5. i I i . letters More Than Sex believe this is the first letter I have ever written to Out in the Mountains. 1 will get right to the point. I thought your last issue of OITM with a picture of a large penis on the back page, was the poorest judgment I have ever seen. What were you folks thinking? Your news- paper appears in several reputable business establishments in Waterbury, to be viewed by anyone passing by. That also includes young children. Many of these business owners sup- port the display or your paper, despite criticism from bigoted indi- viduals. The picture on the back page is nothing short of pornography. Your staff might think it was humor- ous, but as a professional gay man, I found it offensive. It does not repre- sent who I am or what I condone. I do not like seeing those type of pho- tographs in any publication, let alone one that is representing my commu- nity. My first thought was more ammunition for Nancy Sheltra and TIP. Our community is more than sex. Many may disagree with me, but my life with my partner is the nurturing of our relationship with each other, professional lives, our home, our friends, and most impor- tant, our families. A large penis slapped on the back page is far from what I want to be equated with. So come on folks, use some discretion and prudence next time you publish something like that. Before you know it, you'll be in the same class with the ‘ National Enquirer, and then I will no longer purchase your paper. John P. Castaldo Waterbury Center funny thing happened the other day. I'd been out doing interviews and came back to a lengthy batch of voice- mail (except during pro- duction week, there's usually no one in the ‘V office but me). A fellow named Barry identified himself as a happily mar- ried, straight family man from Gullford, and he had picked up a copy of the March issue of OITM with Pat Robinson's story on Representative Nancy Sheltra’s latest anti-gay move. He was calling to let me know what hap- pened with the so-called “nopromohomo" nonbind- ing resolution at their town meeting. “We all went to |unch," he said, "and then we came back nd every seat in the hall ought we, as “watchers nd guardians for civil rights," needed to know about the tactics being editor’s notebook said, “Keep up the good work." Thanks, Barry. of "nopromohomo," I've been asked by a few people whether we tracked how many towns considered the controver- sial resolution, and how many towns passed it versus how many passed over it. The answer is nobody apparently has tracked the complete results. I made an editori- al decision that the measure and its primary proponent have already received more than enough coverage in these pages, and there's no need to gloat. Corrections: As in any transition, the new person is bound to make a mistake or ten. And I did. As the paper of record for our community, we strive to be as accu- rate as possible. I will do my best to correct errors of fact, attribution, affilia- tion and the like. It helps if you bring them to my attention via email or NO Dildos Please id we really need that photo of the “dildo” clad drag queen on the back page of the March edition? I found it offensive and unnecessary. We’d be screaming if this was the mainstream press again using the most outrageous images as represen- tative of our community (as they often do). In this case, we have only ourselves to blame. Let’s not forget that “our” paper is available everywhere throughout the state. Call me a‘ prude, but I cringe when I think ydung kids could easily see that picture in “our” ' paper. We'll make lots of friends when they go home asking mommy or daddy what that is. Then of course, there are all those bigots who’ll just see more proof we're all sex crazed. Why help them with their distortions that we know they will use against us? If OITM wants to claim to be my “voice,” I ask you exercise some tact in how you represent me and mine. Chuck Kletecka Waterbury Center I may not have made the same choice left to my own devices, but probably not for the same reasons as Mr. K/etecka and Mr. Castaldo. 0n the other hand, 1 do not intend to make such choices based on whether they might stir up Vermonts homphobes. And I suggest that leaving sex out entirely betrays a significant part of who we are. — EB voicemail or letter. V In the March Issue we trust you all found the rest of the “Civil Unions Not Taxing" article on page 6, despite being And speaking directed to page 4. contributors for the incorrectly included Euan Bear, Alison Kirby, Bennett Law. McLeod, Tim Miller, Nichols, Eric Orner, Dennis Scott-Bush, Matthew Thorsen, and Jason Whipple. “Mourning Mom.” V Amber Leventry’ of residence fell off page. She lives in Williston. V In Crow's Caws, V The masthead list of contributors from the pre- vious issue. It should have read: Kevin Thomas Althouse, Michael Alvear, Bechdel, Crow Cohen, April Elizabeth, Robert Amber Leventry, Ernie Pratt, Pat Robinson, V Howdy Russell's first name was misspelled in (“Barbies & Trucks”) town Monogamy Not Required ear OITM Editor, Thanks for your premier editori- all You started me thinking more I about where we are and where we're going as communities. The questions you asked were insightful and timely and I look forward to reading your next editorial. Having said that, allow me to quibble with one word — you said, “Lesbians and gays in monoga- mous relationships have the option of obtaining legal recognition in civil union ...” From my point of view, the word “monogamous’_' in that sentence v is an unnecessary and inaccurate qualifier. There is nothing in the civil union law that requires a couple to be monogamous any more than there is in the civil marriage laws of.our state. While some churches may require an intention to be monoga- mous before they will hold a reli- gious ceremony and unite a couple in civil union or marriage, the state does not require such intentions. So why did you find it necessary to use the word? Could it be that you unknow- ingly hold to a stereotypical image of couples that choose to enter into a civil union? I believe that, just as is the case in the heterosexual world of marriage, a wide range of same-gen- der couples may choose to enter into a civil union. All they must require is a desire to act as legal next of kin for each other. Whether they are physi- cally intimate with each other exclu- sively or at all is not the business of the state. My argument is weakened by the fact I can't cite myself as an > continued on page Chicky Palmer's hus- band's name is Don (not Ron). -9 V The column moniker for Michael Alvear should have been "S|ouching Through Gomorrah.” V And we hope that not too many of you waited 7 until Saturday to meet at ' issue some gested, since the calen- dar listed the gathering for Fridays. Back Cover Reactions: It was interesting (U see that the most vocal oppo sition to the artwork on the back page of last month's issue came from men: two letters and a phone call. The caller canceled his subscriptio in disgust. Two lesbians, friends of mine, men- tioned the inflatable peni on the back page but assumed printing and s placing it weren't my decisions (as the new the person in a temporarily shared position) and tha it wouldn't happen again on my watch. Stay tuned ‘ Joel Dean "‘V-Iva-1"-rt-Q«v‘§vOnDtzilrlIfolurd-ruuoavuuncre- ..7‘V.‘!."'.I"I‘K‘i‘YOhvVv(- » ~ - : « - 1up~ruuq-.Ivu»-rvxurwuo-xvan Pearl's for "sip and dine," . . . as the photo cutline sug- H V