the source John Odum B'$E’“_’A" 24 Liberty St. 05602 Both Sides Now 229-5591 3°ClaVdl3°U33l°“ QVOUP PCB 55 * Williston VT 05495 * 879-1147 or 655-0968 E‘,‘;,",_!' ,\T,,;%‘;nn ob| Fedegal Terrace BOX 7 wvvw.ange|fire.corn/vi/both- 988_4773 ’ Sidesmw blairhs @together net CIVIL UNION OFFICIANTS Plainfield Justices of the Peace Keith E- G°5'3m 99 Main St. * 454-8552 kgoslant@ hotmail .com Putney Alan Blood 7 Small Meadows Farm 387-5917 * Barre Scott Brimblecombe 413 E Cobble Hill Rd. 479-0287; Benson Ron Savageau POB 314 537-3344 Ja°q“'e Wa“