Thrsdays, April 4th 65-8pm Women's Coming Out Support Group For lesbian, bi, trans, and questioning women going through the coming out process. For women ages 23 and up‘. 1st and 3rd Thursdays. The group is open, ongoing, free-of—charge. Call 860-RU12 (7812) or visit for directions or information. (Women age 22 and under please call Outright Vermont at 865-9677.) U12? §2$2‘.““”V $16 _ 50% 0* .9! Q95 5‘‘ee\ @ 80 0,2 1/} 0§;\'a\° e‘<95~_3 05%? 9 ASSOCIATES, PC I 57; attorneys fax; 302.353.0252 Concentrating in Employment, Special Education and Civil Rights Law. Also Wills, LGBT Issues, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, other litigation and mediation. Laurie S. Rosenzweig Attorney at Law 18 South Main Street, P.O. Box 1455, Rutland, VT 05701 802-786-2251 e-mail: Real Estate, Wills &Trusts, General Practice % Practice limited to male clientele THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE William Coil, NCMT 802-658°2390 800f830°5025 o-o-o-o-o-9-0» BOB GREEN, LCMHC LICENSED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT (802) 658-2390 (800) 830-5025 INDIVIDUALS 8C COUPLES MAGELLAN, VI-IAP, MEDICAID EC MANY OTHI-ZR INSURANCE PROGRAMS ACCEPTED example to break the stereotype. But while an intimate monogamous rela- tionship with my spouse makes me happy, and since I desire to be happy that is the choice I have made, I do not assume that all couples are the same as me and my spouse. Neither should you. Joseph F. Watson Leicester You're right, it was an inaccurate choice. I meant to convey that a per- son could not legally be in more than one civil union or marriage at the same time. — EB A Welcome Welcome Ijust wanted to say hello to you in your new capacity as editor. Your March editorial was great. You asked the crucial question for any queer publication or organi- zation at this point in time -- what happens when the oppression that to a large part defines us begins to diminish? I guess we'll find out. OITM is lucky to have you. Alison Bechdel J onesville confd from page 5 To The Governor ear Howard, Sorry to bother you. I know you are busy. I just wanted you to know that the Putney Town Report came in. It lists 85 Civil Unions through our town clerk from October 2000 through December»200l. We still don’t have any locusts, famine, earth- quakes, plague, cross-burnings, or dying sugarbushes. Seems God con- tinues to smile on us as we enjoy the fruits of hard work and good commu- nity. I mean for the most part there seems to be enough food and shelter to go around, mainly. Of the 85 Civil Unions list- ed, only two couples are listed as Putney residents. The rest are from away — one couple from Louisiana, two from Arizona, three from Florida, and six from California. There was one couple from Alberta, Canada, and one from Midland, Texas — God bless ’em. It sort of reminds me of Vermont’s history with the Underground Railroad. People treated unfairly from so many other places came here on their way to freedom. I am proud to see the tra- dition continue. And I am grateful to you for helping to make it happen. I know principles can be hard to come by in government. I am glad yours were showing so clearly on this. If you do run for president of the country, I will vote for you. Not because I agree with everything you’ve done. I don’t. But I think you could giye the White House some- thing it hasn’t had in years: a hard worker who hasn’t had everything handed to him from the country club set and a good looking guy who keeps it in his pants. Imagine what a nice change it would’ be to have someone up there we knew well enough to know when he was lying. That would be refreshing and make me think democracy was still possi- ble. ' If you do get to the White House. I’d like you to save a night sometime when the shadow govern- ment could hold down the fort and you didn’t have to stay in the situa- tion room keeping score on some war where women and children were bombed into nothing. My husband. Marshall Brewer, and I would like to take you and your wife out to a nice little Italian restaurant on 18th St. we know. I think you’d like it. And God knows, you’d need a break from all the flatlanders asking you about the best places for skiing back home. Thank you for all your good work. Sincerely, John Calvi Putney Did you hear the , V one about Bush's NEW ENVIRONMENTALISM ?? g Yeah...I thought I'd _£_>_I_E_ Laughing _._J