march Friday (1 I BRATTLEBORO - T.H.E. Men's Program,— . Gallery walk & gathering. Meet at 7 pm at the « AIDS Project of Southern Vermont office, 67 Main St, 4th floor. FMI: 254-8263. . BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Action Committee for Developing our Community (AC/DC) Meeting. 5:30-6:45pm. Youth ages 22 and‘ under are invited to plan upcoming Outright events and activities. Please bring submissions for the ‘zine Reaching Out. Free pizza on the first Friday of the month. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. {FMI: 1'~ 800-GLB-CHAT, BURLINGTON - VGSA- Sip and Dine. Join VGSA members and friends for dinner out in Burlington. Meet at 135 Peait at 6230, then decide on where to dine out. ' I BURLINGTON - Outright Vemiont - Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7- 8:30pm. Free & Confidential, open to all GLBTQ youth 22 and under. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. FMI: 1- 800-GLB-CHAT, MONTPELIER ~ Woodbury College -— David Moats, Pulitzer Prizewinning journalist, speaks at the college's Town Meeting series from noon to 1 pm. Free lunch provided, open to the. public. Moats got the Pulitzer for his civil union editorials in the Rutland Herald. 660 Elm St., Montpelier. Directionsfinformation: 229-0516. Saturday 2 BURLINGTON ,- Tulip Tyme Cocktail Party - Benefit for Vermont Community Botanical Garden In the Vermont Flower Show's Central Garden, Sheraton Buriington Conference Center. Jenni Johnson and Friends Jazz Quartet, Hors d'oeu- vres with cash bar and Silent Auction. Reservations required by 2/25/02. $20 per person. FMI: 802-864-5206 PIERMONT, NH - Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Support Group — Meeting Held the first Saturday of every month, 3-5pm. Non-alcoholic, drug free social, come and make friends. Call Brad Jr. for more info at 1-603-272-5815 7:00p -9:00p Monday 4 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Young ‘ Women's Group. 6-8pm. All lesbian, bisexual, transgendered women and their women allies,» ages 22 and under, are welcome to meet at . ’ Outrights Burlington Office for this on-going dis~ . cussion group. 6-8pm. FMI: call Marian at 1-800-~ ' 5 GLB-CHAT. Location:,187 St. Paul Street ' V . (between King and Maple) in Burlington. www.out-. righi';-‘ V V _ V A RUTLAND - American Cancer Society -Look; Good Feel Better Program. 5pm. A community :. based, free service, provides group cosmetology -. . Consults with make-up and skin care tips for can- ‘ cer patients at. Rutland Regional Medical Center.- First Monday of each month. Please register in. . V’ V. advance by calling 802 265-4757. ‘ ‘“°5"aV 5 BENNINGTON - American "Cancer SocietyV- Look ‘ . Good Feel Better Program. 1:30pm at ‘the -Southwest Medical Center in Bennington. First V Tuesdays of each month. Please register in advance by ‘calling 802 447-1403 or 802 447- 3587 .. . . . . ’ HANOVER/LEBANON NH -American Cancer "Society — Look Good ...‘Feel Better Program. 10am at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH. First Tuesdays of each month. Please register in advance by calling Doris Watson at 603 448-6417. - f_V_‘p'm, F_DrinformatloVn, call 229-5202. ‘V ~ T BUR’LiNG‘roN( - R.U.1 .2? '- womehsoiooin ' Social. 47 pmat R.U.1 .2. Headquarters. Call BRATTLEBORO - T.H.E. Men's Program potluck , dinner at Mike Duffy's. 7 pm.FMI: 257-8984. = BURLINGTON «I-llV+ Support Group. 5:30pm. Ongoing, confidential, open to anyone living with HIV/AIDS at 361 Pearl St. (Vermont CARES office). Please call before attending first time, or to arrange transportation or childcare. FMI Kara at (800) 649-2437 or‘(802)863-2437. BURLINGTON - Outright Vennont - Drop-In Center 6-8pm. Open for evening activities - movie nights, discussion groups, sex proud workshops, . etc. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. info: 1-800-GLB-CHAT, BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2'? - Movie & Munchies Night. 7-9:30pm. At the R.U.1.2. Community Center Headquarters. This month's feature will be Aimee and Jaguafi a World War II lesbian love story (with plenty of intrigue and action) between the wife of a Nazi and her Jewish lover: a must see! Oh, and we have DVD! Refreshments pro- vided. Free! Call 860~RU12 (7812) or visit for directions or information. MIDDLEBURY - American Cancer Society ~ Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group. Meets at 4pm in the llsley Library on every first Wednesday of the month. FMI: ‘call 800-639-1888. Open to ’ public. Thursday 7 BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? - Wcmen‘s Coming Out Support Group. 6:30-8pm at R.U.1.2. ‘ . Headquarters. Call 860;-RU12 (7812)-or-visit . . for directions or information. MIDDLEBURY - Addison County 'GL.B"|'VSociaI' ' . Group. 6pm at Mister Ups, Bakery Lane. ’” Everyone welcome. This is a no-structure informal ” gathering. Purely social. 6pm until we all go home. . FMI Barb ~ dozetos@sover.ne_t to be_ added to the. ' reminder list. Friday 8‘ INTERNATIONAL wOMEN’s DAYIT BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont -Action ‘ Committee for Developing our Community (AC/DC) Meeting 5:30,6:45pm. See Fridayt list- . ing for moreinfomtation. _ . 'BURLINGTONV- VGSA - "sip and Dine. 6:30pm at ' 135 Pearl. See Friday 1 ‘listing for more informa- . ‘ion. .’ ‘V V. : BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer _Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7-” V. ~. ' MONTPELIER -—. Montpelier City Hall -V_l-lousejand’ » Garden show to benefit Woman Centered. v - Anisahs, florisizs, home decorators, antiques, a. —_ ' 'siIent’aucticn‘and more. $3 admission. 10 am 94: ‘V 1o 7 860-RU12 (7812) or visit for direc- tions or information. : — ’ ~ ' Monday 11 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont ~ Transgender Night. All youth 22 and under interested in trans- gender issues are welcome to this ongoing dis- cussion, peer support and activities night at Outright's Buiiington Office. This group is led by " tianegendeied youth; Location: 18761. Paul ff, 1 5 ' Street (between King and Maple) in'Bur1ington. Into: 1-800-.GLB-CHAT, WWW.0utrlghtVt.0rg . WlNOOSKI.- American Cancer Society - Look v . Good Feel Better Program. 5:30pm at Appearances in Winooskl. Second Monday of each month. Please register in advance by calling -802 655-2000 . . ’ '~ BURLINGTON - Genders R US - Support Group. 6fim._fSupport_ group iortrarisgender folks at _ ' Vermont CARI-Z_S;' 361 .Peai1»St Call before ' " ‘ v attending first FMI: call 800-649-2437 or 5 v . MONTPELIVER ‘—-The ourposn Outright j ; . Vermont and Washington County Youth Service Bureau Peer Soci_al/Support‘Group 7~8:30pm. " Free & Confidential, open to all GLBTQ youth 22 - and under. Call us at 1-800-GLB-Cl-IAT or see us on the web for rnoreinforma- tionordirections. ‘ “’ . . A WEST LEBANON, NH - GLBT Reading Group - ;_ _7pm at Borders Books and Music. March's gather- ‘- ing_._wiIl feature..The Dancer fmm the Dance by, ' Aijidrefw.1:tolIeran;All ofthe GLBT Reading Group ‘— selecfiehs are discounted 20%. ‘and. can be found ' 3.in__the Staft Selections area-in the frontof the'store ' and onthe endcap’displayiir_tthe GLBT. section. 8:30pm. iSee_Fn'day 1 listing formore inforrnaVtion‘,- _ . »- Biifiuuétééu.‘ Loca n: t187.St., Paul Sheet (between King‘ Ut hmforg ' , . 3 LI GTON - R.U..,1{.2’? Gayme Night as 8 at3R;UV.1.2? Headquarters. Join- us an evening of games including Poker, »_ ' ‘[31-'v1.l(9i:..B°‘3‘9J’9 and m€iYD6.-9V9“<:- Twister! urta ‘oritefgametorjointin when you __ .. at: call 860-RU12 (7812)Vor visit»- -2‘rid and 4th Thursdays of the month, 6:30—8pm at R.U_.1.2?’ Headquarters at 1 Steele St, Suite 113 on Burllngton's Waterfront bikepath. The group is open, ongoing, free—of-charge and oo-facilitated by .- outright -ioroo-in ' if T. 7’ Cents? for',ever_iing activ.lti_est- movie? " ,.Vdiscussion .groups, sex”prou_d worltshopsg :, V apIe)VVit1.‘BHurlii1gton.\'lnfo:V1-800-GLB{CHAT, “.BURLINGTON V-’i'=i.'LVi'j‘i’.2*.2._: cuosiionihg and 1; 7 A’ ‘ ’ Coming Out Support Group. Group for lesbian, A ' V gay, bi, trans, and questioning adults 23 and up. To announce an event for our monthly calendar, e-mail it to ca|, or write us at: PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. supportive healthprofessionals and peers. V-V . V FMl:(802) 860-RU12 or email A T MIDDLEBURY-Addison County GLB‘l'”Social . Group. 6pm at Mister Ups, Bakery Lane} See Thursday 7 listing for more information.- I=riday 15 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Action ' ' ‘Committee for Developing our Community I_ ‘ (AC/DC) Meeting 5:80-6:45pm. See Frida'y1 list- . ing for more information. 2 BURLINGTON - VGSA -sip and Dine. 6:80pm at 135 Pearl. See Friday 1 listing for more lnfor_rria- tion. ‘ V ' I . ‘BURLINGTON - Outrightverrnont - Peer’? I Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7-: 8:30pm; See Friday 1 listing for more infVom'ia-. I ti_on.6:OOp -9:00p , BURLINGTON - Women of Color Alliance - Movie Night. 6-9_pm. ‘Movie and free pizza for young . women of colorVat the Women of _CoIorAll_iarice V Community Space, 139 Elmwood Ave. FMI: (802) 9 Deadline for letters, classifieds, Community “ 1 Compass, and Calendar items for next issue_of ' I I: - . _OlTM See eachsection for submission guidelines-_ and addresses. , . I I ' . ' "V-BURLINGTON L’ St Paul's Episcopal CathVVedral,- "Mo_rtthly.GLBTVMeeting. Meet--for potluck dinner, . H . fellowship,-and worship. FMI: ‘V tau.ithoio~t.sti-iiiici.-S my «mus. .f »_GI._BT_Q‘pm. Hosted by V‘ Interweave Unitarian Church.’ _ Monday 18 12.orgfordirectiorisorinlorrnation.:_ = ‘ V f} _« V ‘ V is , I 7 ‘ ' ‘ 'BURLINGTON-Outrightvemtont-Young s transgendered women and their women allies, Womenis Gr'cup_.. V6-8pm. Alllesblan, bisexual, ages a9. and under, are welcome to meet at V OutVright's Burlington Office for thiston-going,dis~ I cussion group.V6-8pm. FMI: call Mariah, at 1-800-. GLB-‘CHAT. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between Kingand Maple) in Burlington. www.out- ‘ . BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2’? - Book Club. 6-8pm