Civil Unions ot Taxing > continued from page 1 in order to use Schedule Y-I, civil union filing jointly. _ Abbott says that the-sev eral test cases she and her associ- ates have run suggest that filing as “civil union separate” results’ in either no “marriage penalty” or. as much as “a couple hundred dollars benefit” over filing as “civil union joint,” regardless of tax bracket. She said that civil union partners may be escaping the so-called “marriage penalty” thanks to the Tax Department’s ' apparent decision to simplify the forms. There has so far been no tax benefit to filing as “civil union joint.” Asked whether there might be a political statement to be made by filing federal tax returns as “married, filing joint- I ly,” to push the IRS to recognize civil"ui’rions‘as -equal to‘ marriage," I Abbott was cautious: “Trying to make political statements on tax returns just doesn’t work. There’s Absent From Town Meet BY PAT ROBINSON n yet another attempt to derail civil rights for gay ' and lesbian Vemionters, Rep. Nancy Sheltra (R- Derby) has again taken steps to gain access to the Select Boards in Vermont. In a let- ter—sent out to all Vermont towns in January, she and six other state representatives target what Sheltra calls “the homosexual agenda in the public classrooms.” The let- . ter requested that the town authorities endorse a non- no flexibility there. It would either be returned to you as an error or it would just bring you grief’ from the government. “Unless everybody did it as a mass protest, nobody would even notice.” ‘ Abbott also cautioned that there are new rules for claim- ‘ ing an earned income credit. In the past, any person with a high enough income living in a house- hold could render a parent ineligi- ble for the credit, whether or not that income was shared. This year, the guidelines specify that the adult whose income “counts” ' toward the credit must either be a biological relation, or an adoptive or foster parent. Vennont’s earned income credit is 32 percent of the federal amount. Whatever your filing sta- tus, call for help if you need it: the federal tax information num- bei‘ is ' If-800-229-I‘040;i Verrnont’s individual income tax assistance line is 802-828-2865. V itive mention of homosexual- ity in schools by school per- sonnel. The letter was I received» in the Brattleboro’s Town Hall on Jan. 15, 2002, and according to the Town Manager’s office, was promptly rejected from being put on the ballot. ' Sheltra admitted that as of mid-‘February, after most towns had published their town meeting agendas (or warnings), only two Windham County towns, Halifax and Wilmington, binding resolution asking the legislature to outlaw any pos- planned to put it on the town ballots, and only another 8 to 10 towns, including Barre and Brownington, had agreed to put it on their town meet- ing warnings. Among the towns declining toconsider the matter was Derby, Sheltra’s home town. According to a report in the Barton'Chronicle, Sheltra responded to an Outright Vermont letter opposing the proposed agen- > continued on page 8 Right, Sheltra targets “the homosexual agenda” in her latest missive I Sheltra Bid To Muzzle Schools Agendas srwrr: or vrr: . ~ nous»: or nzrrimriirigiiivss IL} A HYRYXY mar-r-emzx, vr BGKMIML Den Selecrhnrrrd: We are writing to requzsl than the voters of your rurrununiry he given me cpprmunilv Io mtg |&y""" prubrlxir prurnoricn of me homosexual agenda in llrr public classrooms. lnn-azry 9. 2002 JAM5 . it is unlonunzre that we have to deal wirlx this issue. ll 15 wall kn-.~.wn In many mm acme sclnznl rutlxts and agents within me l‘l":aDii(‘ sclxml systems of our stare at usimr their pmirtous to help ' pmrrrute a homosexual agenda. Please consider mingrrrg this mu: before your voters. Language: Shnil the Vcrrxmm Same Ixgixlattrr: pass lr:;_.-isiuiorr which will rxmlrilrir an employee or aycnr of 1 stnool drsrrlcr {mu encouraging. promoting or sanctioning homosexual urmduru, Please call I-800-322-fiélé with any qunxrmns and ask for Reprcmmnvz .‘~’;u-ccy Sheltra. Thank you. ' Sincerely. _ , 2 :§’«=«;_ 31.. /‘}?}Q' wxfléflj ........ N f n. F‘