Political Pride ing in infrastructure; buildings. Dostis also served on a summer study committee whose report resulted in the creation of the Children’s Cabinet by execu- tive order of the Governor. The order requires departments of the state dealing with children to com- municate with each other when doing so will help the child. He also cited a renewable energy bill that would create more jobs, and reduce dependence on fossil fiiels. This fall’s campaign, Dostis suggested, would be prima- rily about budget issues, “especial- ly with IBM jobs in question — the ripple effect of the loss of a thou- sand of those jobs will be extreme- ly damaging. There will be a loss of income tax revenue as well as significant secondary effects.” The second major issue Dostis cited was “Medicaid and prescription drug coverage. Even if the cigarette tax is raised to 67 ' cents, that will only bail us out for 2 years.” Asked about the gover- nor’s comment that the legislature “lacked the spine” to cut the Medicaid budget, Dostis supported >> continued from page 9 the governor’s position. “Govemor Dean is looking at bottom line and the numbers. We’re going to be in bad financial shape. If we don’t have the revenues, we can’t make . the expenditures.” Asked what issues should make the glbtq communities pay attention in the upcoming primaries and elections, Dostis suggested that the primary goal should be taking back the House for the Democrats and widening the party’s majority in the House. But, he said, “Progressives make that more diffi- cult.” Watching Republicans recruiting very conservative candi- dates worries him. “Remember, under a Democratically controlled House there would be no civil union repeal, no wholesale sellout of the environment,” Dostis concluded. “The Democratic Party is a big tent. I think I’m more conservative than most of the Democrats in the party, but I feel very comfortable under that tent. We have the same overall ideals, one being civil rights for all. Under Republican control, that would be lost.” V Let Ions Show You The money! Are you an unemployed actor who would love to get paid a little something for what’ you love to do? Are you a pianistfniusical director who would love to get paid to play in a local musical‘? a Can you devote two nights and one day a week for rehearsals? if you answered Yes to any ofthese questions, then 'l”hcatrc on 21 Shocstnng wants you! TOAS is seeking experienced pianistlm usical director and actors for their fall production of Nuncracker..\‘ - 7‘/re i\"z1nsense Christmas Musical. Salary for pianist./musical director is $300* Salary for actors is $200* "Tlianksgiving wcckeznd Auditions are August 23 and 24 at the McClure Multi generational Center.-"'(.‘.l1amplain Senior Center. Show dates are November 28-30'” at the Flynnspace (with a possibility ofan extended run the following week). if you are interested, please send your resume and headshot by June 20 to Nrmcrackers c/o'l"OAS PO Box l0l2 Burlington, VT 05402-1012 -More information about roics available can be found on our website \>v\>vw.theatreshoe.com *for the run ofthe rehearsals and shmv‘. «.2.-(.2 (mum-.mio3 . . '~=*-*1 ‘ Vermont License Lender: 3185 Broker 0289MB .-—v~ RTGAGE New To Vermontll’ BE PROUD We are. Proud of our people, personal service and loan products. And proud to be doing business in Vermont. Give us a call and let us get started making your home financing process a pleasurable one. 802.375.8046 michaei@pridemortgage.c0m 1.800.725.6002 4l2 Kelly Stand Road 0 East Arlington "0 Vermont ' 05252 Are you a tea lover? Check out www.teaandtrading.com for the finest quality teas from around the world. "Delicious tea without the fussy packaging." CRAI-‘HECS B Anson Brcnnrj. WALK-IN ORAL HIV TESTING @ VERMONT CARES 19551”/ospiia/[)L Suite I 5:‘. ./o}211s[)urg dforrdays. 9am~ .‘.7pm 809- 748- 9061 .36I1Dec22J5f Bur/1113 I on fiforzda 215, 4- 7pm 80.?-665- 9457 97501: t}: fi'[a1'n 5:‘. Ru I/and Fo!Rnt‘]a11(11rozrrs call: 809- 775-5884 Barre Sf. Suite I 401012 tpc->11 iet Zyznrsda ys, 9:211:-1213112 809-299-4550 FREE, ANONYMOUS , NO NEEDLES June 27th is National Testing Dag 1-800-649-2437 Please note our expanded testing hours for the weelc of June 2431- 98th: Burlington: riforzalay Qam— Z0121, and fuesa(ay~Er1'dag gam-3:111 Montpelier: nzursday Qam-jpzzz V St. dohnsburgz Monday 9.-:im~I..9pm and Hzutsday garn-5pm Rutlancl: Th ursclay 9am-1pm 2 :r~‘