er’s house. At night he’d translate “appropriate” pas- ‘sages into Spanish and read them to her. ‘“You’re writ- ing a beautiful book, my son,’” she told him, accord- ing to his account. Although City of Night made Rechy's reputa- tion (some think he's coast- led on it), he dislikes being categorized and has gone on to write a number of other works, some with gay themes, some not. The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez, for instance, fea- tures a Mexican-American female protagonist and is taught in Chicano lit class- es. Rechy himself has taught for many years at USC and has received sev- eral lifetime achievement awards. He “voluntarily” retired from hustling when hewas in his mid-fifties ,, IN THE LIFE and has been with his part- ner, Michael, for twenty years. Believing that affir- mation of the body is an essential element of his sur- vival, he continues — in his late-sixties — to work out fiercely. He feels worthy of his “living-legend” status and says he looks “terrific.” Like City of Night, apparently, he’s held up pretty well. Recently, a CD- Rom compilation of his life and work, Memories and Desire: The Worlds of John Rechy, debuted at the L.A. Museum of Modern Art to overflow crowds. A peek at his web site — wvvw.john- — confirms that he’s still workin’ it, on and . off the page. V Ernie McLeod is a native Vermonter currently workin’ it in Montreal. Reach him at mcleod@middlebury. edu. Vermont Public Television Movers ’& Shakers Check Local Listings for Dates and Times St. Johnsbury WVTB Channel 20 Rutland WVER Channel 28 Burlington WETK Channel 33 Windsor WVTA Channel 41 Manchester W36AX Channel 36 Bennington W53AS Channel 53 In an encore presentation of ITL, Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis) is profiled in Ms. Baldwin. Goes to Washington as not only the first woman to represent Wisconsin but the first out lesbian elected to Congress. In a Knight Out, ITL fea- tures Oscar—nominated actor and activist Sir Ian McKellen, the first openly gay man to be kinghted. Also, lTL spends A Day in the Life of Virginia Apuzzo, focusing on her former position of running the Clinton White House as the Assistant to the President for Management and Administration, and then interviews writer/activist Keith Boykin, former Executive Director of the National Black Lesbianand Gay Leadership Forum and Special Assistant to President Clinton. In The Life, America's Sir Ian McKellan is the first openly gay man to be knighted. The actor and activist is profiled in an encore edition of In The Life, airing in March. award—winning monthly gay and lesbian cultural newsmagazine, _ airs on 130 public television sta- tions nationwide, and in Canada. NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE VT STATE HOUSE Barre Channel 7 - Wed 7pm; Thu 9am & 12pm Burlington Channels 15 & 17 check local listings Colchester channel 15 Mon 10:30 am; Wed 10pm; Thu 7:30pm Manchester Channel 15 check local listings Middlebury Channel 15 Mon 11:30 am; Thu 11:30 am & 9:30 pm ‘ 1 Montpelier Channel 15 Wed 7pm; Thu 1pm Newport Channel 14 Mon thru Fri, 2pm_& 7pm Norwich check local listings Richmond Channel 3 Mon 8pm Rutland Channel 15 check local listings St. Albans Channel 10 checklocalhsfings ‘ St. Johnsbury Channel 7 check local listings Waitsfield Channel 44 Mon thru Fri, 12pm & 5 pm THE VERMONT RAINBOW CONNECTION _ Burlington Channel 15 Friday 9 pm Adelphia Barre Channel 7 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 8:30 pm Helicon Bennington, Pownal, Svhaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls, NY Call 802-442-8868 for air days/times CA-TV Brattleboro Channel 8 Call 802-257-0888 for air days/ times BCTV Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford Channel15 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month _ at 8 pm WENO Middlebury, East Middlebury, Weybridge Call 802-388-3062 for air daysl times MCTV Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph Channel15 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 7:30 pm Adelphia Richmond, Jericho, Underhill Channel 3 ' Call 802- 434-2550 for air days/times MMCTV Woodstock,’Plymouth, Ludlow Channel 13 Friday 9 pm Adelphia 17