Friday 1 BRATTLEBORO - Fourth ‘Visual Heart: Art for AiDS Exhibition and Silent Auction. Opening Reception at 5pm. To be held at Collected Works ' A bookstore and Cafe Beyond. Exhibition from A February 1 to February 23. Cafe Beyond is locat- , ed on High Street in Brattleboro. Once you know which art work you want, you can place bids by phone.‘ Collected Works phone number is 258- V 4900. V — BURLINGTON - Outright Vemiont - Action ‘Committee for Developing our Community (AC/DC) Meeting. 5:30-6:45pm. Youth ages 22. — and under are invited to plan upcoming Outright ' events and activities. Please bring submissions for the ‘zine Reaching Out. Free pizza on the first . Friday of the month. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. FMI: 1- 800-GLB-CHAT, wwwoutrightvtorg BURLINGTON - VGSA - Sip and Dine Join VGSA members and friends for dinner out in Burlington. Meet at 135 Pearl at 6230, then decide on where to dine out. 1 BURLINGTON - Outright verrnont - Peer Sociavsupport Meeting Friday Night Group. 7- 8:30pm. Free & Confidential, open to all GLBTQ youth 22 and under. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. FMI: 1- . 800-GLB-CHAT, www.outn‘ghtvtorg BURLINGTON ~ Renee - Women's Night Presentations At 135 Pearl. Renee will be demon- ’ strating Henna Tattoos and Body Painting and presenting her Paintings on Slate Exhibit. Saturday 2 PIERMONT, NH - Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Support Group - Meeting Held the first Saturday of every month, 3-5pm. Non alcoholic,drug free social, come and make friends. Call Brad Jr. for more info at 1-603-272-5815 WHITE RIVER JCT - GLBT Night at Panama Jacks. 8pm. Located in the Upper Valley Bowling Lanes complex off Sykes Ave. There is a $5 cover. FMl: marinade| Monday 4 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Young Women's Group. 6-8pm. All lesbian, bisexual, transgendered women and their women allies, ages 22 and under, are welcome to meet at Outrightis Burlington Office for this on-going dis» cussion group. 6-Bpm. FMI: call Mariah at 1-800- GLB-CHAT. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. wvvw.out- ’ RUTLAND - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. 5pm. Acommunity based, free service, provides group cosmetology consults with makeup and skin care tips for can- cer patients at Rutland Regional Medical Center. First Monday of each month. Please register in advance by calling 802 265-4757. Tuesday 5 " BENNINGTON - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. 1:30pm at the Southwest Medical Center in Bennington. First Tuesday of each month. Please register in advance by calling 802 447-1403 or 802 447- 3587 _ HANOVER/LEBANON NH - American Cancer Society - Look Good Feel Better Program. 10am at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH. First Tuesday of each month. Please register in advance by calling Doris Watson at 603 448-6417. 4- at. .c' To announce an event for our monthly calendar, e-mall it to, or write US at: PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. Wednesday 6 BURLINGTON HIVV-r-p Support Group.’5:3opm. Ongoing. confidential, open to anyone living with HIVIAIDS at 361 Peart St. (Vermont CARES office). Please cal|A before attending first time, or to . Sunday 1 O BURLINGTON - lnteniveave ~ Potluck Luncheon for GLBTQ and Friends. First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burtington, 152 Peari Street. Join us fora potluck luncheon at 12:30pm hosted by Interweave, the Unitarian Universalist group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered people, their families, friends & heterosexual WEST LEBANON, NH - GLBT Reading Group. 7pm at Borders Books & Music. February's book is You're Not From Around Here, Are You? by Louise Blum. All of the GLBT Reading Group selections are discounted 20% and can be found in the Staff Selections area in the front of the store and on the end‘-cap display in the GLBT section. Wednesday 1 3 open, ongoing, free-of-charge and co-facilitated by supportive health professionals and peers. FMl:(802) 860-RU12 or email MIDDLEBURY - Addison County GLBT Social Group. 8pm at Mr Ups. Bakery Lane. Everyone welcome. We're usually downstairs in the bar sec- ' tion. This is a no-structure informal gathering. Purely social. 8pm until we all go home. FMI Barb — or 388-8298. For more detailed, up-to-the-minute listings, check out our website calendar: _|endars.netlcalsloitm ’ arrange transportation or childcare. FMI Kara at 1' (800)649-2437 or (802)863-2437. A 1 '_ BURLINGTON - Outright ‘Vermont -- Drop-ln‘ A ‘ Center 6-8pmA. Open for evening activities - movie V nights, discussion groups, sex proud workshops, - etc. Location: .187 St. Paul Street (between King and Maple) in Buriington. info: 1-800-GLB-CHAT, 'www.outn' A 1. ' ‘ ' ’ BURLINGTON -Z R.U.1.2. - Movie & Munchies ' Night. 7-9:30pm. A new monthly tradition starts‘ Wednesday February 6th at the R.U.1.2. _ Community Center Headquarters. fl'h'is rnorrth's featured film is Different For Girls: a romantic, ' ' comedic romp about what defines masculinity and. femininity. Refreshments provided. Call 860- ' RU12(7812)’ for directions or further information. MIDDLEBU RY - American Cancer Society - Man "" to Man, Prostate Cancer Support Group. Meets at -. 4pm in the llsley Library oneveryfirst Wednesday of the month. FMI: call 800-639-1888. Open to A i>ubiic.. - .3’ Thursday 7 V BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2. - Women's Coming our Support Group. 6:30-8pm at R.U.1.2. . ' A . A. A . A A . r - Headiiuaifere 08" 85°-“U12 (7312) 0' Visii . allies. Interweave Potlucks are every second BURLINGTON - Bill Storandt, author of last year's WWW-‘U12-°i'9 i°f dif9°ii°"5 0' i“i°""aii°”~ Sunday of every month. Everyone is welcome! autobiography Outbound, will be at Barnes & M'°DLEBURY-W30" °°univ GI-BTS°d-6* ‘ii’-'§.§’p'r§’.'.‘.'r“?.§'r‘ri'r"§..°.T-§33§§Ei§In‘3li2§n°“§o°.‘§r§ér aW..‘3}{'i.§';.rS.?.‘;”‘r’=‘eEl‘.§'.;'3y"‘§’§L?9ioB°2‘3i§‘”§$%”i?tii be Gr°”p' 8pm at Mr Ups’ Bakery Lane‘ ‘Everyone John Byer at (802) 644-2080 " 5 ‘featured on ’\/ermont Public Te'levisi'on."s Profile on welcome. We're usuallydownstairs in the bar sec- A . . . _ . ' . A A Monday February 11 at 7.30 pAm_ Satmday tion.1i1is is a restructure informal 9atherin9- _ . . BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2. - Women's Drop-in . F.r,,.,a.’y is at 4-3o’p m and Sunday February Purely S<>0iai- 89m Uni“ We all 90 h°m9~ Fl/ii Barb Social. 4-7pm at R.U.1;2. Headquarters. Call 860- ,7 arm, p:AmA‘ ' 7 ” ’ _ - d°Zei0S@S°V9rA-net Of 338-329$ RU12 (7812) or visit for directions V A ‘ _ . _ r ’ 4 ~ * or information. . V » BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Drop-In 8‘ A . Center 6-8pm. Open for evening activities - movie 1 nights, discussion groups, sex proud workshops, . etc. Location: 187 St. Paul Street (between King BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Action and M apl 9) in Burlington W0, 1_80o_GLB_CHAT Commiftee for Developing our C°mmUniiY BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Transgender wvvwoutrightvt 0,9 ' ' ’ ’ W?/DC) Meeiiiig 5i3°'6145Pi"- 399 Ffidav 1 “SF Night. All youth 22 and under interested in trans» ' 7 ing for more information gender issues are welcome to this on going dis— BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2. - Gayme Night & . . _ cussion, peer support and activities night at Potiuck. 6-8pm at R.U.1.2. Headquarters. Call ‘13;3R,'3*'NGT°N ' VGSA '.S'.i’ am‘ D'"e' @309” a‘ outrighrs Burlington Office. This group is led by 860-RU12 (7812) or visit for direc- Gan’ See Fnday 1 "sang for more '"f°rma' transgendered youth. Location: 187 St. Paul tions or information. . fl°”' Street (between King and Maple) in Burlington. 1 . A BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer W03 i'8°0'Gi‘-B'CiiATr WWW-Ouifigiiivi-0'9 §E,;’A;:aPéJ:r'£:,°iT€V':d;;::';7°,:n%°s;"a'§:"“V S°°‘a"S“"i’°'* "’.'°e“~"‘-i.':'.“’ai’ N‘9“‘ G.’°”i" 7'. WINOOSKI - American Cancer Society - Look Design. 6:30-8:30pm. Charlie Siegchrist, 8:30pm. See Friday 1 listing for more iiii0i'i'iiat'°”- Good Feel Better Program. 5:30pm at Landscape‘ Designer presents this workshop Appearances in Wlnooski. Second Monday of where you will be looking back and looking for- 9 each month. Please register in advance by calling ward in your garden. You'll team now to build on .g_ . 802 655-2000 last years successes and plan improvements for. BENNlNGTON/BRATTLEBORO - Benefit for the the coming growing season. Location: Conference AIDS Project of Southern Vermont - Don't Eat Tuesday 1 2 Fi°°m» 30- BUii_'"9f°" CW Bidg-V 575 i3°'$9‘ Your Heart Out Thanks to many area restaurants . ‘ Street S°~ B“""”9i°”- $5 i°' m9”"b‘?'5- $10 '0’ in Brattleboro and Bennington, the Project has BURLINGTON _ Gendets R Us _ Suppon Group “°“'m9mb°’3- Ca" 8645206 i° "99‘si9’- created an °pp°mmfly f°r fun’ food and ph"an' 6pm Support group for transgender folks at ' . SOUTH BURLINGTON —- Bames & Noble — ‘“’°i’V- “W5 “°‘” " ‘'‘’°’’‘S‘. 9'” V°”'.s"".°°”‘°a” vennont CARES 361 Peait St Call before Reading/signing by Bill Storandt, author of °' 99‘ a 9'°“P °f f"°”d5 ‘°9""‘°' am '”""° ‘hem "attending first time. FMl: call 800-649-2437 or Outbound. 7 pm - to join you for aiestive dinner at your favorite 8632437 V ~ - A restaurant. in turn, participating restaurants will A Th 1 4 donate 10% of their proceeds to the AIDS Project MoNTpE|_]ER . The QUTPQS11 Qutrjght _ u . of Southern Vermont FM| aboui Pariicipaiing Vermont and Washington County Youth S_ervice ’ _ V restaurants ca" 802-254-8263 Bureau Peer Social/Support Group 7-8:30pm. BURLINGTON - R.U.12 7.- Questioning and WHITE RIVER J°T- GLBT Night at Panama §3Z°”3§i”Jf2.°R°a%$?§3§é51? if §§§"r'§}gt‘§§§S;’.i’§"?,'.3§i.§.iZ,‘i.§’;.§‘;‘§§°£$°§r'?.§“L‘;.. Jacks‘ 8pm‘ There is a $5 cover‘ FMI: marinade" on the web for more infom1a- 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, 6:30—8pm at 'a'“e'@Ya"°°-°°'" tion or directions. R.U.1.2? Headquarters at 1 Steele st., Suite 113 on Burilngton‘s Waterfront bikepath. The group is *-