Censorsht § § ® p and Homosexuality Twentieth-Century American Art By Richard Meyer A Oxford University Press lSBN—O195107616 392 pages, 194 illustrations $35 For further reading: V Lesbian Art in America: A Contemporary History By Harmony Hammond August, 2000 Y Outlooks: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities and Visual Culture By Peter Home October, 1996 TM: You end the book by talking about taking “the risk of unrespectability.” Can you say more about what you mean by that? RM: Taking the “risk of unrespectability” means accepting the fact that somebody some- where will always be bothered by homosexual- ity, will always consider it a “problem” for the larger culture. Rather than responding to such people by arguing that lesbians and gay men are no less normal, dignified, or morally upstanding than anyone else, I am interested in what happens when we insist that we really are different, and that our difference opens onto other possibilities for social, sexual, and cre- ative life. This, for me, is the appeal of queer- ness — the refusal to conform to someone else’s idea. of what it means to live a respectable life, to have normal sex, or to make decent art. The artists in Outlaw Representation took the risk of unrespectability not only by portraying homosexuality in their work but also by emphasizing the power of non-conformity. TM: Outlaw Representation gives us an amaz- ing and inspiring roadmap of potential ways that gay artists havepushed boundaries and challenged society. What do you think your book tells us about strategies for countering the censorship of gay culture now and in the future? RM: Gay and lesbian artists have made pre- cious contributions to American culture not by fitting their work "into some rigid standard of decent art but by proposing alternative visions Of social, sexual, and creative life. Rather than d0Wnpl.aying or apologizing for their difference from the mainstream, queer artists have expanded uponand expressed that difference in brilliantly imaginative ways. I think this is a R crucial historical lesson and a key strategy for the future not. only of gay art but also of gay life and politics. V Tim [Miller is a solo performer ana: the author ofShi1ts & Skin and Body Blows. He can be reached through his web site: http://home- town. aol. com/millertale “Gay artists havefound creative ways to use the outlaws status of * homosexuality as a means of , responding to the attacks on their work.” Practice limited to male clientele THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE William Coil, NCMT 802-658-2390 800-830-5025 Oman CREEK ASSOCIATES MATRlX HEALTH SYSTEMS Psychiatric and Psychological Services for Adults. Children and Families Edward R. Langlois, LICSW ' Licensed Clinical Social Worker Diplomate in Clinical Social Work -Tel, (802) 865-3450 Fax. (802) 860-501 I 86 Lake Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 OTTER CREEK ASSOCIATES MATRIX HEALTH SYSTEMS Psychiatric and Psychological Services for Adults. Children and Funtilies Robert L. Keith, Ph.D. Director of Training l.it'r'I1.s‘ed' I’.s“\‘t‘/InIogi.rI Dmtumlc l.I'('('I1.s'(-ill Murriu__ue and Family Tlzeru/7i,\'l Tel. (802) 95l-2089 Fax. (802) 951-2093 0 7X9 Pine Street, Burlington. Vermont 0540! ‘$15 ,M“”’”°“’°“’ 0 ‘‘~-- '9‘/r//)7 o* 91‘ Ge,‘ 0/) Q‘ .(\%\$ ‘ 802 I ‘/70 Q‘;\'b\ BLACKVVOOD ‘<5’e_3~ 5402 9 Assqgmfgs, PC 5;; blackwood.law@verlzon.net fax; ao2.3s3.o252 Concentrating in Employment, Special Education and Civil Rights Law. Also Wills, LGBT Issues, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, other litigation and mediation. . Laurie S. Rosenzweig Attorney at Law 18 South Main Street, P.O. Box 1455, Rutland, VT 05701 802-786-2251 e-mail: Sabu234@AOL.com Real Estate, Wills &Trusts, General Practice % North Main Street 0 Wallingford. VT 05773 e _ 802/446-2430 fax: 802/446-6182 www.simply-medicinecom - Email: guitant2@aol.com ¢-¢-¢-¢-¢-¢-r¢- B013 GREEN, LCMHC LIl(f7ENSEI[I) Ct.tN1(::A.t.. 1\«lII+:z.~."17AI. H.ls)Al..'.l.‘H C(.)l.?NS.ElL.()R S(.)’U',l‘l’{ BUR l.JN(}'.l.‘(_)N . V ER M ON '1'.‘ (802) 6.’-‘S8-239() (800) 83()-:'30'2:'5 I N] )I\'' I ]’)I..?A LS «lit 00 U1-’l.ilv}S MA(}FJ.J..AN, VHAP, Ml£Dl(‘A U) «k MANY OTHER INSURANCEE PROG RAM 8 A(,‘(?l‘}P’I.‘I