looking back March 1991 Gardener’s Supply Offers Partner Benefits %% é fir rt; ‘#15; A he March issue of OITM announced that Gardener’s Supply Company had just ' expanded its benefits package to rec- ognize domestic partnerships. The expansion was not limited to same-gender partners, but also included non—married heterosexu- al partnerships. At the time, how- ever, the company could not find an insurer to provide partner cov- erage at an afiordable cost, leaving the partner to find insurance self or herself and be reimbursed for part of the premium by the company. The change in policy was brought about when two employees, Margaret Waring and David Graver, approached man- agement with a request to equal- ize the benefits received by mar- ried employees. Gardener’s Supply is a major garden gadget and tool company located in the lntervale off Riverside Drive in Burlington. In 1991 it had been in busi- ness for 9 years and had 153 employees. interview, Will Raap, the company’s CEO, recalled that “it was just the right thing to do. We have always had a strong com- mitment to diversity and equity in benefits and pay. Because of where we are, we have a good , number of gay employees. We were presented with a need and we said, let’s serve the need. Really, it’s just an extension of who we are.” Let Small Dog Electronics be your guide the Digital Universe! 3'2 T rough In a brief phone - At Smalldog.com, you will find the full line of Apple products in both new and factory refurbished models. We carry a printers, displays, software and much more! We also have more Apple Product Professionals than any other dealer in Vermont! We are uniquely qualified to provide the professional advice you’re looking for. Visit us on the web at: http://www.smalldog.com 1673 Main Street, Waitsfield, Vermont 05673 Phone: 802-496-7171 E-Mail: sales@smalldog.com ©2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. The Apple logo is a registered trademark and [Mac iPod, and (Book are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Also in March 1991: V The US was at war with Iraq, and Gene Barfield wrote of concerns over official monitoring and censorship of communica- tions from gay and lesbian serv- ice members. V Rep. Vi Luginbuhl (R- , South Burlington) and Sen. David Wolk (D-Rutland) introduced bills to ban discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, insurance and banking. _ V In Dykes to Watch Out For, Mo" and Lois are back from another anti-war demonstration, Sparrow’s spirituality circle is lighting incense and visualizing world peace, and Clarice swears she’s “gonna impeach [George Bush the elder’s] death worship- ping ass.” A V And Vermont’s Pride Day celebration would be held in Montpelier again that year. ' complete selection of Electronics smallnnumm I I Apple Specialist , , , . . . . . . . — . y . . r . 4'r=9v¢eovg-~.~.- -..¢ r . . . » i . . . . . . . . . . e ¢ . . . . . v