struggled with coming to terms with his homosexuality while in a heterosexual marriage. It can be "a hellacious journey. I looking to pick up a trick to discretely take the edge off his hominess before returning ' home to his domestic discord. ' Turns out, he was divorced. He’d come out to his wife and four children a couple yeags a_gQ..His assumptions about the wild-sex life that awaited him, when he was no longer encumbered by familial . trappings, had been misguided. “I got laid more often — and the sex was hotter - when I was sneaking around,” he confessed. “And it was easi- er for everyone concerned.” He believed that an often-absent spouse and father. was easier for his wife and kids to deal with than a gay ex-husband and dick-loving dad. According to the for- mer family man, the only con- tact he had with his children, now, was when they called to ask for money. His wife occa- sionally phoned to blame him for how her life had turned out. kept it a secret.” It may not be a secret but is it really different? In my twenties, I had "brief associations with two men who had previously been supposedly straight and mar- A ried to women.,I met ‘the first » one about a week after he’d left his family on Long Island and moved into Manhattan to, as he said, “live the gay lifestyle.” Which meant, of course, to be an unbridled slut. He couldn’t get enough. He was in constant pursuit of his next carnal caper. That left him little time for any kind of ongoing relationship with his ex-wife or children. “This is my time and I’m mak- ing up for lost time,” he was fond of saying. Ed, the other fence- jumping gentleman, was intro- duced to me at a party hosted by my friend, Todd. Ed had been divorced for five or six years and was working hard to have been more fun to just make _up for lost time. I don~’t envy anyone’ who’s struggled with coming to terms with his homosexuali- : ~ I ty while in a heterosexual mar- ’ riage. It can be a hellacious _ journey. “3 '3 ‘ 3 l Here’s to the onesjwho haven’t lost sight of what’s really important, while they’re 2 making up-for lost time. V Dennis Scott-Bush is work appears throughout the coun- try. E-mail him at NakedCurz'osz'ty@aol.c0m.