as cause for Van Vechten’s erasure from the Harlem Renaissance. Yet several African Americans, in addi- tion to Hughes, came to Van Vechten’s defense, including James Weldon Johnson, the executive sec- retary of the N.A.A.C.P as well as writers Nella Larsen and Zora Neale Hurston. Today there are a growing number of scholars of the Harlem Renaissance, including Bernard, who argue that Van Vechten is ignored by some not because of a contro- versial book or his “white patronage” but because of his homosexuality. Hughes’ leanings toward communism and his trip to Russia to make a film about American race relations. Most revealing is their debate about Hughes’ poem “Advertisement for the Waldorf- Astoria,” the composition of which was influenced by Hughes’ participation in the workers rights move- ment. In a letter ofApril 3, 1933 Van Vechten writes: “Why attack the Waldorf? This hotel employs more people than it serves and is at present one of the cheapest places any one can go to who wants to go to a hotel... I think it is possible (though difficult) to be a good revolutionist and a good artist, too, but I think you’ll have to ask yourself more questions (more searchingly) in case you decide to carry on this program.” In his response over six-weeks later (May 23. I933) Hughes writes: “About the Waldorf. I don’t agree with you. At the time I wrote the poem it was one of the best American symbols of too much as against too little. I Later in their friendship Van Vechten questions Although their relationship changes over time, with Hughes becoming the celebrity and Van Vechten slowly losing his cache, they maintain a close friendship to the very end. believe you yourself told me that the dining room was so crowded that first week that folks wouldn’t get in to eat $10.00 dinners. And not many blocks away the bread lines I saw were so long that other folks couldn’t reach the soup kitchens for a plate of free and water soups...” This exchange illustrates some of the under- lying issues of difference (class, political, etc.) each man brought to the friendship. Bemard’s careful selection of letters demands the reader to examine this unique relationship through a variety of lenses. Although their relationship changes over time, with Hughes becoming the celebrity and Van Vechten slowly losing his cache, they maintain a close friend- ship to the very end. emember Me to Harlem leaves one wonder- Kng about a number of things: from Hughes’ exuality to the demise of the art of letter writing. Yet more importantly, and perhaps more pro- foundly, the book begins to fill a gap ofAmerican history, with a queer twist, particularly in regards to Van Vechten. Bernard’s research is an important resource for understanding both the complicated lives of Van Vechten and Hughes and the society in which their friendship endured. I .u.1.2 community v center >>NOW HIRING: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Submit resumé and letter of interest to: R.U.12? Community Center c/o ED Search PO Box 5883 Burlington, VT 05402 or electronically to: R.U.1.2? is an EOE employer. Minorities encouraged to apply. R.U.1.2? Community Center is a charitable organization with the purpose of providing venues for the social, cultural, artistic, and educational endeavors of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning and allied communities through visibility, awareness, and community building. R.U.1.2? Community Center seeks an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR with a clear commitment to the lgbtiqa community and the mission of the Center. An experienced leaderiwith strong communication and public relations skills will supervise and manage the daily affairs of the center, its personnel, and diverse programs. Working with the Board of Directors, the .ED will help to develop the organization's annual budget and fundraising strategies, spearheading much of the outreach and development efforts. This position will serve as the point person for general membership, public inquiries and all media contacts. The executive director will work with the committee coordinators to manage the center's programs and volunteers. Familiarity with the lgbtiqa community, and a Bachelors Degree in a related field are required for this position, Masters Degree preferred. Deadline for applications: February 15. A ifulljob description can be found on our Web site at