Queer—frlendly reading and discussion groupat L _ 9 s L L L -.V9GSA -. Sip and Dine. .30pm at .— V 9 _ 135 Pearl. See Friday 1 listing for more info. iR.Lu.12_? Community Center HeadquaLrters.‘9Please- Se9eLF9ri¢l8y 19 Iist_ingtor more infom)a~ _. I L L e.-mail theoeLntLer*@rLu129.org_9or callL86G-R9U129(78t2)vL 7 3 L L 9‘ 7 .. . L for current bookL9title and lnforrnation. 9 ‘ 9 ,_ 9. .9 L . 9 9 V 9 . 9 LEiUFlLlNGTLON ‘~.OL'utrlghtVem1ont-LP'eer9 9. [N391-QLN 9_‘9Gende,.s Rug . Support Group Sociallsupport Meeting Friday Night Group. 7- 9 sumo 9;6pm_ G,.oup9f°,t,ansgen9de,fo|ks at 9 8:30pm. See Fridayt listing for more information. BU Ll£>l<;‘i.‘Lf¢lN:OutrightLVemiont-Peer L L - "CARES, V361~Pearl St. Call before attend~ L p;iLqL:t9LMaeiing.F:iday Night Group, 75 L $é6L'Fridav1llsfih9l0r‘more—lnforma-L L. rsttime; FMI: can 800-6492437 or 863-2437 L 27 " . V - V. .» _ ;BURLlN.GTQN.-‘Outright--~' L . V L g » V9ermo9rttPubllcTe9levisionL—.lnjtt1e9LifLe.L'192atrrt .L ‘ are _ia9nt‘A_uction.A_t_ » 9 E9Ll9ER-The OUTPOSTI-9OUtright 5 _ 9 9 V . L L ReporlLsongayNiuslints;andhovsrtl1eyoome9to >S.tud_e7n_tLCenter, UVM CarnpLus..l_=abulous_ L . t_Larid‘ti91eWashingtonCot.intyYouihL _ ; L , L _ - tem’nswith.theIrreligi9on‘an9d sexuaIi_ty;9a sh bar;cate9redL9rec'eption.and SeLrviceBu9rLea9u9sponsor’ed_VPe9er S0(9:9iaI/9S191ppQr{ .. V L - 9 9 .¢e;1terfl1a!addresseS.fl1éneeds..0fLLGBT.yo 9 .Admission’.$915to$50..based_ jupL7 Free &‘Confidentia9l9;opLentoLaLl| L‘ L Monday 1 L. photographers9whoreoo'rdlesblLan’l1lstory;9Land .. L eanafforid.EM9l:_802.86_5L99677or 9. 9 9 22an<1urtcle9r.Ca||usat1-800-L . . . AlaLn‘Ball,theLOscar-winningscreeLnwriterL‘of L = . 9‘ ."L0rg.9LCo-sponsored by UVM‘s;9 9 A seeusonthe web atwww.out~ .BUHLU‘NGL.'.ONL Cum - V ' 9 _ V . .. :2 L9 9 —_L V LV 9 9. V ~ .. . V. 9 99 - ghtvermont_9—Young_ — . 9 . L ~ ., ;;L: L L 9 . .. . _ .l°".’?‘?°"’—-"9‘l°"".‘V?“"9'V"‘ —‘?"’.9'9“"’_“‘9."“.°‘.L 9 * L Women's Group. 6-8pm. All lesbian. bisexual,‘ 9 . ;~ V L L 9 9 .9 "‘M;'.39 9s‘[9'QN9.;..DLrag.s9[-9,°\,9\,g°Lbene«9[ittf-19 ~ A . L~ = .iL 9L 9 ' V - 9 transgenderedwomen andtheirwomen allies, V . 12° . L L . winter.‘ Ml5$‘VKfltvLB.aWhldeL&LVU1éLV. 27... t L L- .a9°s:22_a"°' u.“d°r- a'6vve'°°m°.*°m°e?a* . = : L. L _L 9. L _L 9 9— yhernMamé.Ldancino.—musicbyD.j.— 9 9 _ _. — — , outn9gms Burlington Office for this on—goIng dis- .BRATT.LEBOFtO-T.H._E.Men's9Project—-MallingL $5. Rainbow Cattle. company, Rte. 2 ElLlNG9TON~-OutrightLV_errnont~Drop-In gr9_s9:I<(>:nHs919\r;>u9rI-€~:?pm-9l:9|;Ag9<9=a9gMftgoheit1-800- andF.‘izza‘Partyforthe9l-lotllashels newsletter. V ‘L f 9V 2 L L‘ ’ 9 ‘L C_Jpenfo'r9evening9activlties-Lmovle ’ '. ~_ °°a'°”? _. 3119 '99 9AlDSLPtojeot ofS;outl1emLVerrnontoftioe,‘67,-Main longroups, sex proud workshops, L llbetween King and Maple) In Burhngton. www.out- St.,-4th floor. Call ahead tosay you're coining; \ " 87LSt, Paul Street 9(betw_een King "GUM-0'9 9 99 . 9 _\. 25432. -53“ 9. ~9 9 9 .9 999 .9. 9 1.; L 9 .9 99 9 99 ~ BD9“9_g"9»9‘99t°'. 9'-9"l9l°L QUTLAND -‘L9Amerlcan Cancer Society» Look 9 BURUNGTON—Arnen<;an Cancersoolety-.Look __ O.-.-T.H.9E.LMen's_LProject Movie _ L 9 L _ I V Fee |39e_tterProg_ram.5pm-Aoomrnunlty . FeelBetter‘Program9L.LL1pm.atthe L L '9 9 y’s in LNorIl1tlLeld, MA Film: Erotic L ri;can’CancerSociety-Mantof L ~ .ba5°d».Ll'e99 S9FV|°9.P|‘0V|d€$ 9|‘0U9P C9Sm9'l0l°9Y ’UniversltyHealthCenter,Amold 2L, Burlingt9onL.9 L '.13L.49a.23o4ford5[9cfi¢ng9.- 9 _ L» M3npm9Lst§9g~9999Caf1cer support GR-,L9,p9 5:30pm at 9 o9ons_ult9s with make-up and 9Sl9(||'l care forc9an- 9 L Third Wednesday of each month Please register L .. V V . _ 3 9 L_ . . 9 L— theL;Rullanc9i9RegiOrtal Medical Center every fourth °9' Pa“e.”l5V_alR”fla"‘d .R°9'°”a' Med‘°a'9Ce”l9" in 9adVancebycamng8o29655,2o00 9 . L . . .9E9t_DL-9W90W-Przza,Plannlng9 and} L 9VV'edhe5d'aLy9df)hernonm_ FM|;.9cau3Q2.223.g343_ _ First Monday of each month. Please register in . . ' 9 9 . ‘ 1. 5pm. We will order plzzaand plan . ’Qpén:t¢‘pub{;c_ 9‘ L . V _ advance by calling 802 265-4757. BURLINGTON -_l-llV+~Support’ Group. 5:30pm. Please bn‘ngLyourLown beverages.‘ -; L 99 . ' L V L.Ongoin9g,' confidential, open to anyone living.w'rlhL 9’ ingsession wewillplayafew . L L L L HlV/AlDS9 at 361 Pearl St. (_\/ermont CARES - 9 . _.hav9eLaLfavon‘te.game, bringitalong. L L 2 9 9 office). Please call beforeattending first time, orto L 485-98588forc9lir_ections. L 9 L . ' 1 L L L ; . V . 9 9 9 _ arrange transportation or childcare; FMI Kara atL9 . L . L BUFlLlNGTON'-‘R.U._1.2?- Questioning and BENNINGTON-Amencan Cancer Socrety- Look '(aoo)s4s2437Lor(ao2)L3es-2437. L_ L .1 ~ L L G_roup.Group forlesbian. F9*’*9=;*9:eE9’9°9:‘;'(;°'°99'aP‘-Bl=3°P':9‘9£39t”'9f . . L ’~. V .._ '9: 9 ‘L;.b;9t9rans9 d (H1523 d g wes 99 enerrn ennnn n. irst BURLINGTON — Outright Vermont -. Drop-In. I ._ L. 9 9 9L 9 olrll:eg:l0Llflth,.6ffi8pt£ at Tuesdays of each month. Please register in Center 6’-Sprn. Open forjevening activitie9sL~ LL ‘ U.1.2?9- Women's Drop-In : L"; g9U9,,_2?-géadqganéfs at 1933995 St‘_9 39ug,9113 ’ advance by calling 802 447-1403 or 802 447«3587 nights, discussion groups, sex proudworkstiops _ ‘Lat_Ft.U.1.2?LLHeadquarters.Call "13",. ' ’'L- W tam wk‘ m9Th -L L . » .. 9 L paursreelireveenxln 120 we 2"...?..LL°LL"...;....:.:~:.:::;:.t. ~A~ovmesA~o~ . andmanlei inLBurli"9l°"- mfo=1:80°oLB«CHA L ‘ ' L - .V ‘L . L L . . L L s&PPo.rlive.health brofessionals and peers. . V S°°'°WLL°°kG9°d Fee‘ B°“°'P'°9'am- ’ WWW-°U“'l9hM~°f9LL L V. . '. . LL — L - ‘V . ”.i=MtL(L8o2) 860-RLU12 or email thecenter@ru12 org 108"" Wm N°ms Cm" Camercenter’ . ; . . -L 9. UNCTION-The Baronyof9All_ 9 . 9 L 99 . 9 L ‘9 Lebanon, NH." l‘-“irs9tTuesdays of each month. _ M9ON919'PELlER - American Cancer Soeiety- Man i . Ame'ric_an Trash Show," 50/50 raf~ L’ fibhmond .9.o9ut ;n the Mwmagns Swing Night _ Please register in advance by calling Doris Watson to9M_an Prostate Cance9r,Support Group. 5pm at . L 9 .V 9 LBasket.9To benefit Women's :9 9 paffyt 5; '_‘d°n9‘(usuauy byg)_ Free pizza and at 603 448-6417. .1heCeLntral Vermont Medical Ce9nter,F9loom9#;3'_9_ ‘ 9 Services(VlI9lSE).‘Cactu9s Ja<9:l<’s,lcc9at-_ Hem Us get own me Mountains . . . ' L 9‘-’°’VL‘hl'd W9.d.”.°5d.aVL°l.th9 ”1°"“.‘-.FM"°a".L . ' . .outLtLolheoommLinityl LLook'for the turquoise door V‘ 3€?2‘223'3343.-L°P°"f°P“'?‘l°.-L '9 f: ats9the:Daily.Bread.l39akery,goupthestairstothe9 .- 9 9 9 9 9 ‘ .2199 .9 .. _ 9 W°‘TM°‘f‘9°°S~‘ L. 9 .9 LL 1 BUFUJNGTOVN-H9lV+ SupportGroup.5:30pm. L9 _ 9 _ 1 9 _ _. 9 . 9M19pDi_E3‘;_)'R Addison C’C‘,umyGl_B1-3oc;ai9 V. ‘ Ongoing. conflden9ti9al.9o’pento anyone livingwlth 9 L . - L . . . L. . . 9 9‘ . . . _ . _ ‘ c_~troup.— , Misterups, Bakery Lane. See L V HIV/AIDS at 361 Pearl St. (Vermont CARES BURLINGTON-R.U.1.2?-Women's Comrngout .L L. v ‘ 9 L‘ L LL L V 9 L .L ngfo,Lm°,ein,mnafl0n. office). Please call before attending first time,Lor to Support Group. 6-89pmat R.U.1.2._Headquarters. L ’ ON-OmrightVT-Transgenderuighg L . L_ 99 9_ 99 L L J L" ' arrange transportation or childcare; FMl Kara at 9 gall 8960-P9’lU9199929('78l‘2fi)‘9<)r vlsItvwvw.ru12.org for 9 9 9 tier ; (800) 649-2437 or (802) 863-2437. .L rects onnorrn on _. V .9 9 9 9 9V 9 9 9 99 L» » 9 . V f . . .. 9 , L9 . _ 9 . 9_ .LL:‘~‘“L ‘L - LL . 9 _ . BUFlL|NGTON-OutrightVerrnont-Drop-|nL L— .M'°°'-EEBURY '.AF‘d‘s°"—C°“"‘Y9'-5T3°°‘3‘. . L L BURLlNGTON?Women ofColorAlliance-Free - Center 6-8r>m- Open for evening activities-movie 99'-’°.“F’L5l°'V" f3'_M‘5*°_’iUPsvVF‘La"°'Y.L':3"e~S9° L . 9. .. y9o_ . . . _ _ needle exohange_& orasure HIV. testing 4_-epm at? nights. discussion groups; sex proud workshops. _ Thursday 7 lrstingtor more information. , King and‘l\/laple_) l9n.Bi.rrl9in99gton9. info " ‘ 9 9Qf.9co|9or9 ,:94;9;9an¢e9commun;ty 3,3999 etc. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King L L9 9 9 . . G13. 1', www_L°u9mg[-9m’-Lorg 9 ~ L LAv99_ FM9[9;9(302) 650.0506’ . '9‘. and Maple) In Burlington. Info: 1-800-GLB-CHAT, V9 L 9 _ . L L9 ‘ ' .— ‘ Lsj . L" V v9v9ww.outrightvt.org 99 L 9 V H ' L A ‘L gag; L.2gW°m‘?;nvt'LA¢fi?n B'Llt'll=VlLlNG;l'LCL>N'Ll=lLU12'2 Movie&Munch;es V » . .L L 3 99LV9,Pin909ur omjmunty. . . _'. . 9.9_l ' 9 {ACIDS} eefl9ng9593o_6:45pm_ Sée—Friday91 “SF 9 r&1E99r9t99t..79-999::9<19(:9p9m. :1 rm; Fl99U.1992. Commungyed . 9, 9.9 9 . 9 99 . LL L .. L. .- 9 9 9 L. er ea uaers. ees mentsprovi . _ lAG:DC)Mooi1noA5-939-6-459m-See9FndaY91 ll$t:L'9 LL 9Free9l C9:all sec-RU12 (7812) or visitwww.99ru12.org "9 °-'-"'°"9'”l°‘. '9"'°"""9’”- L L V L» ‘ ' for directions or.9information.. 9 ,. Sure we have all the latest in Apple computers and computer peripherals 1673 Main Street 4 you’ll need, but we also offer some of the best customer service and Wallsflelg-oV2T ‘0l595z37UI5Al ‘ - L ' - - ‘ hone - - 7 ~ techmcal su on in the business. He what are friends for! i P . L pp Y’ Online: sma||dog.¢om Apple Specialist 999 99 ©2000 apple Computer; Inc. All rights reserved. Tbe Apple logo is a registered trademark and iMac and iMom'e are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.